Lexington Beach--Labor Day Weekend

Hey! This is a new page just with my "bikini pics!" LOL...hope ya enjoy...oh yea...don't even bother to ask me to cyber or give you nude pics...i don't cyber and i don't do nude stuff! Also, the only person that uses my pics are ME...i only go by the names: Angel20690@aol.com, ArcticLiz1@aol.com, AFSexyAngel83@aol.com, playmate_of_the_year_6969@yahoo.com , abercrombie_angel6969@yahoo.com, and on aim i go by PuckerLova...if you get my pics from any other names then it is NOT me...And if ya could please send me the name they are using, i'd love ya forever:P

Before I left

This is before i left for my cottage in Lexington!

On the beach

This is me on the beach owned by the trailor park:P It was pretty cold outside but i went for a swim anyway:P

More Beach Action

WOW...i actually went in the water...it was like 50 degrees...i fake the coldness quite well though:P


Heehee...me in the water again squinting my eyes with the lil sun we had:P

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