JC Chasez

Name:Joshua Scott Chasez

Birthdate:August 8, 1976

Place Of Birth:Matress Store


Hair:Brown, Brown w/ blond tips

Home:Orlando w/ Justin and Chris

Fave food:crack...err....Caffenine....Uhh I like to sleep

Car:Jeep (Ewww)

Sign:Leo (My sign!!)

Best Mates:Any girl thats legal

Fave films:Pleasure In Malibu

Fave color:Blue (Hopefully not baby blue or the break up of NSync is upon us)

Fave music:Sting, Seal (Geek!)

Collects:Hard Rock Cafe menues (Its hella funny when fans throw them on stage at concerts and they hit him in the face!)

Fave childhood toy:Raggedy Andy (*coughgaycough*

Fave NSync song:I Need Love


As you know some of these facts aren't true. My comments are in ( )'s

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