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-Deliver Me by Lucy Maria Elmer (Page 2)

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Deliver Me -Page 2 by Lucy Maria Elmer

(Disclaimers in part one)

Faith Yokas and Maurice Boscorelli heard the shots before any other cops in the NYPD did. They immediately followed the sound, radioing it in as they drove. What they found themselves confronted with when they arrived on scene was a chilling sight. They had arrived just in time to see Kim being escorted round to the front of the rig at gunpoint.

"Oh my gosh Katy." Faith cried, seeing her cousin laying bleeding to death in front of them, the person she had come to help already dead.

"Stay here." Bos ordered opening the door.

"Whatever happens you stay here and wait for back up." He told her.

"Bos don't you dare. You'll get yourself killed." She told him, but he didn't listen.

As the gang fussed over their dead friend, gesturing to Katy the whole time, Bosco crept up behind them.

"Move away from the girl." He shouted calmly.

The group turned around, chilling grins appearing on their faces as they saw the lone Police Officer.

"Move away." Bosco shouted again.

"She let our boy die." Ray told him angrily.

"I'm sure she tried to save him. Now let her get back into the ambulance and..."

"No way." Ray replied pointing a gun at Bosco. "She let him die. Now we're gonna let her. Pay backs’ a bitch aint it."

"Hey man you wanna shoot me?" Bosco asked.

"Never thought you'd ask. Never did like cops." Ray told him pulling the trigger, the bullet going into Boscos side.

Bosco fell to the ground. Turning around he looked toward his squad car and noticed Faith calling for back up. He also noticed her attempting to get out of the car.

"Yokas stay the hell in there. You wait for back up and keep the doors locked." He shouted pain travelling through his body with every movement.

Faith looked at her partners face which was pale and so obviously filled with pain. She couldn't just sit there and let Katy and him die. She would never forgive herself.

She took a deep breath and opened the door only to find a gun pointed at her face.

"Do what he says honey. Don't you try a thing. The party hasn't even started yet."

Seeing Faith close the door and lock it, Bosco rolled over onto his good side and looked at where the bullet had entered his body. He couldn't see an exit wound. It was still inside him. What he didn't realise was that by rolling over his radio had been turned on and anything he said would be transmitted to his partner and the whole department.

"Katy?" he called gently, wincing in pain as he did.

The young woman stirred and looked around groggily, her focus then falling on her heavily bleeding leg. She looked at all the wounded figures around her.

"I tried to help but he needed surgery...they wouldn't let him go to a hospital. Something to do with some money..." she told Bosco.

"Hey, I know you would've tried to help him." Bosco soothed.

"You're bleeding." She then told Bos noticing his wound.

"You are too." He replied gritting his teeth as pain flowed through his body.

Katy shuffled over and pulled up Boscos Jacket.

"That's pretty bad." She told him.

"So's your leg." He replied.

"That I can feel." She told him wincing. "Hold your jacket up." She told him.

Bosco did.

"Never thought you'd ask." He joked.

Katy smiled then ripping the sleeve off her jacket and bunching it up. She gently put it over Boscos wound.

"Now take off your belt." She told him.

Bosco did what she said and handed to her.

"This is gonna hurt. I'm so sorry." She apologised before rolling him over and using the belt to hold the makeshift bandage on.

Bosco screamed out in considerable pain, his partner who was in the squad car, crying. He was her friend, her best friend and there he was dying and there wasn't a thing she could do to help. He had helped her through so much and while he had a big mouth and had the ability to piss her off most of the time they worked together, she knew that just for her and the few people he was really close to there was a really sensitive guy buried underneath the tough exterior. One who was willing to do anything to make sure the ones he loved were okay.

"That should stop you losing so much blood." She told him, noticing he was beginning to get drowsy. "Hey you stay with me. I know you're tired, I am's the shock. If we go to sleep, we may not wake up." She told him sternly, then ripping off her other sleeve and wrapping it around her leg.

Bosco shifted again uncomfortably and once again cried out. By now the whole police squad had heard what had happened and was preparing to act to save two of their own.

"Didn't expect to see you again so soon." Bosco commented, his voice weak as he fought to stay awake.

"Same here." Katy replied. "Just luck I guess." She told him as she began to close her eyes.

Bosco put a hand on her face and gently patted it.

"You gotta stay with me. I'm not dying alone." He told her obviously scared.

As Faith listened, she realised she had never heard such desperation in her partners voice. Nor fear. If she lost him...Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a banging on the car window. Looking out she saw one of the gang members pointing at Bosco and then motioning as if he was going to slit his neck. Faith pulled the lock up on the car door, lifted her gun and opened it, then pointed it at the guy standing near her.

"What do we have here? Looking good lady. How about a piece of this Ice?" the guy said moving closer to Faith.

Faith walked right up to him and pointed the gun at his head.

"Move any closer and you'll be joining your partner over there." He told her coldly. "Hey Ice show this lady here just what we're meaning."

The guy called Ice walked over to Bosco, grinned at Faith and then kicked Bosco in the side, the Officer letting out a cry that brought tears to the eyes of Kim in the ambulance, Katy who was laying wounded at his side, and Faith.

"You wanna see him hurt more? Do ya?! You wanna see lover boy really hurting?" Ray shouted.

"No!" Faith whispered.

"What was that honey?"

"I said no!" she screamed back.

Faith looked over at her partner who was rolling around in agony. Katy crying at his side. All she wanted to do was help them, but she couldn't. They were all helpless there that day, every single one of them.

Bosco then rolled over so he could see Faith and the guy that was moving ever closer to her, his finger stroking her chin as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Get back in the car Faith. Please just get back in the damn car!" a pained Bosco shouted as Ice took another kick at him.

"Oh I dunno, Ice we could have a little fun here." He told him leering at Faith,

"For goodness sake isn't this enough for you?" Bosco shouted.

Ray pushed Faith back against the car, making her point her gun down at the ground.

"You get back out of that car again and he dies." Ray whispered opening the door.

Faith got in and locked it, putting her gun down on her lap. Over the radio she could hear Bosco screaming, every breath he took filled with pain. She wanted to get out. She wanted to run over to him, but now Ray had sat himself by the window and every time she looked out she thought for the first time in her life she was looking into the leering face of evil.

Katy waited until Bosco finished writhing around in pain before checking his wound again, ripping her shirt and adding a new layer over the old dressing. She could see he was in agony, but was trying his best not to let it show for fear of scaring her. She could also see his worry for Faith, the care he felt for her deep inside. Here was a man who didn't want to die, but who like her may not have a choice and was resigning himself to that fact.

"So how long you worked with Faith?" Katy asked trying to break the tension, laying on her side to face him so she had something to focus on.

"A few years now." Bosco replied breathlessly, wincing with every breath.

"You guys get on?" Katy asked wincing as pain shot through her leg.

"Most of the time. Why hasn't she spoken to you about me?" Bosco asked.

"The stories I've heard." Katy teased. "Seriously Bos of course she has. Told me you were a pain in the ass..." she continued.

"Yeah well gotta keep the people happy." Bosco replied hurt, trying not to close his eyes despite his tiredness, fearing he would not be able to open them again.

"What? You think that just because people have a perception of you, you have to keep that perception going just to stay constant?" Katy asked.

"Katy if you've spoken to Faith, she's probably told you I'm an insensitive bastard. It's the truth."

"I don't think so...and either does she. You may want people to think you are, and yeah I've heard in some respects you can be, but from the way you're talking now I can see there's a....oh geez...side to you that you keep just for Faith, for the people you care about. You just hide it from everyone else."

"You okay?" Bosco asked the young woman beginning to shiver.

"I'm dying Bos, course I'm not." She told him quietly. Bosco closed his eyes, the pain in his side growing sharper. He felt more pressure on the wound and turned to see Katy had now taken her jacket off and was holding it to his side.

"The blood's seeped through the other dressing. You need to hold this on."

"I'm too tired." He told her.

"Me too but we gotta keep fighting."

"What's the point?" Bosco told her.

These words immediately broke Faiths heart. Never had she heard her partner sound as defeated as he did talking to Katy that day. All she wanted to do was get out of that car and run over to them, tell them both to hang on, but she couldn't. She had to wait for back up. She had to face the possibility her partner could die right in front of her eyes when there was so much left unsaid.

"The point is that you make a difference to lives. You can't give up on life just because it seems to be giving up on you."

When hearing this Kim felt hot tears burning behind her eyes. After Bobbys death she had given up on life. She'd given up on ever being happy again. Someone who had been a constant in her life, a source of love and care and concern had been stolen away and because she felt it would make things too complicated he had gone without knowing how much he truly did mean to her. At that moment she knew exactly what Faith was going through watching her partners life slip away before her eyes, and in hearing Boscos words and Katys she was reliving the day where Bobby died. What if Bobby had never known she loved him? Why had she kept it locked up through fear? those were questions she asked herself every day. She’d chased Jimmy all the time Bobby was her partner, when the man who truly could have made her happy was right before her eyes. Now he was gone.

"What have I got to fight for Katy? I'm a loser. Yeah I'm a cop, yeah I make a difference but lying here, seeing life flashing before my eyes I've realised I have nothing to show for my life yet. I've had so many dead end relationships and I've never really been in love with anyone...I haven't got a family....I piss everyone off even my own partner."

"Well then fight for that. Fight for the chance. You've helped Faith through so much Bosco. She thinks the world of you. Emily and Charlie love you. Bos you just being you brightens up her days...big mouth or not. I mean take the poison Ivy incident..."

"Hey that was not funny. You shoulda seen the mess that stuff made of my face." Bosco told her smiling slightly. "That day was kinda sad though. I made her cry." Bosco told Katy sadly.

"Bos when she feels like she can't fight any more she has you to turn to. To look to for support and for a good laugh. Obviously you have a way about you that makes her do that." Katy told him making him smile. " Bos you help her without even realising it. Don't you think that's something to fight for?"

"I guess." He replied sincerely.

"Well then. Besides the guy I spoke to earlier was not a defeatist. Don't start being one now." She told him sternly.

Bosco watched as the gang members began to circle round them. He feared they would beat him again. Instead they seemed more focussed on taunting his colleagues, going over to the ambulance and kicking it, Ray still leering at Faith through the windows of the squad car. A sight he feared he would never forget.

"Katy, your leg looks really bad." Bosco told her noticing her makeshift bandage had slipped off.

"I'm okay. Keep talking." She told him. "Besides you don't look so good yourself."

"I'm freezing." Bosco told her shivering.

"You're in shock. We both are."

Katy shifted to his side and they huddled up.

"Try anything and your partner will kick your ass." Katy told him, her teeth chattering.

"I know." He replied closing his eyes again.

"Stay with me Bos." She told him.

He opened his eyes again, crying out in pain as his whole body started to hurt. Faiths heart broke as she heard she heard their words, spoken softly in voices that were filled with pain and fear. She could hear two of the people she cared about most in the world slipping away and there she was unable to help. This experience was something she wouldn't wish on anyone. Now she knew how Kim had felt those few months ago when Bobby had been shot. It was however a learning experience and deep down in her heart Faith knew that if Bosco survived this her life couldn't be the same again and she wouldn’t want it to. "You know a year ago I lost my best friend. He was called Paul. We were always on the verge of something happening between us and then it was too late. On our first date he was killed in a hit and run...he died instantly. I knew I wanted to be a paramedic before I lost him, I even started training, but from that moment on there was nothing I was surer of. I knew I was meant to be save lives because I couldn't save his. After he was gone though it was as if a part of my heart had gone and I just couldn't carry on anymore. There was so much left unsaid, so much I could've told him. So much I wanted to tell him, but I was too afraid. And then when we finally did admit everything he was taken away from me. Life's too short to give up on, to have have to follow your heart because otherwise you're never going to live. About three months after he died I...I drove my car into a ditch. I was just a wreck...I just couldn’t be happy anymore. I was in the hospital for weeks, ended up having counselling because I meant for it to happen. I wanted to die. But you know what I learnt?"

"What?" Bosco asked.

"You have to keep the people you love close. You have to fight for them every moment in the day. Never, ever give up. It's not worth putting the pain you've suffered onto another person through not fighting. "

These words also struck Kim. She had guessed that Katy had been through a lot but the similarities were amazing. Here was a young woman who had suffered so much, and yet while laying out there dying was making sure Bosco had a chance to live. Listening to these words Kim realised what a mistake it would have been if the overdose had worked, how painful it would have been for Joey and her mother. Losing Bobby was something Kim doubted she'd ever really get over but at least she knew that she'd always have something to fight for. She'd have the memory of Bobby keeping her going, she'd have her son and most of all the knowledge that she wasn't alone. She couldn't keep believing she was the only one who had suffered loss. Instead she had realised life is too precious and you have to move on, no matter how much you want to hold on to the past.

"All right in there baby girl?" One of the guys shouted through the window grinning at her.

"Just, please...leave us alone." Kim shouted in tears.

"Don't let them see they're beating you Kim." Doc told her.

"That's right baby. You just cry. You cry like sweet thing out there, like your cop. Like the weak little..."

"You shut the hell up." Doc shouted. "Leave her alone."

"Why pops? Why should we? You let our guy die, now you get payback." The hooded man shouted as the members who were circling the ambulance began to shake it.

"Just stop!" Kim shouted.

"No way baby. There aint no way." He continued as the gang began to focus their attention on the paramedics, an already fragile Kim wondering if there was any way any of them would come out of this alive.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that." Bos told Katy, having before been distracted by what was going on with the ambulance, though now just trying to keep he and Katy from drifting away.

"Yeah well...I'm just glad it didn't work. I've got my work now. I have Faith and Emily and Charlie. Even if my parents aren't supportive of me doing this I've always got them. Though I always thought Faith would've been prouder if I was a cop." Katy commented putting a hand on her leg to see the blood had seeped through her dressing and covered her pants.

"I'm sure Faith's glad it didn't work either, and so am I. If you weren't here to keep me in check, I think I would've already given up. You're gonna make a great paramedic Katy. You're right, you are meant to do this." Bosco told her.

"Well you still got to fight Bos and thank you." Katy told him.

"I don't want to die Katy. This is just so damn hard." Bosco told her angrily.

"I know. I don't want to die either. That's why we have to keep talking. Why we can't sleep no matter how much we want to." Katy replied, tears running down her pale face as she saw what the gang was now doing to the ambulance...the way Ray was leering at Faith.

"I don't want to leave her." Bosco told Katy weakly.

"I know you don't." Katy told him taking his hand and wincing.

"I'm always such a pain in the ass. What if she doesn't know that I...? What if she's glad?"

In the squad car Faith put her head in her hands, her face wet with the many tears that had fallen already that day.

"Oh Bos..." she whispered sadly, wondering how he could ever think she'd be glad he was hurt the way he was. She needed him around to keep her going, to keep her sane. She didn't know what she'd do without him, big mouth or not.

"Stay with me Bos, please. I'm finding it hard enough to keep awake myself, I need to keep talking." Katy told Bosco as he closed his eyes, her eyelids drooping as the need to sleep washed over her too.

Bosco opened his eyes again.

"We'll be at the hospital soon. We just have to wait for back up. They'll get us to the hospital you'll see." She told him drowsily.

"And then what?" Bosco asked clsoing his eyes.

"Then we live, without regrets. We really live, and we find happiness where we can for as long as we have." She told him crying.

"I don't think I can fight anymore Katy.... If the guys could only hear me now. Geez, they'd think I was even more of a screw up than they already do."

"I don't think they think you're a screw up. I think it's just because you say what you think. They never know what they're gonna get off you." Katy consoled.

"Most of the time it's crap. I pride myself on it." Bosco told her.

"You know what I think? I think you gotta have a picture in your head."

"Are you delusional?" Bosco asked her smiling a weak smile.

"You didn't let me finish... We never know when our time's gonna come, but I think that every day you gotta keep a picture in your head of the people you care about the most just to get you through. That way you keep everything in focus, you always have something to keep going for."

"Who's yours?" Bosco asked her.

"Paul. He may not be here but he wanted me to do whatever made me happy. Now I am, and in a way it's like I'm doing something for him. What about you?" Katy asked.

"She's sitting in the car right over there." Bosco told Katy. "I'd do anything for her. She may not know it but it's the truth."

"She's a special lady." Katy agreed. "If I'm honest, I don't think Freds right for her. But it's her life and she seems happy." Katy told him.

"Yeah that's what counts. She deserves to be happy." Bosco told Katy sincerely.

"So do you." Katy replied.

"Well I got a great partner and job." Bosco told her. "And I did have my health."

Katy nodded. "You love her?" She asked moving again as her leg got increasingly uncomfortable.


Katy nodded.

"More than she'll ever know. Just seeing her face every day makes my job worthwhile. You know I may have a big mouth, I may be a pain, I may rub a lot of people up the wrong way, but if I ever hurt her I don't think I could forgive myself. All I want is to see her happy, and if that's watching her while she's with Fred then that's okay. As long as I'm around to keep an eye on her."

"Those aren't the words of a selfish guy Bos." Katy told him.

"I know." He told her. "Must be getting soft."

The gang members who had shot them walked back over, leaving the shaken Kim and Doc alone, though the ambulance was still guarded.

"Isn't this just cute? A cop and a paramedic bonding. I am so touched." One of them teased.

"What do you want? You’re already watching us die." Bosco told them.

"We want to see you suffer like Jamal, and we want your friends to watch." Ray told them.

"Oh gosh please no." Kim said sadly from inside the ambulance. Doc putting a comforting arm around his partner.

"She's just a kid." Kim told him "She doesn't deserve this."

"No-one does Kim, and we don't deserve to see it. Faith's back there and she has to watch her Partner and cousin lying there bleeding to death. We have it easy compared to that."

"That kid has been through so much and yet she's so strong. How can anyone that young be as strong as that?"

"Some kids are pretty tough. But Kim you're strong too. You've been through a lot and yet here you are getting on with life. Don't see Katy as some kind of exception, or something to measure your own strength by because believe it or not you're just as strong as she is."

"Doc I tried to end my life..." Kim told him sadly.

"But it didn't work and like Katy you're learning to live. If she's taught you anything it's that you have to fight every day, and I think if she gets through this you can help each other out. She's already had an effect on you...I mean you just have to look at you to see that."

"She's a great kid." Kim commented.

"Yeah and I think Bos is out there realising that, as well as a lot of other stuff. Who'd have thought there'd be a sensitive side to a guy like that?"

"He's never gonna live this one down is he?" Kim asked.

"If he lives." Doc commented quietly.

Faith closed her eyes as Ray walked over to Bosco not wanting to see what was coming next. He loved her. He had actually admitted it. So much had changed in so little time and now she was going to lose him without even being able to tell him how she felt about him. He looked so fragile out there...sounded so scared, she had hardly ever seen that side of him, now it just broke her heart.

"So what are you gonna do big guy?" Bosco asked Ray as Katy began to cry.

Ray once again kicked Bosco in his bad side, the officer then screaming so loud that everything seemed to stand still. He then grabbed Katy and pulled her up on her bad leg, the young woman crying out, tears streaming down her face.

"So where are your friends huh. Where are they? All doing as they're told. They don't care about either of you. They haven't even tried." Ray told them glaring at Katy.

"Let me go." She screamed.

"Uh uh sweet thing you're mine." He told her pulling her close to him. With all her strength Katy kneed him and he fell to the ground just as back up arrived. Feeling a new lease of life as all her colleagues arrived, Faith, as well as the other officers all got out of their squad cars pointing guns at the gang.

"Put your weapons down and move away from the casualties." Officer Ty Davis called out as Officers with shields closed in around the gang.

Ray once again got up, holding a gun to a very faint Katy's head.

"Try anything and she dies." Ray told them. "You don't wanna see that do you?" he asked them glaring at Faith.

"Let her go." Faith yelled.

"You don't wanna go do you sweet thing?" Ray said to the young woman who looked tiredly at him.

"That is just what she wants." Came a weak voice from behind him. The man then felt himself cracked around the head before falling to the ground unconscious.

The police slowly advanced towards the gang, Kim and Doc climbing out of the ambulance as fast as they could, to be joined by Alex and Carlos who had also arrived and they ran over to their casualties. As the NYPD arrested the gang, Faith ran over to her semi conscious partner and her cousin who had both fallen to the ground, the rest of the police department looking on shocked at seeing someone like Bosco looking so weak.

"I don't...want to die...without...I Bosco started before falling unconscious.

"Bos...Bosco....something’s wrong!" Faith shouted as Carlos ran over. He felt for a pulse and couldn't find one.

"He's not breathing. His hearts stopped."

"Neither’s Katy." Kim called from Katys side as she and Doc started CPR.

"This can't be happening." Faith shouted as Sully walked over to her and put a gentle arm around Faiths shoulder. "Katy please....come on honey breathe...Oh God." Faith added as she saw the force with which Kim and Doc were trying to get Katy back.

"We need the defibrillator." Carlos shouted to Alex.

" come back to us. You hear me? Don't you give up fighting now. Not after today...Come on Bos."

"Come on sweetheart breathe." Kim said to the young woman, as she tried to breathe life into her.

"Charge 100." Carlos shouted opening Bos' shirt and placing the paddles on his chest. "Clear." He shouted as the charge entered. He looked up at the monitor they had hooked Bosco to.

"Nothing." Alex told her partner sadly.

"Charge 260." Carlos shouted, shocking Bosco once again, Kim and Doc now getting ready to use their defibrillator on Katy.

"Anything?" Faith asked.

Carlos shook his head.

"She's back." Kim told them a small smile on her face. "We need to get her to the hospital straight away." She then told them as they placed an oxygen mask over the unconscious Katy's face, put a pressure pad on her wound and then put a bandage around it. They then lifted her on to a stretcher and wrapped her up in blankets to keep her warm.

"You go. I’ll stay with Bos." Sully told Faith as she angrily watched the gang members being led away.

"Charge 300." Carlos shouted shocking Bosco again.

"I have a weak pulse." Alex told Carlos as they placed him on to a stretcher, then placing an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth and pumping oxygen into his weak body through the attached bag as they covered his wound with a pressure pad.

"Lets get these two to a hospital." Kim told them as they wheeled Katy over to their ambulance, Faith, who was still in shock following. She looked back at Sully who was with Bosco.

"I'll keep an eye on him." He told her as the whole NYPD quietly watched two very injured workers being loaded into Ambulances.

Faith, having climbed inside looked at Kim who was checking monitors.

"How could we let this happen? It was her first day." She asked as she stroked Katy's hair back off her pale face.

"I don't know Faith. I really don't know." Kim told her as she sat down opposite the young woman, taking her small right hand in her own.

"You okay?" Kim asked Faith. "We all heard..."

Faith looked at Kim. She had tried to be strong throughout all this for Bos and for Katy, but she couldn't do it anymore. Now she needed the support and she broke down in tears, Kim putting her arms around her friend.

"Shush, I know it sucks." Kim told her.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't..."

"Are you kidding? Katy's family. Bos is your partner. You're entitled to be upset more than any one of us."

"I nearly lost them both Kim."

"I know." Kim told her. "I know just how much that hurts. Faith they're fighters, both of them. They're gonna be fine. They've survived this long. They came back. If that's not clinging on to life, I don't know what is." Kim told her adjusting the mask on Katy's face.

The young woman weakly opened her eyes, looking around the ambulance. She was obviously still in a lot of pain even though she'd been given drugs to try and make her more comfortable. She reached out her hand to Faith.

"Hey sleepyhead. You scared us all there."

Katy looked around panicked.

"Hey it's okay. You're on your way to the hospital." Kim reassured Katy.

"Bosco?" Katy whispered weakly.

"He's on his way too. You probably saved his life sweetheart." Kim told Katy, watching as tears ran down the womans face.

Katy closed her eyes.

"You rest okay. You’re safe now." Faith whispered kissing the young woman on the forehead. "Safe and sound." Kim added comfortingly as both ambulances arrived at the hospital.


As both Bosco and Katy were wheeled into trauma Faith leaned against the wall outside the room they had been taken into. Promptly afterward she found herself joined by half of the NYPD who were giving her sympathetic glances because of what Bosco had said, but who were also worried about one of their own. A doctor walked out of the room and over to Faith, followed by Kim and the other paramedics.

"Are you family of the young lady in there?" He asked her.

"Yeah she's my cousin, and the guy's my partner. How are they?"

"It’s too early to tell at the moment. Look we have a relatives room over there. Why don't you go and rest and someone will tell you news as soon as we get it."

"I'm fine." Faith replied adamantly. "Faith you're in shock." Kim told her. "Come on I'll come sit with you." Kim added, leading her to the room.

"Someone should call Bos' mom." Faith told them quietly.

"I'll do it." Sully offered.

"No, I want to." Faith told him.

"Just give yourself a few minutes okay. The Captain says you can stay here with Bos for the rest of the shift." Sully told Faith concerned.

She nodded and let Kim lead her into the room followed by the Doctor.

"Mrs Yokas I'll come back as soon as I have news. They're both in good hands." He reassured.

Faith nodded as the doctor left, then slowly sat down. It was only then she realised how much she was shaking.

"You want a coffee or something?" Kim asked her concerned.

"Yeah...please. I'm kinda cold."

"It's the shock. You've been through a lot. You be all right on your own for a few minutes?" Kim asked.

Faith nodded.

"Be right back okay?" Kim told her then leaving the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

"How's she doing?" Sully, who was still standing outside asked.

"She's in shock. I'm gonna go get some coffee. You want?"

"I'm fine. Think I should talk to her?"

"I think she needs to be alone for a few minutes. What's happened today is a lot for anyone to take in." Sully nodded.

"I think I'll stick around for a bit. See how Bos and the kid are." He told Kim.

"Looks like half of the precinct are thinking the exact same thing." She replied, looking around at all the officers filling the corridor.

Faith sat alone in the room, her head spinning with the thoughts that filled it. Just this morning everything had been normal, Bos had been his usual self, Katy had been laughing and joking with her and the kids, even Fred. And now, in just a short space of time, everything had changed. Bos was fighting for his life, she'd nearly lost Katy and she didn't know how she was going to cope if they didn't get through this. She had felt so helpless sitting in that squad car, waiting for back up, listening to every word the pair said through some freak event where Bos had activated his radio by falling on it. He had said that he loved her...that he'd do anything for her, something Faith never believed she'd hear from her partner. They were best friends. They cared about each other. She knew he'd always be there to back her up when she needed it, even to listen when she needed to talk about problems at home, but she'd never expected to hear those three words pass his lips, especially not about her...and Katy...she hadn't even been sure that Faith was proud of her because she'd chosen to be a paramedic rather than a police officer. That made Faith so sad. Listening to that young woman fight to keep going, fighting constantly to keep Bosco awake and focussed when death was hanging over the both of them like a cloud...that proved to Faith how proud she was of Katy. Now she just hoped the young woman would live to hear it.

As soon as the door opened Faith jumped up, expecting it to be the doctor with some news. Instead she found Kim walking back into the room carrying two cups of coffee and a blanket. She sat down next to Faith and put the coffees down onto the table, then put the blanket around the shaking officers’ shoulders.

"Thanks." Faith told Kim gratefully.

"No problem." Kim replied leaning back on the chair she was sitting on. "What a horrible day." She sighed.

"The worst." Faith replied. "Any news yet?"

"It's too soon to tell." Kim told her. "How you doing?"

"I'm fine...really." Faith told her.

Kim shook her head.

"Faith I've been through this before remember, I know you're not fine."

Faith sighed.

"I don't know how I am Kim. In one day I saw my cousin lay dying in front of me, and my partner. Hell, they did die, then they came back. I found out my partner cares about me a lot more than I ever imagined. I found out he loves me for gods sake. Maurice Boscorelli, the most annoying guy in the NYPD. I'm all over the place and I don't know what to do." "There's nothing anyone can do at the moment except pray that they get through this."

"This must be horrible for you." Faith told Kim.

Kim wrapped her arms around herself.

"It's not the easiest thing to deal with. That’s for sure." Kim replied. "It really brought it all back, what I felt when I could see Bobby slipping away...but hearing Katy talk about life and what she's been's...I dunno, it makes me think about decisions I've made and wish I hadn't made them. She really drove her car into a ditch?" Kim asked.

Faith nodded.

"Her mom and dad could see her slowly getting worse.

They didn't know what to do. That day she seemed to be back to her old self, laughing and joking around with them. She even rang me up, asked how the kids were. But I remember there was something about her voice, like it was happy, but really sad at the same time. I got the call after my shift. I’d just gotten home when the phone rang. I guess they didn't want to worry me at work. At first they thought it was an accident, she was unconscious for two days. When she came round...well we just knew it wasn't."

"Paul really meant a lot to her."

"Like Bobby did you. She just didn't want to go on without him. Couldn't bear the thought of it. After counselling she started getting better, very slowly, but you could see she was. She always wanted to be a paramedic, but Pauls death..It just cemented it for her. She knew she wanted to help people in terrible situations like she couldn't help Paul. She'd wanted to do it for years before, she started her training ....but when he died it was like the light went out."

"When I heard her talking about life...about having no regrets...I felt terrible because I have so many, mostly about Bobby. But she made me realize so much Faith...That you do have to live, and that you can't give up on life even when you feel like its giving up on you...not like I did. You have to fight every day, even if it is for a person who is no longer with you. Even if every day is a struggle."

"Katy has a way of making people think. It's this gift she's had since she was little."

"She's a great kid." Kim told her.

Faith nodded in agreement.

"She stopped my partner dying Kim."

"I think that was a mutual thing Faith. They both had you to keep them going and they both had each other."

"She didn't even think I was proud of her." Faith told Kim, tears streaming down her face.

"She knows." Kim reassured as she put an arm around her friend’s shoulders. "You want me to ring Fred?"

Faith shook her head.

"I gotta call Bos' mom. I'll call Fred when I'm done."

"Want me to walk with you?" Kim asked as Faith got up.

Faith shook her head.

"I'll be okay. I gotta do this on my own. See you in a few minutes."

Kim nodded.

Faith turned around.

"Kim...Thank you." She told her colleague and friend sincerely.

Kim smiled.

"You're welcome" she replied as Faith left the room.

Kim herself then broke down, the force of the tears she had been holding in for so long making her body shake. Slowly bringing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them she closed her eyes as memories of her lost partner filled her head and her heart filled with a pain that she knew could never go away.