Hello, and welcome to my explanation of the yaoi/yuri/slash-free banner and my procedures for flamers!

Okay, there are several reasons that I don't have slash/yaoi/yuri on my site, and some are related to the reasons my site is also hentai-free.

1) The first reason is that I'm not a yaoi/yuri/slash fan, period, so why would I write or read things that include them? This leads into that my site doesn't have content, since I don't ask for it when I stumble across it. Also related to this, is that for some series (for example, Gundam Wing and Gorillaz) it's very hard to find fanfiction that isn't either yaoi/yuri/slash or very lemony. So I thought I'd make a site for people with calm, non-porn, straight taste in romance.

2) In the fandoms that I mostly focus on with this page, yaoi/yuri/slash pairings aren't hinted at in the original material (Gundam Wing included, people). Most 'evidence' presented to support yaoi,yuri, or slash couplings just, well...aren't strong enough to sway me, or they plain old wouldn't work (everyone has to admit that 2D would die if he was paired wiv Murdoc...be killed is more like it!). Sorry...

3) I don't believe in homosexuality. I don't hate gay people I just don't agree with their actions, simple as that. Flaming me will not change this.

Speaking of flaming, that is another purpose of this particular page. I know that in many fandoms people who don't believe in yaoi, yuri, or slash are flamed into the ground, called closed-minded, and otherwise harassed. Here are my procedures for any such flames I get related to my yaoi/yuri/slash-free stand.

1) If I recieve a flame in my e-mail, I won't bother reading it. If I don't notice it's a flame until I open it, I most likely won't read beyond the first few words.

2) I think that flaming is immature and a way of getting attention. Therefore, I won't make a page to diss my flamers and won't respond to their flames, because this gives them the satisfaction that they've raised my ire. I won't give them what they want, so why should they bother flaming me?

So that is my reasons for not wanting yaoi, yuri, slash, or hentai on my page. Thank you for reading. Don't flame me, I won't read it.


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