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The Pigeon River Country

A Photo Album


Fall's Red Maples at Town Corner Lake

and Sugar Maples at the old Gingell Cemetary

Then, as winter moves in, so do the elk,

first one,


then another

then still more ...

and turkeys...

and of course, deer...

and occasionally, both at once!

The Cheboygan Black River meanders through a winter landscape

and Hardwood Creek reflects bare tramaraks beneath a wintery sky.

Eagles soar and

and begin to pair in February


and a late spring storm tries hard to bury the river under a new coat of white.

But eventually the ice-bound river melts away into early spring.

And the forest breaks into flower

among the weathered stumps left by loggers

and singed by fires

nearly a century ago.

and summer finally comes

to quiet places like South Blue Lake.

Then, before long, fall returns to repaint the woods again.

For all this we give thanks to God ...
"in whom we live, and are moved, and have our very existence"

Thanksgiving Day Sunset - Walled Lake

To learn more about Michigan's Pigeon River Country, see the three-part article:
The Pigeon River Country -- A Special Place

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File: PRCAlbum.htm 3/24/2000 - Updated 11/25/2001