Lance On 12-2-98

ChatYahoo_Lisa: Lance is here! Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Hi everyone. I'm now online!

a_cassell asks: Lance, I just wanna say that I love you and that I wish you the best. Anyways, here is the question- Do you consider yourself lucky to be a member of NSYNC? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I'm very lucky to be a member, and definitely lucky to be where we're at today. *And that guy that quite is kicking himself in his ass right now*

NsyncBassBaby asks: Have you ever studied dance or did you just pick it up as you joined the group ? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I was the worst dancer when I joined the group! *Hell I still am* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I spent hours with a choreographer every day so I could learn.

SyncMousePlayBoy asks: Lance, what is your favorite song to perform? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I have three. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: God Must Have SPent a little more time on you Yahoo_NSync_Lance: for the girl who has everything Yahoo_NSync_Lance: and I want you back. *I can't make up my mind*

NSYNCAngel_Sista asks: Why do you like the Tazmanian Devil so much? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Just because he's so crazy, and I just like his little language he has. "balhbahblalll" something like that! *Thats the language I speak in bed. Wanna see?*

bluebed98 asks: How many hours a week does the group spend practicing dance? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: When we get ready for a tour, any where from 8-10 hours per day. On tour, practices are our sound checks and performances. *But we really need more practice. I mean have you ever seen us live?!?!?*

amybug_18 asks: What do you think is your best quality? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I guess I'm too friendly sometimes. *My best quality is my flare for make-up. I give the best facial masks!!* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: That can be bad sometimes.

SaharaAndDeezal asks: What's your favorite food and why? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Food is French toast because when I was little my grandmother made that for me every morning when I spent the night at her house. *Apples cause they are great for your body*

NsyncBassBaby asks: What's your favorite place you've been on tour & why ? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Lichtenstein, probably. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: That's because it's the most peaceful country you'll probably ever go to. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Just paradise. *I absoulutly loved Hawaii though. A bunch of guys topless Wink Wink*

bluebed98 asks: What;s your favorite song on the album? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: God Must Have Spent a Little More Time On YOu *I Need Love*

SaharaAndDeezal asks: What is your favorite Christmas carol? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: O Holy Night *Under My Tree HeHeHe*

Tay1222314 asks: Lance, how did 'NSYNC meet? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Everyone was in Orlando working there. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Two of the guys were working at Universal. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Two at a club. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We were looking for a bass player, and they called me up to go down to Orlando. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: The first time we sang together, we knew that was it. *If one more person asks my this then my knife collection comes out*

RidDLe_7 asks: What was it like performing in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Besides the rain, it was really cool because every year I've watched the parade at my grandmother's. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: This was the first time I was away from Mississippi. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It was cool to be in it. I never thought I'd be in it. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Plus, we got to meet a lot of neat people, like Chicago, and Monica. *Ya and Justin hit on Monica and got rejected!*

SoccerChic6969 asks: How does your success affect your regular life? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I don't have any more free time or privacy. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I knew that's what I would give up when I joined. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Other than that, I'm very well grounded. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: My family keeps me down to earth. They would kill me if I got a big head. *Fame hasn't affected me except for the fact that I can now buy the $10 lipstick!*

I_Luv_Justin98 asks: Do u guys get into alot of fights? if you do how do resolve the problem? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Never into fistfights, but we do have disagreements. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We're like brothers. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I consider him family. Just like brothers, we fight. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We handle them by talking to each other. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We usually forget the problem by the next day. *Well except JC and Justin. They would kill each other if it wasn't for us*

NsyncGirlyGirl asks: Do you guys check out all the webpages made about you on the internet? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I do. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Just got my computer two weeks ago. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: The first thing I did was search some of the sites. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I visited quite a few, and left a few messages. They probably don't know it was me. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I was very impressed. Some are better than our own site! *Justin's mom does our site do thats probably why it suckz*

Shorty_Rox_144 asks: What's your fav. thing to do when u aren't performing? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Probably jet skiing. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Perfect when I want to get away from it all. *But I love horseback riding. Giddy Up!!*

Sparkle_00_04 asks: which member of NSync have you bonded with the most do you think? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Different ones at different times. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: At first, me and Chris bonded the best because we were rooming together. *Ya some nights things got hot and heavy* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Me and Joey always went out at night to clubs. *But we usually ended up dancing with each other* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Justin and I relate the most because we're almost the same age and similar backgrounds. *And we share hair dye* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: JC is just fun to talk to about anything. *I can't talk to JC about anything cause he'll fall asleep in the middle of our convo* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: He's very smart and intellectual about different stuff.

nsynceb2001 asks: What is your favorite music? Who's your favorite singer? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I like every type of music from hard rock to country. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Vocally, Celine Dion. Performance wise, Garth Brooks. *Garth Brooks damn you! If you were a true fan you'd know that by now*

a_cassell asks: Did Toby the horse really die? If so, I'm very sorry.. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Yes, he died of old age. He was an old horse. That was several years ago. *I still cry about it everyday* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I'll probably have another someday, and he'll be named toby in honor of him.

RidDLe_7 asks: Is it true that you are the shyest in the band? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Compared to everyone else, yes! Yahoo_NSync_Lance: They're very crazy, so I wouldn't say I'm shy, but compared to the other guys yes. *But now I'm just as crazy as them. Some say that they ruined my innocence*

raechel_love asks: How did you put together a Christmas album so fast? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: That surprises us sometimes. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: When we decided to do it we had a month and a half. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: But we did it in 4 weeks. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We were really happy how it turned out. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: A little surprised at how quick. *Actually we did it in 4 days*

Mrs_Chasez asks: Do you keep all the stuff that the fans throw up on stage? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Yes. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: A lot of the stuff we keep if it means a lot to us. Some of the stuff we can't keep we give to charities like Children's Hospitals. *I keep the Furby's, Joey keeps the bra and panties, Justin keeps phone numbers, Jc keeps all the stuffed animals for 'lonely' nights, and Chris keeps all the weird toys* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We get lots of stuffed animals. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It is.

TahitiTreat_22 asks: Hey Lance, your song is on the radio right now, and I was just wondering if it was a thrill hearing yourself on the radio? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Every time it comes on, it brings a smile to my face knowing that people are listening to our music. *I never actually hear me so why should I be thrilled?* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It doesn't seem real sometimes. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: When you hear people request it and hear the Dj announce it, it means so much.

BVJusNSYNC asks: BOXERS or BRIEFS Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Both Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Sometimes boxers sometimes briefs, somedays boxerbriefs. *Stop asking this fuckin question!!*

Jessica_S_16 asks: what is you idea of a perfect date? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Something adventurous. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Hiking, then picnic on the beach. *And a ride on Toby Jr.* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: An amusement park. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Something fun. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Rockclimbing.

Stacey_Loves_Lance asks: is it true that u have a collection of beenie babies? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Unfortunately, yes. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It's one of those things I rarely admit. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Because I made fun of beanie babies at first. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Fans started giving them to me, and then it got addicting. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I'm a baby-beanieaholic. *Everyone makes fun of me. Wassup wit dat all? Justin shut up and leave the typest alone!!*

Laur723 asks: what would you like to be doing in 20 years? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Hopefully the group will still be together. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Lots of albums behind us. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: World tours. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I see us doing individual stuff, too. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Justin will probably do a solo album. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: in a few years. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I see us doing a lot of movies in the next 20 years. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We want to do every aspect of it. *In the next 20 years I see myself running my own cosmeticts line called PooFoo-4-U*

NSyncKicks15 asks: Do you guys ever get homesick? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: All the time. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: But I always get calls from friends. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I talk with family every day. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I go home once a month. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It's not enough, but it work.*Of course we get homesick you imbusul. And what does NSync Kick?*

amybug_18 asks: Besides family and friends, what else do you miss on tour? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I miss having some off time. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Going out and doing whatever you want to by yourself. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Like going to the mall and shopping. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We work all the time, so we don't have time to think abou thtat. *I miss being able to go to summer camp to visit the horses. When I do go a bunch of girls are there waiting for me. That 'I Love Lance' girl camps out there*

Teaspoon_16 asks: What's the last movie you saw at the theatres? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Enemy of the State. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Two days ago in Cleveland. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I loved it! Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Great movie, Will Smith was incredible. *I didn't get the plot though*

angel_iris_peace asks: Do you play video games and what games are they Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I have a playstation. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: haven't played in a while. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Chris has one on the bus. *And he'll kick my ass if my fingerprints appear on the controller when he does his routine fingerprint dusting* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: When I go home, I like to play adventurous games. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Like Bug Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Mario Brothers type of games. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Where you can continue when you left off. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: A mission you have to accomplish.

SpMedGirl18 asks: is there one song that stirs up very strong emotions for you? any song? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: The Dance, it's my favorite song. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It's a very good song. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Words makes you start thinking about past experiences and people in your life. *It reminds me of Toby*

Jenny172 asks: Lance, what is one of your favorite memories you have as a group? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I have several. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: The first time we went platinum *But Justin stole all the gold and platiumm cds* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: To meeting and presenting the Bee Gees their lifetime achievement award. *Thats the group we stole some songs from* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Traveling all around the world performing for all types of audiences. *But I hate going to Boston unless I get some Boston...stuff* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Every day is a new memory.

sportysporty3 asks: what do u plan to do for your 20th b-day Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I don't know. *Joey said he was gonna get me a prostitue. Whats a prostitue?* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Actually, I think we'll be in NYC Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We'll be doing 5 nights at Radio City Music Hall.

phnixfire asks: are you looking forward to performing at motown live? I'll be there to cheer you guys on! Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We're really looking forward to that. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We just found out about it last week. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I saw it on TV last year. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: This year, it's going to be a lot of fun to be on it. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I'm anxious to meet everyone. *I feel that it should be held in Detroit though. Detroit you rock!!!*

NSyncKicks15 asks: Can you see everyone in the audience? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We see the first 10 rows, but after that it's hard. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Then during the show, we have them turn on the house lights so we can see everyone. *That should get you guys out of my hair. I don't enjot seeing teenyboppers everyday*

Magdalena_2001 asks: What are your resolutions for the New Year? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Overall just to be a better person. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Be a better influence to people since we're always in the public eye. *But I'm gonna take Chris's advice of getting my arm tattoed* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I guess I just want it to be the year of NSYNC for us. *So all you fans go kill BSB* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I want to do as many things as we want to do. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Like a movie, and new album in February. *A movie is being issued but you can't see it unless you 21* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: That's a biggie since the second album is what makes you. *Were gonna make one and say were gonna release it in August, but then oush it back to the beginning of the next year* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We'll make it as big as we possibly can.

SarahMonica7 asks: was becoming a singer your dream? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: No, actually. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I've always thought about it, but I never thought I'd be able to do it. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I've always wanted to be an actor. *Huh? What was that Lou? Oh I always wanted to be an astrounaut* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: For some reason I thought that was more attainable. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: The day I joined the group, I knew that this was it and that this would work. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: So far it's been a dream come true.

Sugarchic24 asks: whos idea was it to get tatoos when the album went platnum Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I don't know. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It just happened. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We were in Canada at muchMusic. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We did a show and they presented us with our first platinum album live on TV. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: The security people there worked at a tattoo parlor Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We went like at 1 am after the show. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We picked out the flames from the I want you back CD Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Everyone got something similar. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Mine's small on my ankle Yahoo_NSync_Lance: JC didn't get anything because he was scared. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: They're not seen so our parents won't get mad at us. *I can't belive they let Justin get his with out parent perrmission!! He wasn't even legal!!*

Jiznazzy asks: Do you like little children? You and the other guys seem so natural around it because you come from a big family? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I think so. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Everyone is so good with kids. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I worked at a day care when I lived in Mississippi. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I used to be at eacher there. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: They're so fun. So honest! That's what I like about them. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: If you ever want to know an answer, just ask a little kid. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We love visiting with kids at schools. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It's so humbling, because they don't care who you are. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: They're really real. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It's fun. *I love children cause I'm from Mississippi*

LuckyCharmer1 asks: If aliens were to destroy the world in the next 24 hours and you could only save one thing, what would it be? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Hmmm. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: That's a very good question Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Never heard that before. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I guess my family. *I'd definetly save Toby Jr.*

pOkEmOn_OnE asks: Is there a certain item you carry with you alwayz? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Just got a book from a fan. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: What would jesus do. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: IT's for 365 days. Every day it has a scripture and asks a question and then asks what would Jesus do. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It's really cool , because it gets you thinking. *I always carry a peice of hay around cause I'm from Mississppi*

Lutz779 asks: What was your first kiss like? and how old were you? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I was 5 years old. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I don't remember what it was like. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It was just a peck. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We had a homecoming game, and we were the little prince and princess of the game. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We had to carry crown and sceptor. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: And they made us kiss. *She had really bad breath. I liked kissing Toby more that I liked kissing her*

jojodojo asks: have you ever got to meet a singer or band that you like? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Several. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Just last week, Chicago. *Their a very old band so none of you teenyboppers would know them* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: They're awesome. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Matchbox 20 *Yes the group with the cute singer Rob Thomas* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: One of my favorite groups. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: This Monday, I'll meet everyone I've alwasy wanted to meet. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I met Celene Dion. *Chris has a voice like hers and I'm soo jealous* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Hopefully Monday, Garth Brooks. *Garth Brooks ::::Has a dreamy look on his face::::* That's a great dream. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Him and Rosie O'Donnell. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We're on her show Feb. 8

I_Luv_Justin98 asks: Are american fans more agressive then european fans? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Not at all. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: American fans are very good. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: They're very enthusiastic at concerts, and they support us with everything. They have a good time, and then they go home and wait for us to come back next time. *They'll sleep with us* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: In Europe, it's a game to them to know whereyou're at every time of day. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I don't know how they find u Yahoo_NSync_Lance: it's like a lifestyle for some of them. *They won't sleep with us so we must make them look bad* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: In Spain, they're very aggressive. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: They want to just touch you. *One of them...One of them..ra...raped me Sob Sob* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Every country has a differen tfeel. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Hawaii had an interesting culture. They were the loudest crowd I'd ever heard. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It hurt my ears! *Even with ear plugs* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Every place has a different effect.

volleyballchic1385 asks: a question on everyones mind, are you single?? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I am single, but I am dating. *I'm part of ADM Albinos Dating Monkeys* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Haven't found the right person yet, but I'm not really looking. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I'm just enjoying meeting different people, going on dates when i have the time.

Oscar_the_grouch_9 asks: who inspired you to become a musican?? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I think it was my best friend Darren. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: He was always singing, and I wasn't into singing. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: He wanted me to join show choir, so I tried out and joined. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I had so much fun. *Ya I actually SANG there* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: From there, I advanced to another. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I wasn't singing too long after that when Justin called.

ajluver204 asks: Who's your fav character on South Park Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I have no idea. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Every one is so funny. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: The funniest has to be Cartman, but I like Stan a lot too. *If we were South Park charecters I wouldn't be in it. Theres only 4 of them so I would have to dissapear*

hypergirl_39 asks: Whst do you put on your french toast? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Powdered sugar. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Some like syrup, but I was raised with powdered sugar on the toast. The real French way. *But I love french kissing even more then french toast*

oses426 asks: what do you look for in a girl Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I like the innocent type. The good girls. I like a religious girl. Someone I can talk to and be best friends with for anything. *I love monkeys though*

Jiznazzy asks: What do you do to get prepared for a concert? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We have about an hour before every concert where we relax. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We have our wardrobe assistants who are licensed masseusses. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We get massages and that relaxes us. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Scalp massages. *I'm sorry Lou it slipped. No I know I know were not supposed to have sexual contact with anyone*

Ljkimbro asks: did your families come up for Thanksgiving? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Yes. We called in some caterers at the hotel, and we invited the crew and everyone who worked for us and we had a big Thanksgiving dinner in NY. *But Chris kept flicken food at everyone. Well until Lonnie picked him up and held him up against a wall*

DarrenLuvsMe asks: Lance how does it feel to be loved by so many people? Does it feel weird being so popular? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I feel like it's a small world. Everywhere we go, it's like "Hi Lance." I feel like I'm in a small town. *Basiclly I just want you people to leave me and Top...Danielle alone* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It feels comforting to know that you have a lot of people who know who you are and respect what you do. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It's something you can't comprehend well. It's really nice.

kumuoli756 asks: if you had a day of freedom, what would you be doing? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I would be home with my family. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Probably jet skiing! *Or singing lullabyes at Toby's grave*

bassgrrl15 asks: What is the song "Under My Tree" about? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Under My Tree is about someone talking to their loved one. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Talking about how they would make all the dreams come true just being with them. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Holding them under the tree at Christmas time. *And how we love all that kinky shit. You know We'll make love under the tree while santa watches*

FloridaFemale16 asks: What is your favorite movie? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Clue *A Man And A Man Met*

gritssb asks: How have your friends handled your fame? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: They enjoy it. Sometimes they have more fun than I do! Yahoo_NSync_Lance: They enjoy it. They sit back and laugh. They know me. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: They say, "Why do they act so crazy about you, it's just you!" Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We laugh about it. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We're amazed at how quickly it came about. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: They've known about NSYNC for three years now. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It's been interesting to watch it grow. *My friends love it cause I have to buy them expensive gift at Holidays*

JustnGrl asks: what was your favorite subject in school? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I like math and sciences. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: My mother was a math teacher. *My momma always did my work* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: My favorite was probably physics.

curliesgurlie asks: Who's the grumpiest in the morning?? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Probably Justin. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: If you wake him up, he's not awake yet. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: He doesn't talk until he has his cereal. *Joey tried to cheer him up once and Justin slugged him* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: So you don't want to talk with him until then!

NSyncKicks15 asks: Have you ever went bungy jumping? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: No, but I'm definitely going soon. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: That's been on my mind forever. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I'm going skydiving in a wind tunnel they have in Orlando. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: hopefully, one day, I can really go sky diving. * I predict that I will hit a bird. It my goal cause I'm from Mississippi*

pOkEmOn_OnE asks: what do you think about the nba lockout? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I think it's terrible. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Basketball is the group's favorite sport. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: that's all we watch. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Another thing is, "going Here we Go" was to be the theme song for the NBA this year. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: That kind of ruined our plans! Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Maybe it'll come back. *Ya and BSB's Everybody beat us out. I'm gonna kill them motha fuckers. ::::Nick walkd in and says 'Temper Temper'::::*

UWGB_luves_nsync asks: What is your most prized possession? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I guess all my platinum and gold records. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It's just nice to see all the awards we've won. In one glance you can remember several days of your life. *And all my horse back riding medals* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It's nice to see what we've done.

nsyncgal234 asks: who are your role models? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I have several. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: my family is my biggest. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: They rub off on you! Yahoo_NSync_Lance: My biggest musically is Garth Brooks. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I like his attitude and the way he enjoys his fans and does his music. (a/n I couldn't think of anything but I'm getting soo sick of Garth)

rosebud_1616 asks: Do you play any instruments? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I play the keyboard. *I play the keybord*

Princess_K_18 asks: Do you usually spend the night in the bus or in a hotel room? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Usually in hotel rooms. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We travel at night, 4-5 hours at night. So we sleep on the bus too. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We then wake up at a hotel and sleep the rest of the night there. *Lonnie sometimes has to carry Justin to his room cause he'll just sit there and suck his thumb and occasionally call out for his mommy*

SyncMouseRideIt asks: Lane, what is your fav part about touring? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Getting to see everywhere. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: All the cities. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Getting to see all the fans you get to know over time. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Every time you go to a city and see them again. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Meeting the people is the best part. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: All the time. *1. My name is Lance not Lane. 2. According to Joey the best part about touring is that the cops can't catch you if you buy an illegal prostitue. Whats a prostitute*

urgelover8up asks: are you ever overwhelmed by all of it Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Everything about this job is overwhelming. The work load, the fans. *AKA 'I Love Lance I Love Lance!!* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: You can't comprehend it sometimes. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: it's great, though!

JCNSYNClvr asks: I love the *N SYNC commercial was it fun to make????? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Oh yeah! Yahoo_NSync_Lance: That was our record company's idea. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: They were talking about getting album on air. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: But they said, "Why don' tyou do your own commercial." Yahoo_NSync_Lance: From now on, we're doing all our own commercials. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It was definitely fun. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It was practically made up by ourselves! *Thats why it sucked monkey nuts*

ktwhistler asks: Do you get nervous before a show? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Not nervous, but excited. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Always a knot in your stomach of excitement. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Only if that day during sound check if something goes wrong. *Thats when we call that show off. Its usually cause JC had a crack overdose and he can't remember his lines*

SuGaRnSpIcE113 asks: Are there any strange habits any of you guys have??? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Not anything funny. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I think all of us get so tired sometimes. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We always videotape everything, and sometimes we fall asleep with our eyes open halfwya. *When that happened Chris put in some of Justin's blue contacts. I'm proud of the color of my eyes so I almost died when I saw they were blue*

olli21 asks: how was it growing up in Mississippi?? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It was very humble place. Everyone knows everyone. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I was born in a really small town in southern Mississippi. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Later I moved to Clinton, and was introduced to music. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Everyone there was movie freaks, soccer freaks and football freaks. *Then again so are Michiganders* (If you don't get that then get help) Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Our class, the class of 97, was so close. We're still tight. we have an annual party that everyone goes to. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Everyone gets along and remembers the good ol' times. *Cause were from Mississippi*

HOMIEflippity asks: Lance why do they call you Scoop Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Steve, Joey's brother, gave that name to me. I always know the schedule, so he calls me Scoop because I know everything that's about to happen. *Lou tells me stuff cause I'm the only responsible one. They just try to make it so that JC is*

HOMIEZLancesBaby asks: hey will you go with me to the new star wars movie?? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I would love to because I love the Star Wars movie. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: And I can't wait to see how they're going to do it. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I'd love to go! *But I really don't care about you. And you have to pay*

The rest of this interview is this way..
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