Here's a live shot from our debut performance at The Dee Stadium, located on Houghton's waterfront. The band opened for rudies Jake And The Phatmen, and the hometown punks known as Switch. This show...well, it scared a lot of the poor, helpless punks...they thought the name of the band was really "The Faggots." For more
info on our past shows, and up-coming performances, check out our
Schedule Page.
Here's guitarist Shannon, feeling particularily sacreligious in her altar serving robe. This
pic's from when
Jake And The Phatmen opened for Housebreaker, a really cool hardcore, yet emo-influenced, band from Minneapolis off of Mother of All Music Records.
Besides kicking the shit out of his drums with Queen Bee, Adam also is the guitarist for Jake And The Phatmen, and even attempts to scream incoherently into a microphone every once in awhile.
This shot is from Reggae On The Rez, in Baraga, MI.
Talk about flashbacks! Here's a picture of one of bassist Sucubi P Enus' many high school bands.
In case you can't recognize him, he's sitting front and center. Sucubi uses "Afro-Sheen" to keep his hair primed for shows...we're looking into making them a corporate sponsor.
Before seeking fame and fortune in Queen Bee, Mike became a rockstar in Subshine.
He played bass in the band, writing and/or co-writing on most of the band's songs, and generally kicked ass. This shot is from the late SubUrban Exchange,
on January 15th.
And here's another look at the beast, from whose throat bellows the unquenched hatred and angst of QueenB . Why is he smiling? Did you remember
to lock all the doors...???
Adam shows his masters salute.
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