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Advocates for the Millennium

- Smith School -

- Grade 4 Keypal Messages -

Starting in Week 1 of the project, all students involved in the project

corresponded with their keypals.  Here are just a few examples:

May 10,1999

Dear Rick,Jenny, and Amanda,

Hi! How are you doing? I like sports. My favorite sports are hockey, track and field, basketball. My favorite hockey team is Colorado Avalanche. I am in grade four at Smith Elementary School. Do you know where Smith is in relation to Edmonton? I am ten years old. My favorite music is country and Shania Twain is my favorite artitst. I have a cat named Kitty. I have three sisters and two of them are in school. I have lots of friends.

I think that the millennium will cause no power. This makes me concerned because we will not be able to use our stoves, our t.v.s and water. I want to know how to prepare for this. I think that our computers will break down. I am worried about all of the computer games.

I put a picture of our class as an attachment. I am the girl in the front left-hand corner. I am wearing a baby blue shirt.

Talk to you soon,




Dear Tarah and Edita,

Hi my name is Kala.I am 9 years old. How old are you guys? I am a girl. Are you guys girls or boys? I am the only child. Are you guys the only teenager in your house?I have 1 cat and 10 fish. Do you guys have any pets?

I am excited about learning about the millennium project.I think that the world will come to an end.

I will send you a picture of me as an attachment.

From Kala



Dear Matt, Holly and Suzana,

Hi, My name is Diana. I am ten years old and I live in Smith. I have a twin brother named Dwight. He is partnered with Nara and Shauna. We have a dog named Minou, 1 cat named Jasmine and a goldfish named Goldy. Here is the answers to some of your questions. I am sending a picture of me so you can pick me out of a crowd of people. I am hoping to meet you one day.

1. I have nothing special to say about the year 2000.

2. I think the schools will be shutting down in the year 2000.

3. I do not think there will be flying cars.

4. I think jobs will be done by computers so people will get their jobs done faster.

5. Who are Huxly and Clarck? I do not know them.

Yours truly,



May 12/1999

Dear Tim,

Hi my name is Aaron Willetts. I live in Smith AB. I am in Grade Four and I am nine years old. My family has two boys and two girls. My mom and Dad are both tall. I hope that I will be tall too. My brother is in Grade 5.

I like being in goal when I am playing hockey. Our junior high students played the RCMP in a game of floor hockey. The game was very close the R.C.M.P. had 15 the students had 13.Every Sunday we play hochey in are gym. It is fun.

I have two friends their names are Brad and Alex. They are cool very cool.

What do you think will happen in the year 2000? It will be scary. Do you think it will be scary?

I am sending you a picture of me.

Yours truly,



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