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Advocates for the Millennium

- Grade 5, Smith School -

- Questions for our Business Contacts -

One of the activities for Week 1 of the project was for the students to e-mail their business contacts with questions regarding how that particular business was preparing for Y2K and what their customers' concerns were.  Here are some of the questions that our Grade 5 students asked:

Dear Linda J. Field;

Thank you for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the Millennium" project. My class and I are happy that you have agreed to help us.

Here are some questions that my partners and I would like answers to in order to complete our part of the project. Your answers to the following questions will be very important information for us and will help us to make a presentation to the class.

(1) Will we lose our houses because of lost records?

(2) Do you expect more business in Y2K?

(3) Will your bank fly to customers instead of customers coming to you?

(4) Will you start to have underground safes in Y2K?

(5)Will there be robotic computers with artificial intelligence doing all the work?

We really appreciate your time and help with our project.

Yours telecollaboratively,

Willem D.

Donald W.


Dear Charlie;

Thank you for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the Millennium" project. My class and I are happy that you have agreed to help us.

Here are some questions that my partners and I would like answers to in order to complete our part of the project. Your answers to the following questions will be very important information for us and will help us to make a presentation to the class.

1. How many people have called you to go to different places?

2. Where have some people wanted to be when Y2K hits?

3. How many people work at the Southern Cross Club? Will they be affected?

4. Can you explain to us how your company works?

5. What are you going to do when Y2K comes?

We really appreciate your time and help with our project.

Yours telecollaboratively,

Tia V.

Lisa S.


Dear Michael Earl;

Thank you for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the Millennium" project. My class and I are happy that you have agreed to help us.

Here are some questions that my partners and I would like answers to in order to complete our part of the project. Your answers to the following questions will be very important information for us and will help us to make a presentation to the class.

1. Will computers crash in Y2K?

2. Will our watches crash in Y2K?

3. Will a comet hit the earth?

4. Will the power go out?

5. Will our video games be affected?

We really appreciate your time and help with our project.

Yours telecollaboratively,

Liam G.

Matthew B.


Dear Isabelle Ostiguy;

Thank you for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the Millennium" project. My class and I are happy that you have agreed to help us.

Here are some questions that my partners and I would like answers to in order to complete our part of the project. Your answers to the following questions will be very important information for us and will help us to make a presentation to the class.

1. Will your employees be affected by Y2K?

2. Will the Y2K bug affect the cell phones?

3. Will your business shut down because of the Y2K?

4. How will you communicate without phones?

5. Will the cell phones be out of service when the Y2K comes?

We really appreciate your time and help with our project.

Yours telecollaboratively,

Mandy M.

Amanda M.


Dear Mark Hetherington;

Thank you for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the Millennium" project. My class and I are happy that you have agreed to help us.

Here are some questions that I would like answers to in order to complete my part of the project. Your answers to the following questions will be very important information for us and will help us to make a presentation to the class.

1) Will anything happen to the TV satellite?

2) How do you think the Y2k will affect you?

3) What will happen to your records of peoples payments?

4) Do you think you will lose or gain business?

5) Are you ready for Y2K?

We really appreciate your time and help with our project.

Yours telecollaboratively,

Whitney C.


Dear Mark Bowman and Marcel Morin;

Thank you for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the Millennium" project. My class and I are happy that you have agreed to help us.

Here are some questions that my partners and I would like answers to in order to complete our part of the project. Your answers to the following questions will be very important information for us and will help us to make a presentation to the class.

1. When the Y2K comes, will your computers crash?

2. Have you gotten ready for the Y2K?

3. Are you ready for the Y2K bug?

4. What is your goal for Y2K?

5. Will you have new equipment to work with?

We really appreciate your time and help with our project.

Yours telecollaboratively,

Mikal D.

Jessica G.


Dear Doug Bates;

Thank you for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the Millennium" project. My class and I are happy that you have agreed to help us.

Here are some questions that my partners and I would like answers to in order to complete our part of the project. Your answers to the following questions will be very important information for us and will help us to make a presentation to the class.

1. Will all your records on your students that are on the computer be lost?

2. Are you prepared for Y2K?

3. Are all your computers updated for year 2000?

4. How many computers do you have?

5. Is all your software Y2K compatible?

We really appreciate your time and help with our project.

Yours telecollaboratively,

Megan M.

Felicia G.


Dear David Kauffman;

Thank you for being a partner in my class's "Advocates for the Millennium" project. My class and I are happy that you have agreed to help us.

Here are some questions that my partners and I would like answers to in order to complete our part of the project. Your answers to the following questions will be very important information for us and will help us to make a presentation to the class.

1. Will the Y2K bug affect your company?

2. Are you prepared for theY2K bug?

3.Are you worried about the year 2000?

4. Is there a chance that the Y2K bug will affect your computers if they are up dated for the year 2000?

5. Is the software you sell Y2K compatible?

We really appreciate your time and help with our project.

Yours telecollaboratively,

Josh W.

Trent P.


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