Thanks...Or No Thanks, You Bastards!
There's a lot of people/things out there that have really helped us play our music...and, as I'm sure you're all aware, there's some FUCKING ASSHOLES! out there who don't even deserve the time of day. But hey, if it makes you feel any better, I bet you're not one of them if you're checking out our page right now!'s a little list of some of the things QueenB would like to thank, or thank for nothing. I'm sure we missed a few things in both categories but we're pretty loud so I'm sure you all know where you stand...
People/Things We Think Are Worthy Of A Wesley Willis Song(Besides the man himself!):
- All the bands that supported us: Jake And The Phatmen, Switch, Melanie Joy Beck And Urban Honey, Ursa Minor, ManRay 19, Enemor, Skillethead, Big Poppa Perkins And The Pill That Didn't Work, The Aaron White Band, The Muldoons, and anyone else who ever played with us or helped us out.
- The evilness that is Anne and Ashley, Mel B., Nirvana, Bernie Larsen, Derek S., Adam A. our guest bass player, Eddy Hancock, Father Tom and Father Larry, Derek from Superior Music Cafe, Hades (Mikes Cat), Osiris, Pookah (RIP), Merlin, The Fruitbat, Vector, Sasha, our fish(and any other pets we don't know about), Nikola, Tim, Trish, , our personal stylist Jess The Crazy Hippie, Aaron White, Rick P., Ed Muldoon, The Good Doktor, Andrew H., George W., Rad Kitten, manray 19, ZOD, Sah and everyone that ever came to our shows as well as anyone we missed.
- A special thanks goes out to our roadie/personal driver, David. Where would we be without him...hmmm...well, I guess we'd still be here but we'd have to carry our own shit for once!
- Camel cigarettes, cheap vodka, and the Saint Vinny's food pantry, Keith Green, and the Rasta-Man Clan
- Our families...assuming you're not related to one of the people in our band that hates their family, but we're not mentioning any names here...
- The world: for being so fucked up and crazy that we had something to write about.
People/Things That Are Only Worthy Of A Bon Jovi Song...At Best!::
"The Parasite" from the QueenB song "Planet Of The Parasite"...people like that should be dragged out into the street wearing nothing but their mother's unwashed underwear and shot repeatedly in the groin...that gives me an right back...
The fucked-up excuse for a mental health system that we're forced to bow down to...trying reading the lyrics for "Insanity" sometime, maybe then you'll understand.
The Jan Arnold Band...excuse me while I hurl! "And the rockets red glare/The bombs bursting in...", wait, what were the words to that song again?
"Super Bitch"...god help us if that psycho breeds!
Whoever the idiot that doesn't know how to park his car is that fucks up our parking lot.
Crystal Pepsi
Cops that can't spell...makes you wonder exactly what they do in "cop school", doesn't it?
All the bubblegum girl/boy bands, sell-outs, and blind bandwagon-riders that are trying to kill rock...we will survive.
Well, that's all for now...keep sending us large quanities of small, unmarked bills in the mail and you too may make it on the honorable QueenB "thankyou" list. Or, just stop being a jack-ass...whatever's easiest for you...
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