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The Official Bobby Webpage


Real Ultimate Power


Hi, this site is all about Bobby, REAL BOBBY.  This site is awesome.    My name is Julia and I can't stop thinking about Bobby.  He is cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet.




1.    Bobby is a mammal.

2.    Bobby drives his BMW ALL the time.

3.    The purpose of Bobby is to make out with Julia and skip school all the time.



Weapons and gear:



the girlfriend  
   the BMW  





the uniform





Bobby can listen to the blackest music he wants!  He drives his BMW ALL the time and don't even think twice about it.  He is so crazy and awesome that he wears his uniformALL the time.  I heard that Bobby was eating at McDonalds and he spilled caramel on his uniform he freaked out and killed the whole town.  My friend Mark said that he saw Bobby totally give his girlfriend an insane hickey last week and he didnt even look surprised.


And that's what I call REAL Ultimate Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you don't believe that Bobby hasREAL Ultimate Power you better get a life right now or he will punish your ass!!!!  It's an easy choice, if you ask me.  


Bobby is sooooooooooo sweet that I want to crap my pants. (yea..i want to take that off..)   I can't believe it sometimes, but I feel it inside my heart.  He is totally awesome and that's a fact.  Bobby is fast, smooth, cool, strong, Catholic, and sexy.  I can't wait to start driving like him next year.  I love Bobby with all of my body (including my.....).    



Q and A:.



Q: Why is everyone so obsessed about Bobby?

A: Bobby is the ultimate paradox. On the one hand, he lives in lake Barcroft, attends private school and wears khakis, on the other, he listens to Nas and Redman.


Q: I heard that Bobby gets phone calls from his parents all the time, whats his parents problem?

A: Whoever told you that is a total liar.  Just like other mammals, Bobby gets phone calls from his parents AND his close friends(*cough* Thomas). 


Q: What does Bobby do when he's not giving hickeys or punishing his neighbors?

A: Most of his free time is spend playing video games, but he is also constantly eating.(Ask Mark if you don't believe me.)


Here's Bobby ready to ROCK!!!








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