My Interveiw With Justin

This is how it started..... Me and Caitlin were shopping and we decided to make a pit stop for some cappachinos.Well we sit down only to be approached by a guy. To our surprise it was the one and only Justin Timberlake.

Me:So can I ask you a few questions for my website?

JuJu:Ya Ya dat be coo

Me:Ok So what is with you and Britney?

JuJu:Datz skank?!? Notin

Me:Ok next question. What did you really think of JC when you meet him on MMC?

JuJu:Dat boy be a mack daddy or somthin. He be tryin to steal my bitches

Me:Do you still hate him?

JuJu:Hellz ya!

Me:So the whole 'We're best friends' is just an act?

JuJu: Hellz ya! But when do I get to talk about the fly Benz I gots?

Me: Never. So anyways do any of yous gots I mean do any of you have girlfriends?

JuJu:Hellz no! We got hunnies in every city! And ifz you playz your cards right you can be da one for Detroit! ::Winks at me::

Me:Ughh hell no!! I'd rather drink toxic waste!!! :::A shout is heard from across the food court:::

JC:Justin get your ass over here our the wip comes out!!

JuJu:I gotz ta go Herez my numba call me later. :::::Justin leaves and I tear the paper with his number on it::::

Ok itz not much of an interveiw but dealz wit it!! (OMG Justin's ebonics are wearing off on me!!)

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