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UK and USA daily news, news networks, business and ecomomic news
NASA CCTV Channel 2

Top Stories, Business, Economic News, and Weather


Project Mercury, Project Gemini

Aerospace, Robotics, General Sciences Hyperlinks Directory

fortified with several Skepticism links

"I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish." -- President John F. Kennedy -- May 25, 1961

Apollo 11 Ascent Stage of LM Eagle in Lunar Orbit

"We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win." -- President John F. Kennedy -- September 12, 1962

Apollo Era: Yahoo Discussion Group

The Apollo Era Group is a resource for web based material on Projects Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo. Apollo Era is also an international community for the discussion of Manned Space Flight from 1961 until 1972.

The Apollo Era Group

From The Earth To The Moon

A discussion group for fans of the HBO series From The Earth To The Moon. Originally broadcast in April and May of 1998, the epic miniseries From the Earth to the Moon was HBO's most expensive production to date, with a budget of $68 million. Hosted by executive producer Tom Hanks, the miniseries tackles the daunting challenge of chronicling the entire history of NASA's Apollo space program from 1961 to 1972.

From The Earth To The Moon

Air and Space Museums -- Alphabetical by State

Android World

Apollo 11 Audio

Apollo 11 Eagle Lunar Lander Game Download

Apollo 11 Lunar Surface Journal

Apollo 13 Flight Journal

Apollo 15 Flight Journal

Apollo By The Numbers

The Apollo Era Discussion Group

The Apollo Experience

Apollo Landing Sites

Apollo Logistics Training Group

Apollo Lunar Lander Simulator

The Apollo Lunar Surface Journal

Apollo Powered Descent and Landing Films

Apollo Program History from NASA

Apollo Program -- National Air & Space Museum

The Apollo Saturn Reference Page

The Apollo Spacecraft Chronology

Arrows To The Moon

Assassinations Foretold In Moby Dick!

Astronomy Magazine

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Australian Skeptics

Aviation Safety Network

Bad Astronomy   

Bad Chemistry   

Bad Meteorology   

Bad Science   

Chariots for Apollo

Chuck Yeager and the Bell X-1

Classic Lunar Lander Game


CNET: Pseudoscience And Urban Myths 


The Committee For The Scientific Investigation Of Claims Of The Paranormal

Crank Dot Net

Current Global Earthquake Activity

The Debunker's Domain   

The Discovery Channel

Doug's Archaeology Site: Skeptical views of fringe archaeology

Edmund Scientifics Catalog

Failure Is Not An Option

Failure Is Not An Option - History Channel Series

Faked Moon Landings? - Apollo Hoax Discussion Web Site

Field Guide To American Spacecraft

From The Earth To The Moon

From The Earth To The Moon -- Yahoo Group

Gemini To The Moon

GRIN -- Great Images In NASA

Historic Wings


How Stuff Works   

Hubble Constant: A Cosmology Website


James Oberg


The Learning Channel

The Left Hemisphere

The Leon Ford Space Collection

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Lunar Orbit - Mercury, Gemini, Apollo

Math Calculators and Tools -- Space Station Mir

MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

The Moon

Moon Hoax

Moon Port


NASA Ames Research Center 

NASA Apollo 11 Anniversary 

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

NASA Johnson Space Center

NASA Kennedy Space Center

NASA Kennedy Space Center Video

NASA Langley Research Center

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

NASA News from

NASA Origins Program

NASA Technical Reports Server

NASA White Sands Test Facility 

National Air and Space Museum 

North Texas Church Of FreeThought 

Nye Labs Online 

Pad Leader Guenter Wendt 

PBS: To The Moon

The Planetary Society

Powers of 10

President John F. Kennedy -- Nation's Space Effort -- September 12, 1962

Project Apollo Archive

Project Apollo Drawings and Technical Diagrams

Project Apollo Group from Yahoo Groups

Project Apollo Image Gallery

Project Gemini Drawings and Technical Diagrams

Project Gemini Space Program

Project Mercury Drawings and Technical Diagrams

Recent Earthquakes In California

Recent Earthquakes In The Central U.S.

Recent Earthquakes In The Intermountain West

Recent Earthquakes In The Pacific Northwest

Robot Cafe

Robotics News Headlines

Roger Chaffee

Skeptic News


Skeptics Annotated Bible 

Skeptics Ring Home Page 

Skeptics Society Home Page

Sky & Telescope Magazine

Solar Max 2000

Solar System @ National Geographic

Space History Preserve -- Audio Archive Files

Space Suits Online

Special Message to the Congress -- President John F. Kennedy -- May 25, 1961

Storm Chaser Webring

Storm Track Storm Chasers

Tornado Project

Tranquility Base Today

Urban Legend Combat Kit

Universe Today    

Your Flight Has Been Cancelled

My name is Barry Johnson and among my many interests are the space program in general, and the race to the moon specifically. I was born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan (Roger Chaffee's home town). Growing up in the 1960s, I followed Project Apollo as best as a young boy could without the aid of the Internet.

This page started as a directory of general science links. Later, skepticism links were added, and now the main content is the Apollo Program. So if it seems strange that such a variety of different links are together on one page, it's because the content has evolved over time.

I hope you enjoy this site. Please feel free to visit my other pages. If you have any suggestions, please send me an e-mail. Thanks for visiting!

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