Welcome to my (line) Drawrings and Poetry Page. I know what you're thinking, prolly something along the lines of "what a pansy" or "how gay is this" Well, just shut up alright. I am not serious about this page, I only put it up for a couple of reasons. 1)A lot of other people have these kinds of pages and (even though I am not trying to "diss" them personally) I am mocking them. And 2)My friends have seen these drawrings and poetry before, and I put it on the web so they can come and laugh at it any time they want to. So enjoy. (But if you do enjoy these things, you got some problems cuz they totally suck, and will prolly take more time to upload then they did to draw.)
I think this is supposed to be a monkey, it was going to be an alien when i first drew it.
This is a spiffy little dawg I drew.
A very messed up, disproportionate cat I drew.
This is a poem I wrote back in eigth grade. It is a little crude, but it's from the heart, and that's all that really matters. I hope you like it.
My Life By: Michael Vitek |
I was born... I lived... I will die... So will you. The End By the way... Mike Watson sucks. |