JC's Yahoo Chat On 11-19-98


ChatYahoo_Lisa: J.C. is here! ChatYahoo_Lisa: Welcome J.C. Yahoo_NSYNC: I just want to say whats up and it's good to be connected. *God when can I get out of here?*

Claudette420 asks: How do you Guys like your Tour? Are you guys excited about your upcoming tour in CA? Yahoo_NSYNC: We're actually more than excited because in CA we've broke a record for selling out the Forum faster than anybody else. *California is close to Nevada and in Nevada prostitution is legal*

Sarah_Mac_Neil asks: Is it true that when you guys were in Toronto for the first time you all got tattoos? If yes what are they of? Yahoo_NSYNC: That's not true. Yahoo_NSYNC: I'm terrified of needles.*Well except if their the ones I use everyday*

HIGH_5ive asks: What music groups do you like past and present? Yahoo_NSYNC: Depends on my mood: I like a lot of music. *Meanudo* ChatYahoo_Lisa: What were you listening to today? Yahoo_NSYNC: I also like Lauren Hill's new record right now. *But Meanudo will always be my one true love*

giddy_up_14_f asks: I love your home video, it's the best! Who's idea was it? Yahoo_NSYNC: It was all of ours. *It was Justin's idea* Yahoo_NSYNC: We just wanted people to see what we do every day. *He wanted an excuse to be on tv more*

KellyluvsJstan asks: How old where u when U got your first kiss? Yahoo_NSYNC: I was 5 or 6 Yahoo_NSYNC: I was in first grade I think and it was recess. Yahoo_NSYNC: These girls were playing kiss tag and they pinned me and I got kissed. *WTF Didn't Chris already use that one? Oh well my fans are so dumb they'll buy it* Yahoo_NSYNC: My first mouth kiss was called a soap opera kiss.

GemGirl602 asks: What is your favorite song to perform in concert? Yahoo_NSYNC: For the Girl who has Everything. Yahoo_NSYNC: Musically, it has everything and the build is climactic. *And I get to steal the spotlight from Justin*

PoshGirlBSB asks: How do you feel about having two albums on the top 10 billboard chart and is it a lot of pressures for you to handle the competition since there are a lot of great boy groups out there? and how do you compare them with you? Yahoo_NSYNC: We're more than happy with our two albums. Yahoo_NSYNC: We never concern ourselves with other people. *Except BSB* Yahoo_NSYNC: We just do our own thing. Yahoo_NSYNC: The only pressure is what we do ourselves. *WTF! Why is a girl with BSB in an NSync chat?*

sweet_babe_for_you asks: how long have you guys been together or in a group singing? Yahoo_NSYNC: We've been a group for about 3 and half years. *And everyday I wonder why I'm in this group and not off doing a solo carrer or a promotion for Disney*

Rossyboy99 asks: When will the video from the Christmas album be released? Yahoo_NSYNC: The video is done. Yahoo_NSYNC: It will be released after Thanksgiving, around X-mas time. *Which makes sense since its a Christmas song*

mnegao asks: First of all we love your music! Thank you! Who's idea was it to use the flame? Why the flame does it have a special meaning? Yahoo_NSYNC: Actually, the flame was a graphic designer's idea. *Were to dumb to come up with an idea alone yet an idea that looks good* Yahoo_NSYNC: The star is an apostrphe. In the UK we met Uri Geller. Yahoo_NSYNC: He's a psychic. *It was Chris's idea to go there he wanted to know if he would ever get laid* Yahoo_NSYNC: He told us to use star on the record and it will be a smash. Yahoo_NSYNC: Sure enough we used the star and it sold really well. *We used an apostrphe on the European album and it sold 00 copies until we released the American album and that still sold more copies in Europe than the European cd* Yahoo_NSYNC: It's weird but it's true. *Chris is weird but he's actually a human*

punkin_boo2 asks: Who is your favorite cartoon character? Yahoo_NSYNC: The single blew up like mad. Yahoo_NSYNC: Ren and Stimpy. *I'm Ren and Justins Stimpy* Yahoo_NSYNC: Now South Park. *Though I would never even think about watching that show because it would condem me to hell. Wait I'm in a boyband so I'm already condemed to hell* Yahoo_NSYNC: When I was younger I like the Thundercats and Superfriends.

Chaos_2001 asks: JC what is your favorite thing about the fans? Yahoo_NSYNC: They feel personable to us. Yahoo_NSYNC: Some of them get emotional, but a lot of them are comfortable around us. Yahoo_NSYNC: I like the fact that they don't mind communicating with us. *The only thing I like about fans is that they give us stuff. But most of our fans scare us. Poor Lance was traumatized from the 'I Love Lance' girl.

Betty_N_Veronica asks: How did you guys all meet and decide to become a group? Yahoo_NSYNC: We've been friends for a long time. *Actually were really enimies* Yahoo_NSYNC: We were all working at theme parks in FL. Yahoo_NSYNC: We all joined up and henceforth 'N Sync.. Yahoo_NSYNC: That was on the MMC. *If one more person comes up to me and says 'WIPEOUT!!' then I'll kill everyone of BSB!!*

NYCrew2 asks: Justin, How did it feel touring with Janet Jackson, considering her poster was on your wall a couple of years ago? Yahoo_NSYNC: One of the most wonderful experiences of my life. Yahoo_NSYNC: I'm a big fan so it was great to be around her atmosphere every day. *Ya it was hard though because I had to take 20 cold showers a day to keep from thinking about the guy in the chair*

U_NC23 asks: If you got abducted by aliens and could only keep one memory, what would it be and why? Yahoo_NSYNC: I don't think I would care. Yahoo_NSYNC: I'd just want out of the spaceship. *I'd want to keep the anal probe*

Jenner1734 asks: Do you guys ever date? I mean I know you have such a busy schedule! Yahoo_NSYNC: We date. We're human beings. Yahoo_NSYNC: We go out and have friends to see. Yahoo_NSYNC: As far as bucking down, it's too hard to see them. Yahoo_NSYNC: I see my friends back home about 2 or 3 times a year. *Hell no we don't have girlfriends. We gots hunnies in every city Note to self:Kill Justin for using ebonics to much*

Justin_N_SYNC_lover asks: Is there any certain thing you guys do right before you go onstage? Yahoo_NSYNC: We always hackey sack. Yahoo_NSYNC: We play and hug each other. *We also pick what girls are gonna get lucky tonight*

Joeugirl15 asks: What has been the weirdest thing a fan has done to meet you? Yahoo_NSYNC: We've seen just about it all. Yahoo_NSYNC: People have snuck in the luggage racks. Yahoo_NSYNC: People try to put themselves in our hotel rooms. Yahoo_NSYNC: We've seen a lot. *Will people stop asking this question?*

ped_oncology asks: When are you guys coming out with your new album? Yahoo_NSYNC: Wow. We just released a X-mas album 2 weeks ago. Yahoo_NSYNC: Our last album was in March and it didn't pick up till late summer. Yahoo_NSYNC: It will be awhile. Yahoo_NSYNC: We'll start recording in Feb. *And then will tell everyone that it will be released on one day but then push the release date back about a million times*

CRAZY4JRT asks: What float are yous going to be on in the Macy's Day Parade? Yahoo_NSYNC: We'll be on the M & M float. *It was Joey's idea*

Jessi_blueeyes asks: What do you love most about your job Yahoo_NSYNC: I love the satifaction of reaching out to people. *I love all the girls* Yahoo_NSYNC: Whether it be my personal feelings in a song, I like reaching out to people.

HomieDrEwY asks: JC.....if you could switch places with anyone in the world for a day...who or what would you be? Yahoo_NSYNC: I'd want to be a woman. *I want to know how they put their makeup on just right* Yahoo_NSYNC: Just to see everything through their eyes. Yahoo_NSYNC: I take it back. I'd rather be an infant with a grown up's brain. *Well I'm close to that I'm a grownup with the mind if an infant* Yahoo_NSYNC: I'd watch people go ode bodie all day.

BROK_Lover_98 asks: Who would you guys like to sing with in the future? Yahoo_NSYNC: A lot of people...Janet Jackson would be an honor. *Then maybe I can score some points and get to be the guy in the chair* Yahoo_NSYNC: Maybe Blackstreet. *Though they would never agree to do one with us* Yahoo_NSYNC: We're very diverse, so it could be anybody.

UofNatLincoln asks: What's your idea of the perfect day? Yahoo_NSYNC: A day of sleep. *A day of sleep*

NSyncChris07 asks: GOOD LUCK TONIGHT!!!!!!!! I WAS AT THE CONCERT LAST NIGHT AND IT ROCKED! Yahoo_NSYNC: Thank you very much. *Damn I hate fans!*

jaydiggity asks: Do you guys have any pets? Yahoo_NSYNC: We might be getting a dog for this tour. Yahoo_NSYNC: We're not sure. We don't want to keep a dog on the bus. *We don't want no fucking dog pissin and shiten in our bunks. Though I wouldn't mind if he did in Justin's* Yahoo_NSYNC: Lance has dog at home but it's his sister's.

shannier asks: Any chance we will be hearing more of your own songs soon? Yahoo_NSYNC: Yeah. The x-mas single is by Justin and I. *I hate Lou for making me say Justin and I wrote ir I wrote it dammit!!* Yahoo_NSYNC: And the next album we're all ready working on stuff.

Sophie1998_98 asks: What was it like the first time you heard your song on the radio? Yahoo_NSYNC: We through a party in the van with our stuffed animals.*WTF! Lou is totally screwed up*

LuckyCharmer1 asks: Do you guys play practical jokes on each other, and what was the most crunk of all? Yahoo_NSYNC: We do. Yahoo_NSYNC: There have been plenty. *And usually they're on me* Yahoo_NSYNC: Toothpaste in the ear, shaving cream in our shoes. Yahoo_NSYNC: Somebody cut out pictures of our faces over babies bodies and stuck them to our speakers.

zSolarStar asks: The all-time question for ya JC :) What is your most FAVORITE ice cream flavor? Yahoo_NSYNC: Mint Chocolate Chip Edy's and Hagen Daz. *I don't eat. Haven't you seen my arms?*

Conny_Chica asks: What's your favourite attraction at Disney World? Yahoo_NSYNC: I like the Tower of Terror. *I hat Tower Of Terror* Yahoo_NSYNC: I like the new Animal Kingdom and I like the Foley sound show.

lovelyloveless003 asks: Whart's your idea of a perfect date? Yahoo_NSYNC: Somewhere nice and quiet. Yahoo_NSYNC: Just so all attention would be just the two of us. *And I can get my mack on*

YellowStrawberry asks: I love the way you guys dance, do you guys choreograph your own routines? (you looked great on EC in Toronto) Yahoo_NSYNC: Some of it. We collaborate. *Want to know why our dancing suckz? Well I'll tell you why Its because our choreographers can't get along* Yahoo_NSYNC: Coerographers will make up stuff and we'll make up stuff together.

EmmaBunton_99 asks: Do you have any online services or e-mail? Yahoo_NSYNC: Not yet. I'm working on it. Yahoo_NSYNC: I just got my computer. *Its not like I'm gonna tell you if I did then you'd hunt me down*

justinchuan2 asks: What other interests besides music do you have? Yahoo_NSYNC: I sleep. Movies a lot. *My other interest is crack..uh..caffenine....I like to sleep* Yahoo_NSYNC: To be entertained for a little while. Yahoo_NSYNC: I like doing anything as long as it's with my friends. *Minasa Tua*

NickyNick_28 asks: Who is the craziest in the group? Yahoo_NSYNC: Chris. *The alien Chris*

tekee_01 asks: JC, what is it like to be on the mickey Mouse Club? Yahoo_NSYNC: That was actually one of the greatest experiences of my life. I've been lucky. *I'll kill BSB if someone says 'WIPEOUT!!!' to me again*

paralady_88 asks: If you were trapped on a boat with man eating sharks swimming around, Who would you throw over to save everyone else? Yahoo_NSYNC: Chris because he'd beat him up. *Chris cause his an alien

Poofoo_98 asks: If you could pick one word to describe you, what would it be and why? Yahoo_NSYNC: focused. *High cause I'm always high* Yahoo_NSYNC: Because, I'm always gonna have my attention on what I'm doing.

Poison___Ivy12 asks: If you had to pick a super power what would it be and why?? Yahoo_NSYNC: Invisible. Yahoo_NSYNC: Then I could hear all the good gossip. *Then I can watch Joey and some random girl get it on* Yahoo_NSYNC: Let me be a fly on the while.

JRTkissedme asks: What is your favorite song of all time? Yahoo_NSYNC: Depends on my mood. Fragile by Sting. Yahoo_NSYNC: There are so many. * Give it to you by Jordan Knight. It makes a great mackin song*

roach1_4 asks: do you think that some day you guys will branch off into other entertainment fields Yahoo_NSYNC: We're doing it together. Yahoo_NSYNC: Maybe Sabrina the Teenage Witch. *Melissas hot* Yahoo_NSYNC: People are callling us to do a movie. Yahoo_NSYNC: We want to actually act in a movie. *But you can't see it unless your 21*

Giggles_Jr asks: Is it true that you sleep with all the stuffed animals you get? Yahoo_NSYNC: It's a misconception. I use them for pillows a lot. Yahoo_NSYNC: They're very soft. Sometimes they're better than bus pillows. *Though they do help through lonely times*

ShaiCRICKET asks: What would you say is your most endearing quality? Yahoo_NSYNC: My sincerity. *My physical attributs Wink Wink*

AnlaShok21 asks: Do you have a favorite place or venue to perform in? Yahoo_NSYNC: We're still checking them all out. I'd say Radio City Music Hall. *I like Las Vegas cause of all the prostitues* Yahoo_NSYNC: We might be there again.

nicksfavegirl_98 asks: Do you guys hang out with the BSB? And if you do what kinda stuff do you guys do with them? Yahoo_NSYNC: We don't hang out regularly, but we do see them. *I hate BSB. Iswear to god if I ever saw the I'd kill them*

Bouncy_10 asks: JC WHO IS THE GRUMPIEST IN THE MORNING???????????????/ Yahoo_NSYNC: Justin *Me*

Mirror_99 asks: ARE YOU REALLY AS NICE AND DOWN TO EARTH AS YOU SEEM?? ChatYahoo_Lisa: Yes he is! *No he isn't*

Jodie_KC asks: do you get any privacy at all after becoming so popular ? Yahoo_NSYNC: Usually, when we go home. Yahoo_NSYNC: We get a little bit but not much, *So stay away from us you syco bitch*

Justin_can_I_be_yours asks: What do you guys do when you're really board on the bus? Yahoo_NSYNC: We have sugar parties. Candy parties. *Crack parties* Yahoo_NSYNC: We have parades. We take out the video camera. Yahoo_NSYNC: You'll see some of that in the Mix video. Yahoo_NSYNC: We get loony after a while. *Ya me and Lance do in my bunk*

da_brat1685 asks: What kind of advise would you give to someone who wants to start their own band?? Yahoo_NSYNC: Make sure you get along with everybody. Yahoo_NSYNC: Having the right chemistry is the most important thing. *Have hot bodies*

kawhitby asks: Do you guys all hang out when you're not working? Yahoo_NSYNC: Yeah. Isn't that sad. *No we like to kill each other when were on the road so do you really think that I'd hang out with them when I'm not. Hell no I like to hang out with Peaches*

B96NsYnC asks: What's your favorite place you've been to? Yahoo_NSYNC: South Africa. *Amsterdam. So many girls willing to take their clothes off*

justinnigel asks: Do any of your family travel with you Yahoo_NSYNC: My brother comes with me sometimes. Yahoo_NSYNC: He's meeting me in Richmond. Yahoo_NSYNC: All our families are meeting us for Thanksgiving in NYC. *Unfortunatl they do and I have to be the innocent one so they don't get suspicious*

homiepookie asks: JC, when are you guys taking a break? ...we dont want to wear you guys out... Yahoo_NSYNC: Don't worry about us being worn out. *I bet that in less then one year that Lance will be in the hospital worn out as they come* Yahoo_NSYNC: In Feb we'll be at home and we'll have 4 days off for X-mas. Yahoo_NSYNC: And thank you for your concern.

Curlzluva asks: every girl in these chats want to know BOXERS OR BRIEFS??? :) Yahoo_NSYNC: Actually boxer-briefs. The sports shorts. *Why must you guys ask this every interveiw?*

froggie_nm asks: what is your pet peeve? Yahoo_NSYNC: I don't know.I'll think of one in ten minutes.*I think that the drugs are scrambeling my brains again*

StarLD2 asks: You guys were great in Rock and Jock. Did you guys enjoy it? Yahoo_NSYNC: That was a blast. Yahoo_NSYNC: We hung out with a bunch of artists and met a bunch of basketball stars. *And Justin got into a fight*

Lyssa14_98 asks: Are you JC really engaged to Alyssa Milano?? Yahoo_NSYNC: I've never even met Alssa Milano. *But I would love to marry her*

ExcelDuo asks: How long have you been dancing? Yahoo_NSYNC: Since I was like 13. *Since MMC*

_Shannel asks: Which SPICE GIRL would you best match with?? Yahoo_NSYNC: Actually, I have no idea. Yahoo_NSYNC: They're all pretty wild. Yahoo_NSYNC: Baby or Sporty because they're not married. *Baby cause shes so sexy!*

super_model_21 asks: How do you keep in shape? Yahoo_NSYNC: The shows pretty much. Yahoo_NSYNC: Rehersals and shows keep us in shape. *Steroids*

Nikki_Paolo asks: Do you guys really see people in the way back of the concert and how could I make sure you guys saw me? Yahoo_NSYNC: Yes we do because there is a part where we turn all the lights on. Yahoo_NSYNC: A couple of times we'll do that. If you have a sign we'll see you. *Even though we don't read them. And if we do we usually laugh*

vanilla_creem asks: what do you want for christmas? Yahoo_NSYNC: I just want to be home with my family. *I want 30 pounds of crack*

sportnike asks: I absolutely loved yor Disney special I was wondering if you were going to do any more T.V. specials? Yahoo_NSYNC: We did a Disney X-mas special. *Jutin and Tatiyana got it on in the bathroom* Yahoo_NSYNC: We're doing a Kathie Lee special. *Kathie Lee loooves JuJu* Yahoo_NSYNC: We're doing a ton of stuff before X-mas. Yahoo_NSYNC: I say it's my keyboard and my guitar because they're mine, Yahoo_NSYNC: It's the only thing in the world I own anymore.

wantsJC asks: whos idea was it to have waterguns during the concerts? Yahoo_NSYNC: I don't remember. I just remember we all wanted to something with the crowd.*Joey wanted to do it so he could get the girls wearing white wet*

Kate_cool_98 asks: When did you know you wanted to be a singer? Yahoo_NSYNC: I didn't really. Yahoo_NSYNC: It just kinda happened. *When MMC said I had talent*

JCW82 asks: Who wrote the song, "God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You", and who is it based on? Yahoo_NSYNC: The song was written by Stirken and Rodgers. *Were to dumb to write our own songs* Yahoo_NSYNC: They're two guys from NY. Yahoo_NSYNC: The minute we read the lyrics we knew it could relate to anyone. Yahoo_NSYNC: It has such a universal meaning. It's not just a love song.

SaharaAndDeezal asks: Do you feel overwhelmed by the reaction of your girl fans? And how do you cope?! Yahoo_NSYNC: Jeez. You don't really have to cope. Yahoo_NSYNC: It's fun. They just having fun like we are. *So mmet me in my bedroom in an hour*

funkylittledude asks: I saw your new video on total request yesterday and it was da bomb!!! Yahoo_NSYNC: Thank you. *You just saw it!! Where have you been? Living under a rock?*

beccadeeds asks: What is the most excitng concert you have ever done? Yahoo_NSYNC: That's impossible. Yahoo_NSYNC: I will say this. The biggest crowd we played in front of was on the Janet Jackson tour. *And I hate the guy in the chair!!* Yahoo_NSYNC: It wasn't for us but that was Chicago. Dallas was also great.

Soccr_GirL asks: What is your favorite flavor jello? Yahoo_NSYNC: Just about anything red. *Where do they come up with these questions?*

JCchasez22 asks: JC...what was your favorite toy? Yahoo_NSYNC: Nintendo 64 for a while. Yahoo_NSYNC: Then I got back into a Rubic's cube . Yahoo_NSYNC: I also carry a yo yo in my backpack. *My favorite toy is my sniffing tube*

LiL_SwEETie_PiE1 asks: who is your favorite disney character? Yahoo_NSYNC: Pluto. Just because he's real. *Pluto cause he relates to my on a personal level* Yahoo_NSYNC: He was a dog and he barked.

Lis237 asks: Do you plan to go to college? Yahoo_NSYNC: Yeah. *No cause then I'll be to old*

babybluenailpolish asks: What do you guys bring on tour to keep from getting homesick? Yahoo_NSYNC: We bring our cell phones and run up bills to our parents. *Or we wait until they call so we don't have to pay*

LHSCO00 asks: Do you like going to the photo shoots? Yahoo_NSYNC: Yeah. Especially when they have a stylist there. *Even though we need to fire our stylest and hire Lauren from The Thrustin 5ive;) Yahoo_NSYNC: You get to try new clothes and styles.

DixieChicks97 asks: I hear you are a fan of the Star Wars movies. Are you planning on going to see the new one this spring? And are you into any other sci fi's? Yahoo_NSYNC: But of course. *I'll be camping out at your local theatre* Yahoo_NSYNC: I want to see the new Trek movie and I'm not a fan. *But I heard the chicks were hot*

Tavia101 asks: What movies do you have on the tour bus. Yahoo_NSYNC: Austin Powers. In Europe we watch Spinal Tap a lot. Yahoo_NSYNC: The Godfather movies *Lance makes them cause he's in the mafia*

sportysporty3 asks: what is the funnest part about doing concerts?? Yahoo_NSYNC: To look at the peoples faces when they're having a good time. Yahoo_NSYNC: It's awesome. That's a party town if I've ever seen one. *To see all the signs about Justin*

Sophie1998_98 asks: What's your favorite thing to eat while on the road? Yahoo_NSYNC: McDonalds. Yahoo_NSYNC: I like going to NY and getting cookies from Joey's uncle. *He uses special nuts* Yahoo_NSYNC: We destroy those things.

kingsraven asks: Who's your favorite Star Wars character? Yahoo_NSYNC: I was a big Han Solo fan because he wasn't a goody too shoes. Yahoo_NSYNC: He was a good guy but a little rough around the edges. *Ewok cause they remind me of my stuffed animals*

lavaflow27 asks: JC you have a great voice and I was wondering who told you for the first time that you should sing professionally Yahoo_NSYNC: Actually, nobody every told me except for when I auditioned. Yahoo_NSYNC: I was dared before that by my best friend K.C. but that was just to embaress me. *Of course I always thought I could sing. Now if I could kill Justin then I'd have all the solos. Muhahaha*

Honey_112 asks: Are you all surprised by the amount of fans you all have here in the U.S.? Yahoo_NSYNC: Yeah. We're ecstatic. Yahoo_NSYNC: You can't predict how it's gonna happen. *We knew all along that we'd have millions of fans. We're trying to rival Beatlemania*

jaye_t asks: No question, just congratulations on your success. You guys are so talented and at the same time humble. God Bless. Yahoo_NSYNC: Thank you very much and God bless you too. *No go buy everythiong you can find with NSync in it*

sweet_babe_for_you asks: Do you guys shop alot? Yahoo_NSYNC: No we don't get a lot of time to go shopping. But when we do, we do. Yahoo_NSYNC: In LA it's Melrose. *Yet fame hasn't changed us*

hanson_rocksmyworld asks: Whats your favorite holiday and why? Yahoo_NSYNC: Christmas because it's a family holiday. Yahoo_NSYNC: I think X-mas affects a lot of people and just puts them in a good mood. *X-mas cause you get lots of presents*

C_Berman asks: JC I notice you ALWAYS wear the same necklace. What does it mean to you? Yahoo_NSYNC: It's a lion. I'm a Leo.*See and people say drugs ruin you memory* Yahoo_NSYNC: It's good luck.

kembsb asks: What is the funniest sign anyone has held up for u? Yahoo_NSYNC: I can't say that one. *Dammit I must be losing my memory from all the drugs* Yahoo_NSYNC: Oops! Yahoo_NSYNC: That;'s ice cream. I'd be willing to go pretty far.

_butterfly37_ asks: What's your biggest dream in life now? Yahoo_NSYNC: To be a part of a song that could live on as a classic. *To get a nose job*

Crazy_Sync_Sista_Gina asks: Who's the messiest in the group? Yahoo_NSYNC: We all have our moments. *Joey. He never throws his used condoms out*

luvin_jc2 asks: JC, What is you favorite part of your show? What do you like most about your live performances? Yahoo_NSYNC: Besides squirting the audience? Yahoo_NSYNC: I like the intro because it's a Star Wars themed intro. *I like all the flashers*

Absolut_Kelly asks: Do you ever get nervous before a concert? Yahoo_NSYNC: I get butterflies before every show. Yahoo_NSYNC: The first show is the most nerve racking. Yahoo_NSYNC: You're always thinking am I gonna do it right tonight. And you hope you don't mess up. *I'm never nervous cause I'm the bomb*

trixiefire asks: What did you wanna be when you were a kid thinking about your future?? Yahoo_NSYNC: Either and engineer or a carpenter. Yahoo_NSYNC: I wanted to work with my hands. *I love to work with my hands after the show. Wink Wink*

Jiffer2276 asks: What do you hope to be doing 10 years from now? Yahoo_NSYNC: Something in the entertainment field. *Being a photographer for Playboy*

KittyCat_456 asks: Is there anyone who helped you get to the point you're at now, anyone in particular you dedicate your success to? Yahoo_NSYNC: A lot of people. Yahoo_NSYNC: My parents first. Yahoo_NSYNC: My parents. *Everyone who called my Wipeout cause they fueled my anger*

ToOsWeEeEt_13f asks: Who is your favorite movie/tv star? Yahoo_NSYNC: Harrison Ford fan. *I loooove Sherry 'Boom Boom' Rodreguis* Yahoo_NSYNC: Lately, George Clooney's work. Yahoo_NSYNC: He does tv and movies so there.

jessica1429 asks: Have you ever gone skinny dipping????? Yahoo_NSYNC: No comment. *Yes I have. In every city we go skinny dipping in the hote pool*

Coca_Cola_Chica_1 asks: Do you do anything before a show for good luck? Yahoo_NSYNC: We always kick the hackey around till we get a good hackey. *Or get high*

Jemmie160 asks: What do you look for in a girl? Yahoo_NSYNC: I like a girl who maintains herself but isn't arrogant. Yahoo_NSYNC: I like a girl who is understand and makes me laugh.*Anyone legal* Yahoo_NSYNC: I just want to thank everybody for coming and I hope I answered some good questions. Yahoo_NSYNC: We'll see ya soon and give a holler.

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