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The Invid

The Invid are a sentient race fueled by anger and hatred towards the ones called the Robotech Masters. it was one Robotech Master called Zor who stole the Invid Flower of Life from the Invid and produced what is called Protoculture. Fearing the Robotech Masters' evil greed for the power source, Zor stowed the seeds of the Flower of Life on his Battleship and sent it across the universe. The alien vessel, crash landed on the planet Earth.

The Invid entity was so enraged after the distruction of it's peaceful planet that it split into two creatures. The Invid Regent and the Regis. In an attempt to recover the Flower of Life from the Robotech Masters, the Invid Regent invaded and decimated the Robotech Masters homeworld of Tyrol. However, his foolish invasion found nothing of the ancient Invid flower.

Invid_Regent Invid_Cougar
The Regis, realizing the folly of the Regents plan, sought to seek out and find a new home planet to begin again. In searching for their new home, one of her sensor nebulas detected an explosion of protoculture on the third planet of the Sol system. There she set forth to inhabit and cultivate the flower that lay dormant there. And in her path was the great R.E.F. fleet, which she so decimated within hours. For years she dominated the Earth and harvested the Flower of Life, trampling any human or especially Zentraedi who dare oppose her. Until Scott Bernard and friends engaged her in battle at Reflex Point, driving her and her minions from the Earth. Which our heroes thought was forever.


Not until she returned to the Regent and told him of a great blue planet which could grow and cultivate the sacred Invid Flower. The Regent immediately sent his fleets to Earth, where in the asteroid belt outside Mars did he plot to invade and destroy the wretched little planet Earth. Where to his dismay wait the defenders of the planet Earth.


Invid Hammer Trooper
Invid Sergeant
Invid Slave Camp