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The Kitties, continued...

A pile of kittens.

This is all 7 of the kittens. Man were they a handful. Loved every minute of it, though it would have been better to not HAVE to deal with it... I feel less guilty about her having the kittens since I kept most of them... :-P


One of the two orphaned kittens. She is Tracy's baby. He named her Mira because when we found them we thought they were dead, and Mira was completely lifeless, so it is a miracle she survived.

Tux, Butterscotch, and Mouse

Tux (the black and white one) got his name because I was giving the kittens all descriptions instead of names (once I name something it is mine... and I did not want to keep them all...) but I know he would be a keeper and we still call him Tux. Butterscotch (the one with the funky tail) is the kitten formerly known as funkytailed one. The day she was to go to her new home she developed a limp, so we put it off a week. During that week they got a different kitten, and I let myself get attached. The limp went away and never came back. I think she just liked it here..... The grey and white one is Mouse... she's my baby, Miras sister... she likes to perch on my shoulder while I sit at my pc...

* More of the CATS*