
As the two young girls reached the end of their nightmares, they sprang up in their beds, and turned to face the other, with horrified expressions.
"Did you," Nayr began.
"You too?" Mirr finished.
"The vision, it… it was so real.. My father, did you?"
"No, My father… did we really share the same vision?"
"The Theed generator?" Nayr questioned. Mirr shook her head.
"No. In my vision you were being set into carbionite, and Centara……" Mirr stopped, and her horrified expression became one of a creature nearing death. "CENTARA! Nayr! We must go find Centara!" The girls leapt to their feet, and ran out of their place, and towards the young girls house. Before the two had gotten their jobs, they had met a young girl, her parents, and her siblings. The young girl and parents had befriended the two newcomers, and they had clicked.
"The vision what happened?" Nayr questioned, looking at her friend. At mention of visions, Nayr skidded to a halt, ran back into the room, and grabbed two blasters, one for herself, and one for Mirr. Giving her friend a blaster, they raced as fast as they could to Centara’s house. But they were too late.
They slowed as they saw the destruction, the house was aflame, and a young girl with her back to them was on her knees in the dirt, kneeling over a woman. As the two girls neared, they realized that it was Centara, kneeling over her badly wounded mother.
"Oh….no.." Nayr gasped, and knelt down on the other side of Centara’s mother. The woman looked up at Nayr, and grabbed the neckline of Nayr’s cloak.
"Nayr.. you…. Must…. Guard… Centara… her……. Sister… brother… dark… side.." As the woman finished the sentence, her grip on Nayr’s cloak lessened, and her hand hit the ground.
Nayr turned to look at the young girl. Mirr looked down at Nayr, and their gazes locked.
"She told you to guard Centara…." Mirr muttered, Nayr nodded.
"I… should… .what should I do?" Mirr put a paw on Nayr’s shoulder.
"The last thing she said before she… passed away was to you, and she told you to guard her daughter. Nayr, you have no choice."
Nayr nodded, and turned to look at Centara, she put her hand on the young girls shoulder.
"My dad.. he’s still inside…" The seven year old said, looking at Nayr with pain-filled eyes. Nayr took the girls hand.
"Centara, .." Nayr looked up at her friend for advice. The wookiee could only shrug. "Come with me and Mirr, we’ll think of something." The young girl took another look at her mother.
"Is… is she?" She said, not taking her eyes from her mother.
"Yes.." Nayr said quietly, still looking at the young girl. Centara stood up, and looked at Mirr, then to Nayr. Nayr smiled, hoping to give the young girl strength, they turned to leave, and as they were nearing the road, Centara stopped, and dashed back to her mother. Nayr frowned, thinking that maybe the young girl would burst into a fit, and not go with them. But the young girl knelt over her mother, and, using her right hand, closed her mother’s eyelids.
Nayr narrowed her eyes, and looked at the ground, Mirr put her paw on Nayr’s shoulder, and Nayr smiled.
"You’re going to help me with her, right Mirr?" She asked as the girl headed back towards them.
"Always." Mirr agreed.

"MIRR! PLEASE! It’s so boring here!" Mirr didn’t even blink as the young girl jumped up and down in front of her. It was Mirr’s day to watch Centara. Mirr and Nayr had changed their shifts, so that they could work one day, and watch Centara the next, taking turns. Mirr was fed up with the girl already.
"MIRR! Are you in there!?" Centara yelled, tugging the wookiee’s arm, Mirr groaned. "I want to go see the pod-race!"
"Fine," the Wookiee said, looking down at the seven year old. "Let’s go."
"YAY!" Centara and Mirr got into the landspeeder, and were off in no time. As they bought tickets, and took their seats, Mirr looked over her shoulder, and nearly gasped, seeing a dark cloaked figure disappear. She growled slightly, and put a paw on her blaster just in case.
"You are aware, Centara, that this is a junior pod race? Not like the pod-races on Tatooine." Centara looked up at Mirr in astonishment.
"You silly wookiee! Of course this is a real pod race!" She said, totally confident that she was right.
"OK, whatever you say kiddo." Mirr remarked, and folded her hands behind her head.
By the end of the race, Mirr had fallen asleep, and Centara had nearly screamed her lungs out cheering for one of the racers. As the crowd got up and departed, Centara looked at Mirr, and figuring the wookiee was sleeping, took off with the crowd.
When Mirr woke up, the arena was empty.
"Centara!?" The wookiee screamed. "CENTARA!!" Mirr leapt over all of the chairs, two at a time as she dashed towards the exit.
"Nayr’s gonna kill me! CENTARA! Where are you! Get back here! Centara?" Mirr skidded to a halt as she left the arena, entering Theed… "Oooh, no… ooooooooooooooooohhhhhh nooooo….." The wookiee groaned, remembering how large the city was. How was she supposed to find Centara? How was a young wookiee supposed to find a seven year old human girl in a city that took four hours to get around! "Nayr, she’ll know what to do!" Mirr yelled, and jumped into the landspeeder, and took off towards the Palace to find Nayr.

Nayr flipped up the visor on her mask, and looked at the gun she was working on. She lifted her hand, and wiped her forehead with her sleeve, letting out an exhausted breath. She turned it sideways, it was perfect, in her opinion. The perfect killing machine. It could be hidden easily, but shot poisonous bullets. She was working on the trigger at the moment.
"Nayr?" Nayr set the gun down, and took the mask off, turning around.
"Yeah?" she pulled her gloves off and set them down on her chair, along with her mask, and followed Hermil, the man who’d interrupted her.
"There’s a wookiee here to see you." He said as they walked down the hallway.
"A wookiee?"
"A very upset wookiee. She demanded that we sent you over at once." Nayr frowned, and gasped.
"Was she alone? Or did she have a…. a.. young girl with her?"
"She was alone, or at least I didn’t see anyone with her."
Nayr took off down the hallway, running as fast as she could. Her metal boots clinked on the surface of the floor, she skidded to a halt, passing the door to outside, and fell into the closet nearby. Standing up, and brushing off, she stormed outside.
"MIRREWELL!" She screamed.
"Nayr! Let me explain! The pod-race-" The wookiee began, but Nayr was already settling herself into the landspeeder.
"Get in, now." She said forcefully, starting up the speeder. Mirr’s jaw hung open for a minute, but then she hurriedly climbed into the speeder.
"NAyR!!!! What about your shift!" Hermill screamed after her as she drove away. "She’ll have to catch up tomorrow, wookiee or no." He mumbled as he walked back into the Palace.

"Centara! Centara!" Nayr called frantically as she and the wookiee zoomed over the streets of Theed. "How could you fall asleep during a pod-race Mirr! And watching Centara none-the-less!"
"CENTARA!" Was all the wookiee said.

The young girl Centara, was enjoying her time free of her mentors in the city of Theed. The young girl walked along the streets, unbothered.
She began to hum to herself, and started skipping down one of the many alleyways. Soon she found herself trying to skip backwards.
"HEY! Watch where you’re going small fry.." A rough but young voice said from behind Centara. As the girl turned around, she saw a tall teenaged boy, with three or four friends all dressed in dark cloths seated in the alleyway. One of them was right in front of her, she must have knocked into him on her way by.
"Sorry." Centara said, and turned to leave. Suddenly, a rough hand was on her shoulder.
"Sorry? Is that all you got to say?"
"Uh… yeah.." Centara said as she was roughly turned around to face the boy and his friends.
"Well, I don’t accept apologies…" The boy said as he lifted a hand as if to strike her. Centara cringed, but all of the sudden the boy flew backwards into two of his friends.
Centara gasped, and turned around, standing behind her was a strange looking creature. She had no clue what it was. It was very short, and green, very green. It had long, cat-like ears and a scrunched up cat-like face. Over it’s shoulders was a cloak of the brownist-brown Centara had ever laid eyes on.
"Come with me you should." It said, holding out a small, green hand in Centara’s direction.
"Get him!" The boy said from behind Centara, standing up.
Centara turned to look at the alien, who had let a smile play across it’s face. She ran towards the alien, and the two dashed off in another direction. Leaving the bullies in the alleyway bruised and bewildered.

"Hurt are you?" the creature asked as he led Centara into a temple hidden behind the city.
"No." Centara said simply, wondering what this strange creature wanted from her.
"Yoda I am, Jedi Master." Yoda said, then turned to Centara. "Who are you?"
"I…. UH. …. I’m Centara…….."
"Just Centara?"
Centara nodded. She’d heard too much about the Jedi from Nayr, and was now very frightened. If the Jedi were as bad as Nayr claimed, Centara was in for some real trouble.

"I can’t believe you Mirr!" Nayr shouted again as the two stormed up towards their room. "How could you fall asleep while you were watching her?"
Mirr didn’t say anything. She’d tried telling her friend it was an accident, but the young rebel just didn’t seem to want to understand.
"What if something happened to her Mirr?"
"Nothing has happened to her." A voice said from the shadows. Nayr started, and pulled out her blaster, Mirr doing the same.
"Who’s there?!" Nayr demanded. The figure neither moved nor spoke. "I said, Who’s there?!" she demanded again, the figure was still motionless. "I demand you to speak up!" Nayr said, one last time. This time the figure stepped forward, Nayr started again, nearly loosing her blaster. Putting her finger on the trigger.
"I said, nothing has happened to the girl you seek."
"Who are you!? And how the blackhole do you know?"
As Nayr lifted her blaster again, the figure backflipped off the platform towards the city below. Nayr and Mirr exchanged glanced, and ran towards the railing, looking over the edge, there was no figure in sight. Nayr turned to look at Mirr, who was just as upset as she.

What will happen to Centara now that she is with the Jedi? Will Mirr and Nayr find her? Will Nayr ever forgive Mirr?
