I was sitting in my cousin's house in the middle of the night, bored out of my mind and half asleep. We were watching MuchMusic, more as a background noise than anything else. There was some random rap song playing, and then suddenly there was this monotonous, strange beat on the TV. Glancing up, I noticed there were....*gasp*...cartoons singing the song!

Suddenly entranced, I watched the entire video in fascination, liking it even more as I watched. The video ended, and I watched to see what song it was - Clint Eastwood, by the Gorillaz.

"Those monkeys had big nipples." my cousin commented. I laughed along, but secretly I was in love.

The obsession remained in hiding until one day I saw the video for 19-2000 on Much and almost made my family late for vacation because I refused to leave until it was over. Then I read fics at FanFiction.net and now I'm totally obsessed.

Welcome to my home of Gorillaz randomness on the 'Net. Enjoy what I have to offer.

Bios 2D, Noodle, Murdoc, and RussPictures of the GorillazFanfics about the GorillazFanart of the Gorillaz

Who the Sned is Froggy?

Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!

G-Slang Dictionary - A Gorillaz Language I helped create.


December 12, 2001 ~ Added a fanart of Noodle and 2D sleeping together (bro/sis style, not in the perverted sense). I guess Noodle musta crawled in his bed 'cuz she was scared or sumfin'...

December 10, 2001 ~ Added fanart of 2D being sexy in animé style. For my Cory.

Click here for an explanation of the banner and my procedures on flame control!


Note: this information was largely adapted from bios and interviews at The Official Gorillaz Fansite.

Name: 2D
Born: Crawley
Age: 23
Hair: blue-purple, spiky
Eyes: black and lifeless
2D, formerly known as Stu-Pot, was hit by Murdoc in a ramraid of the Organ shop he worked at, which put him in a coma. Later awakened by Murdoc slamming his head into a curb in a car accident, 2D awoke with two fractured eyes and a blank stare.
2D is a dense sweetheart with looks to kill for. Has a perpetual migraine and takes a lot of painkillers. He loves zombie movies and doesn't talk much. Everyone loves him, except Murdoc. Has a special 'zen bond' with Noodle, and enjoys graffiti and T-shirts with strange slogans on them.

Name: Noodle
Born: Osaka, Japan
Age: 10
Hair: black, straight, usually hidden under a helmet
Eyes: black
Known as 'the asian axe princess', Noodle is a child-genious guitar player coming from a long line of experts. When the band needed a lead guitarist and put out an ad, Noodle Fed-Exed herself from Japan, and popped out, speaking not a word of English but...Noodle.
She is unfazed by the world, a little ice maiden, and martial arts expert. She spends a lot of time with Russell, has a special 'zen bond' with 2D, and likes the Powerpuff Girls and Pokémon.

Name: Russell Hobbs
Born: New York State
Age: 25
Hair: questionable
Eyes: dead white
Russell was privately educated when young, and later possessed and kicked out of school. Got repossessed by some hip-hop friends of his in a drive-by shooting. Del Tha Funky Homosapien sometimes pops out of Russell and raps. Very strange situation.
Russell is well-spoken and polite, a proper musician. It is said the band couldn't survive without Russell. He likes to eat.

Name: Murdoc Niccals
Born: Stoke-On-Trent, 6.6.66
Age: 35
Hair: black
Eyes: one red, one black
Murdoc is scary. He's a freaky little man who doesn't wash himself, and has green teeth. But he plays a mean bass, and he's pretty smart. He's the 'backseat driver' of the band, and pretty much runs everything - guess he has a right to, he did assemble the Gorillaz in the first place.
What else to say...Murdoc is scary...or did I say that?

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Welcome to the fanfics section. All these stories will be rated with a movie rating, contain a summary and a category (ie. 'angst', 'humor', 'romance' etc.), and the author's email when appropriate. Hopefully this collection will build as I hound people on FanFiction.net...

Shijo no Anrui - A Child's Tears: Angst/G/by Froggy/complete - Memories of home and some traumatic events in Kong Studios lead Noodle to a night of thought. Warnings: This story is 100% slash/yaoi, self-mutilation, and pedophilism free.

Give or Take Ten Years...: Romantic Comedy/PG/by Froggy/incomplete - Murdoc gets drunk and plays with a chemistry set. 2D, who only remembers going to sleep with a homesick Noodle, wakes up with a beautiful young girl. What's the connection? (No original characters...just to clarify...)

Agony: General/G/by Froggy/complete - Follows one of 2D's migraines from start to agony. Sorta sad, and don't read it if you've got a headache coming on (or so I'm told). Covers all those yummy migraine side effects that people like to forget about.

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Welcome to the Fanart section. Here I'll put pics drawn by me and others of the Gorillaz. Each picture is placed on an HTML page, including a title and little description, and on the main page there'll be description of which character it is and the media used in the picture. I hope to increase this collection as I actually FIND pictures out there...

Play Nice...: Noodle/by Froggy/CG - Noodle playing with some Powerpuff Girls dolls.

"Give or Take Ten Years..." - Noodle: Noodle/by Froggy/(messy)CG - From my fanfiction "Give or Take Ten Years...", it's a pic of Noodle as a grown-up lady of 20.

Sexy Animé 2D: 2D/by Froggy/CG - Pic I did of 2D in the animé style. He looks so cute that way! Made 'specially for my friend Cory. She rocks!

Keeps Zombies at Bay...: 2D and Noodle/by Froggy/CG - Pure, unadulterated mush. Noodle crawled into 2D's bed because she was scared, and he was scared too...it's hard to be scared when you're with a friend, though!

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Nothing here yet...coming soon!

I'm 2-D


All characters used either for fanart or in general use on this page belong to their respective creators and the companies they've sold rights to. I don't own them. This site is for entertainment only and not profit. All non-fanart pictures obtained either from the official Gorillaz website or from the enhanced CD I purchased.
All original characters either drawn or written about belong to their creators, the authors or artists of these works. They are used with permission.
This site was created November 29, 2001.

Email: thepond66@hotmail.com