

What if it were tonight? What if tonight was the night that God chose to return and confront the sinfulness of humanity?

What if it were tonight? What if tonight God chose to return to earth and come to your home and confront you for who you are- or aren’t? What if this were the dreadful Day of the Lord that comes as a thief in the night?

Are you ready for the unexpected return of Christ?

We can debate whether believers will go through the tribulation before the rapture or if they are taken away at the midway point or if they have to endure to the end for final deliverance. We can debate if the pre-millenialists are more Biblical than the post-millenialists. But the reality for us this morning is that Christ is coming back. And the Bible is quite clear that we know not the time nor the hour of his return. We are only taught that his return is imminent.

Hear the words of Jesus:

Matthew 24:27,36- “For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man… No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”

Luke 12:40- “You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”

Revelation 16:15- “Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him…”

Revelation 3:11- “I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.”

As members of the Church of Jesus Christ we have a responsibility to our selves and to our world. And for those who are not members of Christ’s kingdom, there is a great and terrible day coming of judgment and penalty. There will be a time when two will be sleeping and one will be taken and the other left behind.

This is real. This is not just any ordinary day of the Lord that we sing about when we come to church. This is a frightening day because our work will be finished as Christians, our opportunities to bring more people into the kingdom will be ended and those who are on the outside will have missed the trumpet.

I am moved to alarm because the hour is getting late with each passing day. And this is no ordinary deadline. Normally, at our job we know that there are certain deadlines. Get certain responsibilities done by this time or the end of the day or week. We know what the time frame is. However, with God we do not know what our time frame is. We have no idea when death itself will interfere with our work. We have no clue as to when God himself will send Christ to return to earth and all work will be finished.

So what are we to think in light of the scriptures about Christ’s second coming?

1. Believers Must Remember. (vv. 1-2)

It is so easy for us to forget the future because we are so busy either wallowing in the past or striving in the present. We must remember that there is a whole new world to come. This present world with all of its natural beauty and with its own system of beliefs will end someday. And we cannot forget this.

Why must we remember?

First, to guard against the seductions of the world. There is a world order out there seeking to draw us away from the kingdom of God. Each of us face daily temptations and dilemmas that are designed to keep us from being all that God desires us to be. There are those who seek to dissuade us from the faith that we believe.

Secondly, to prepare for the coming judgment. Someday this church will be burned to nothing. And when it is burned to nothing so will all its works and strivings. Someday the people of this church will cease their ministry. What then will we- any of us- have to show for our labor? What can we point to in defense of our selves?

Why must we remember that Jesus is returning? So that we can be ready with a quick answer to our hope. In Peter’s first letter (3:14b-15) he says this:

“‘Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened.’ [Isaiah 8:12] But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”

2. The Scoffers will attack. (vv. 3-7)

They seek to depreciate truth.

Everywhere it seems that truth is an endangered species. We hear untruths from educators with humanistic philosophies to scientists with atheistic tendencies. All truth gets squandered in the public opinion arena because the arguers are more interested in protecting their position rather than admitting the truth.

They seek to desecrate the holy.

It’s about more than just taking “God” out of the classroom and “God” and out of the Pledge of Allegiance.” It’s about an intentional vandalism of Christian values by even those who claim to be Christian. Look at the homosexual scandal in the American church today.

They seek to demean God’s people.

And those who oppose these lies with the truth are diminished. You will see such well-known Christians as Dr. James Dobson referred to as “Rev. Jim Dobson.” A clear devaluing of his status. Others are demonized for taking certain stands that offend the media. Even you have likely suffered some type of ridicule at work for being a Bible believing Christian.

They seek to deny God’s creative power.

If there was ever a time to see this take place, now is that time. The whole issue of evolution, stem-cell research and cloning are coming at us. God himself is the one whose power is being denied. You don’t have to kill unborn babies to save the elderly of Alzheimers. But this is just a part of the world’s move to exterminate God from the system.

And for as Christians, we can become depressed. Watching the news twist truth ticks me off. And then they try to throw certain “fodder” my way. What do we do in times like these?

3. Know that God’s Promise is True. (vv. 8-10)

I like this quote from Adam Clarke:

“One day is with the Lord as a thousand years—That is: All time is as nothing before him, because in the presence as in the nature of God all is eternity; therefore nothing is long, nothing short, before him; no lapse of ages impairs his purposes, nor need he wait to find convenience to execute those purposes. And when the longest period of time has passed by, it is but as a moment or indivisible point in comparison of eternity.”

What must we know about God’s promise of Christ’s return?

First, God patiently waits.

His long-suffering is for our benefit. He desire for His people to not only live holy lives but to be at work rescuing the perishing. His patience is for us to bring the gospel to the world.

Second, God pursues salvation for all.

His patience is for that man or woman who does not know Christ. He is tarrying the return so more people may escape the terrible consequences of the tribulation. We have an immense responsibility.

And then, God will purify the earth.

Dr. John MacArthur points out that the “…Day of the Lord is a technical term pointing to the special interventions of God in human history for judgment. It ultimately refers to the future time of judgment whereby God judges the wicked on earth and ends this world system in its present form.”

4. Our Final Preparation. (vv. 11-14)

Any time we go on a trip we make some preparations. This next week, as we get ready to go visit Charity, we will do some things. We will purchase certain things that she needs at school, we will put together food for travel on the road and we will map out our journey.

In similar fashion, the scriptures call on us to make some final preparations for our journey with Christ as we meet Him in the clouds.

Here are a few thoughts for us to consider:

a. What is your holy conduct?

Do we follow peace with all men and follow a life of holiness with God? Are we living as God has called us to live? Can your life be characterized by non-Christians as a Christian life?

This is a serious question for us to consider. How do we act and speak around others? I appreciate how everyone here speaks respectfully to me. However, do you speak to others as you would speak to your pastor?

b. What are your true goals in life?

Are your goals with the new world to come in mind or do you not give a second thought to the next world? How you answer this question will tell more about who you really are in Christ. I meet so many Christians whose goals in life are wrapped up in the things they possess and the kingdoms they can conquer. They live for themselves rather than for the glory of God.

What about you?

c. Do you have peace?

When Christ comes will he find you enjoying a life that knows no worry or fear? I like the verse found in 1 John 4:17- “And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we are like Christ here in this world.”

There have been a few times that I have had to go into my boss’s office for a review. Many of you have faced that. Doesn’t it give you confidence when you go in knowing that you have done your best and knowing that you did not only what was expected but even beyond the call of duty?

In the same sense, one day you will stand before God. Do you look forward to that day with confidence because you have done what was expected of you here; because you are like Christ here in Oceana County? This is not a “works” mentality but a reality for all believers. God will judge our works in this world as we prepare for the world to come.


In 1989 an earthquake rocked the former Soviet state of Armenia. In a matter of four minutes 30,000 people were killed. Moments after the deadly tremors, a father raced to the elementary school. When he arrived the school was a mound of rubble. He remembered his promise he had made to his child: “No matter what happens, I’ll always be there for you.”

He remembered that promise and found the area nearest to his son’s classroom. He began to pull back rocks. Others arrived, sobbing for their children, saying to the man that it was too late. Even a police officer tried to dissuade him. But he had made a promise and kept digging.

For eight hours, sixteen, thirty-two, thirty-six hours he dug. His hands were raw and his energy gone but he refused to give up. Finally, after thirty-eight hours , he pulled back a boulder and heard his son’s voice.

“Arman! Arman!” And a voice answered him, “Dad, it’s me!” Then he heard these priceless words: “I told the other kids not to worry. I told them if you were alive, you’d save me, and when you saved me, they’d be saved too. Because you promised, ‘No matter what, I’ll always be there for you!’”

God has made a promise that He will always be there for us. And He made a promise that He will come for us again.

Max Lucado calls out waiting for the coming of our Lord as “waiting forwardly.” And as we wait forwardly, may be keep our lamps lit and ready. Jesus testifies in Revelation 22:20- “Surely I am coming quickly.”

Hymn # 554- It Is Well With My Soul vs. 1, 3,4