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Eddie Irvine

Name: Eddie (Edmund, tee hee) Irvine
Team: Jaguar
Birthdate: November 10, 1965
Height/Weight: 5'8, 155 lbs
Country: Ireland (You'd think that'd make it easy to understand what he's saying!)
Marital Status: Single, and probably going to stay that way
Website: An Eddie Irvine Web Page
Commentary: The man oozes sex...and the personality...well, check out the Classic Eddie Moments section on the website...LOL, too damn funny! An example: **When having a few pints in a bar in Milan, he was asked how he gets on with his Brazilian girlfriend, which has been asked a lot since she speaks hardly any English and they have never been seen talking. His reply? "I get on fine with her, she's a bit thick and she's not great looking, but f**k me, she's dynamic in bed."**

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