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The Following Pages Contain Adult Material Related To Marijuana If you are under 18 years of age or if it is illegal to view adult oriented material in your community, please leave now. We can't be held responsible for your actions. We are not acting in any way to send you this information; you are choosing to receive it! Or, put another way: continuing past this point means that you understand and accept the responsibility for your own actions, thus releasing the creators of this webpage as well as our service provider from all liability. All Of The Info On Our Webpages Is Believed To Be Public Knowledge.

I am at least 18 years of age and I realize that I am individually responsible for my actions.

I understand the act of downloading information for the use in illegal activities is punishable by jail time, severe fines and a criminal record. I realize that growing and or posessing marijuana is against the law, and I have visited this URL on my own means.

The material I'm viewing is for my own personal use and isn't to be viewed by minors or anyone else but myself;

I am NOT a LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENT or acting as an agent thereof, attempting to obtain any evidence for the prosecution of any individual's for the purpose of entrapment; In Reference To: ReeFeRGrrrL, DefRiZAlf, or The New Weed Order

IF YOU CONTINUE TO THE MAIN PAGE, YOU HAVE ACKNOWLEDGED YOU'RE CONSENT. These pages are to be used purely for Reference, Entertainment, Educational Purposes ONLY.

We strongly support parental controls on the Internet. These web pages, and others like them, were never intended to be viewed by minors. We feel that the new security/monitoring programs being developed are a big step toward self-moderation & allowing everyone to take part in the responsibility of moderating this new environment.

Last Updated November 18, 1999