Hyper's Hideaway
Hello, I'm Hyperistithianniesubea, my friends all call me Hyper, my enemies call me... well, let's not get into that ok? I see you've decided to take a trip into my hideaway, you are certain no one followed you? *Looks around* Good. Well, hopefully you'll find something of your interest here. I have decided to start a petition! *Sarcastic claps* I need as many people to sign up as possible. What I'm doing is making a pettition on making an 'un-cut' video of CATS. That means all of the Jennyanydots tap number, all of the Mr. Mistoffelees number. Everything. On December 31, 2000, whenever I get a chance, I will be e-mailing the Really Usefull Films Company, with this request, and the pettitioners. That is, of course, if I get more then fifteen names. So I need your help! To sign up, e-mail me with the subject title of "Pettition" and I'd like you to include your real FIRST NAME ONLY, and the name you go by as a cat. This pettition is worth signing, the Jellicles deserve a full, uncut video. If you have any suggestions on how to make my page better, please drop me a line! Thanks!
Email: nurplex@m3net.net