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Advocates for the Millennium

- Grade 4, Smith School -

- Questions for our Business Partners -

One of the activities for Week 1 of the project was for the students to e-mail their business contacts with questions regarding how that particular business was preparing for Y2K and what their customers' concerns were.  Here are some of the letters that include the questions that our Grade 4 students asked:

May 10, 1999

Dear Val Rutherford/Gary:

Thank you for being a partner in my class’s “Advocates for the Millennium” project. My class and I are happy that you have agreed to help us.

Here are some questions that my partners and I would like answers to in order to complete our part of the project. Your answers to the following questions will be very important information for us and will help us to make a presentation to the class.

1.What can you tell me about Y2K?

2.Is the world going to end? (Blow up)

3.Will we have power?

4.Will we have gas and oil?

5.When might we see problems starting because of the Y2K?

We really appreciate your time and help with our project.

Yours telecollaboratively,



May 10, 1999

Dear Ms. Mia Punger:

Thank you for being a partner in my class’s “Advocates for the Millennium” project. My class and I are happy that you have agreed to help us.

Here are some questions that my partners and I would like answers to in-order-to complete our part of the project. Your answers to the following questions will be very important information for us and will help us to make a presentation to the class.

1.I think the world is going to end, do you?

2.Will we run out of gas for our cars?

3.Do you think we will have touble with our power?

4.Will we run out of clean water?

5.Will there be an invasion from UFO's?

We really appreciate your time and help with our project.

Yours tele-collaboratively,



May 10 , 1999

Dear Mel Crothers:

Thank you for being a partner in my class’s “Advocates for the Millennium” project. My class and I are happy that you have agreed to help us.

Here are some questions that my partners and I would like answers to in order to complete our part of the project. Your answers to the following questions will be very important information for us and will help us to make a presentation to the class.

1. Will all the computers shut down in the year 2000?

2. Will we always have fresh water?

3. Will volcanoes start erupting?

4. Will we always be using money to buy things?

5. Will people wanted a phone number be able to get one, or are we running out of numbers?

We really appreciate your time and help with our project.

Yours telecollaboratively,



May 13, 1999

Dear Mr. Jim Swanson:

Thank you for being a partner in my class’s “Advocates for the Millennium”project. My class and I are happy that you have agreed to help us.  Here are some questions that my partners and I would like answers to in order to complete our part of the project. Your answers to the following questions will be very important information for us and will help us to make a presentation

1.What is the Y2K?2.How does the Y2K work?

3.Will we have a fresh water every day?

4.What do you think is so special about the year 2000?

5. Will people have jobs, or will all work be done by computers?

We really appreciate your time and help with our project.

Yours telecollaboratively,



May 10, 1999

Dear Mr. Kiann McNeill:

Thank you for being a partner in my class’s “Advocates for the Millennium” project. My class and I are happy that you have agreed to help us.

Here are some questions that my partners and I would like answers to in order to complete our part of the project. Your answers to the following questions will be very important information for us and will help us to make a presentation to the class.

1. In the year 2000 will we see U.F.O.s?

2. Do you think that the power will go out because of Y2K?

3. Will I lose my money that is in the bank?

4. How will your company get ready for Y2K?

We really appreciate your time and help with our project.

Yours telecollaboratively,



May 10, 1999

Dear Mr. Dennis Thomson:

Thank you for being a partner in my class’s “Advocates for the Millennium” project. My class and I are happy that you have agreed to help us. I am glad to work with you.

Here are some questions that my partners and I would like answers to in order for us to complete our part of the project. Your answers to the following questions will be very important information for us and will help us to make a presentation to the class.

1. What does your business do?

2. What does your business use computers for?

3. How many people in your company use computers every day?

4. How will it effect your business if the computers quit?

5. If other companies have problems with the Y2K bug, how will it effect your company?

Thank you for your cooperation.




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