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Alex Taylor

Alex Taylor is the new firefighter at the FDNY. She is also the only female firefighter. She also used to be a paramedic, so sometimes she splits her time between being a paramedic and a firefighter. We don't know a whole lot about her yet. We know that she used to date Bobby before he was killed. We also know that she tried to sue a firefighter at her old firehouse for harrasment. Alex is a very tough woman who tries to just fit in with the guys, and the guys don't seem to mind. She has recently been paired with Carlos on her paramedic shift and it's not working out to well. Her and Carlos are not getting along. Alex had to be switched back to being a paramedic after the Sept 11 attacks. They needed more paramedics and Alex is stressed out. Unfortunatly her father, a former fire cheif, was recently killed in the attacks.

Alex Taylor is played by Amy Carlson

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