
Our Ever Present Help in the Battle

2 Chronicles 20:1-28

This chapter begins with national calamity and ends with national peace. In between the saga of the unity of God’s people, the listening ear of God and the defeat of the enemy by God take place.

And please notice verse 12: “We have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.”

Can you imagine for a moment the impact of that prayer of the king in the face of insurmountable odds? How do think God might think at this moment?

And then look at the next verse (13): “All the men of Judah, with their wives and children and little ones, stood before the Lord.”

They presented not only themselves as a king and leaders but went and gathered their whole families. They were essentially letting God know that they were desperate and in their desperation they had wives and children who were at risk as well.

Many of you here would say, “Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.” But have we really? And what about the next time when “we don’t know when to hold ‘em or fold ‘em?” Life gets real ugly with us and we can be very frustrated by the result.

But I do believe whole-heartedly that we can find that place in the cleft of the rock that shadows a dry thirsty land. I firmly believe that God will see you through whatever you are going through. I also firmly believe that God is always in control.

So what do we learn from this lesson?

We learn that the battle truly belongs to God. You will find throughout the scriptures that God uses various methods to bring across the same message. If He chooses to use us in the battle or chooses to fight the battle without us, it still belongs to Him.

However, what we do when the battle comes our way is really what turns its outcome. Our response to the calamity dictates to a greater degree how God intervenes.

What happens when the enemy comes in like a flood?

I believe that there is a…

1. Heavenly Unity in Human Adversity v. 4

God’s people who are truly seeking His ways and His truth will do the right things at the right time.

How many marriages have been tested here? Every one of them. But if there is not a heavenly unity when your marriage faces human adversity, then it is in danger.

How many church ministries have been tested? Every one of them. And if there is not a heavenly unity in the church in the face of adversity then it is in danger.

What do we learn from this chapter?

a. Prayer provides direction.

We need to hit our knees. Real spiritual warfare is fought on our knees. I like the old Petra song, “Get on Your Knees and Fight Like a Man.” We need more men and women of God who will pray. Because it is through prayer that we find direction from God.

b. Fasting confirms desire.

This seems to be a lost spiritual art-form. Fasting is vital to the prayer process. I fast way too little as a pastor. This has come after me time and again. The issue is not becoming stronger- because that is what eating does for us. But the issue is becoming weaker- and proving to God that we desire His strength and His power more than this world’s.

c. Praising demonstrates the decision.

What is your praise quotient? Are you consistently praising God through songs and prayers throughout the day? Or do you fill your mind with other influences?

Good Christian music- however you like it- is extremely vital to your spiritual growth. I am saddened to find that so many who name Christ hardly praise His name in between Sundays. Sing by yourself on your way to work. Gather good Christian music that you like and worship the Lord.

What does praising to for you?

i. Praising creates optimism. ii. Praising clarifies faith. iii. Praising celebrates God.

d. Faith assures Divine intervention.

When prayer, fasting and praising are happening, you will come to the place that you sense a divine assurance. There is nothing sweeter than seeing God work as you pray, fast and praise Him. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. So whatever it is you hope for- that is within the scope of God’s will (and you will know the difference)- you will be assured of God’s fulfillment.

What else does Jehoshaphat and his people teach us about spiritual warfare? We learn that there that…

2. Divine Partnership involves Diligent Preparation

When God’s people are diligent in their preparation for battle there is something truly strengthening that takes place. God partners with those who work doing His will.

Time and again the scriptures show us this truth.

In 2 Kings 3:16-17- No water until the ditches were dug.

2 Kings 4- No oil until the vessels were gathered.

2 Kings 5- No healing until the leper dipped seven times.

Isaiah 40:3- No Messiah until the way had been prepared.

Hosea 10:12- No harvest until the ground had been broken up.

Joel 2:12-13- No reconciliation without repentance.

John 9:7- No vision without obedience.

John 11:39- No resurrection until the stone is removed.

Revelation 7:13-14- No entrance into heaven without cleansing.

a. You will hear from God.

God is not silent. He will speak. Are you listening?

b. You will be confirmed in your faith.

God will strengthen your faith. Not some faith in fate itself, but a real Biblical and Spirit filled faith.

c. You will have divine protection.

Remember Martin Luther’s song “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”? He writes, “The body they may kill, but Christ endureth still.” God’s divine protection may not be your survival in the flesh but certainly will be your survival in the Spirit.

i. The enemy will be defeated.

ii. God’s people will be delivered.

How God does these things for us I cannot always pin down. For some He sends an angel. For others He sends other Christians. At other times, He uses non-Christian people. But somehow and in someway God does His part when we do our part.

And then we will taste the fruits of victory. We will gather the spoils of war. There will be…

3. Spiritual Joy in the Midst of the Battle.

God caused the enemy to fight against them selves. His people did not need to lift a sword. They won the battle and gathered the reward.

a. God always provides according to His will.

His will may not be for you to be a millionaire. I hear people talk about what they would do with a million dollars, but just maybe God is saving you from your self by keeping you from it. In this way…

b. God always protects those who follow Him.

Maybe the million dollars is the worst thing for you. Money doesn’t buy happiness. This is a true statement. How do I know? Not from being a millionaire but from being happy in Christ without being a millionaire.

c. God always proves Himself in the end.

He is in control. All you need to do is give Him the battle that you are facing.


It is not only invading armies that leave people feeling powerless. What is it that makes you feel powerless?

Are you so deep financially that you feel powerless?

Are you struggling so much spiritually that you feel powerless?

Are you allowing the devil a foothold in a certain point of temptation and you now feel powerless?

Let God fight for you. Let Him take your struggle, your worries and your worst fears. Let Him go into battle for you on your behalf.

Fill in this blank: “Lord, I am powerless against ________________. I do not know what to do. But my eyes are on you.”

And when you do this listen to the prophet’s words of hope in verse 15:

“Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours but God’s.”

The battle belongs to the Lord. Let Him fight it for you.