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Use the correct pronoun.



Incorrect Examples

Correct Examples

a) When someone’s doing it,

use I, he, she, they, or we. 

Him did it. 


Me did it. 

He did it. 


I did it. 

b) When something is done to someone,

use him, her, them, or us. 

This experience defined he. 

This experience defined him. 

c) After prepositions,

use me, him, her, them. 

We kept the secret between just he and I. 

We kept the secret between just him and me. 

d) In comparisons,

use I, he, she, they, or we. 

I wish I were as tall as him. 

He can run faster than me.

I wish I were as tall as he is. 

He can run faster than I can.

e) After the words am, are, was, were

use the pronouns I, he, she, or they. 


If it is awkward, rewrite the sentence.

The new teacher is him. 

The new teacher is he. 

or better:

He is the new teacher.