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Bobby Caffey

Bobby Caffey was a strong and dedicated paramedic on the FDNY. Bobby really cared about people and the community. He gave 100% of himself when it comes to helping people. His brother is a drug addict and was trying to get clean. Bobby did everything in his power to help him. His brother and mother were also at odds, so he tried to fix things between them. Eventually his brother went back to his old ways so Bobby told him to go and never come back.

Bobby also cared alot for his partner, Kim. He loved her and wanted to be with her, but Kim pushed him away, so then Bobby tried to get over her.

I'm sad to say that Bobby was shot and killed on Third Watch. He was shot while trying to help his best friend, Pauly. He was trying to get Pauly off drugs. Pauly didn't like that so he went and shot Bobby when he was trying to flush his drugs down the tiolet. Bobby was very heroic for trying to do such a thing. We will miss him dearly.

Bobby Caffey was played by Bobby Cannavale.

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