Lance On 12-2-98 Part 2

ecnalgirl asks: do you guys ever get time to go to church while on tour? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Not when we're on tour. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I'd love to, but when I'm home in Orlando I go there. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: In Mississippi I do too. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: whenever I'm home on Sunday, i'm definitely in church. *Ya right. The 'underground' church*

Draken_Storms asks: What other talents do you have? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: None! I guess i haven't discovered them yet! Seriously, I love acting! Yahoo_NSync_Lance: When we do music videos, that's close, and I have fun with that. *I can perform phine sex. I have the voice. Call me at 555-PooFoo*

NSYNC_LanceLuver asks: What was your favorite television appearance? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I'm sure it will be the Rosie show coming up. but my favorite interview so far was with Howie Mandell. *Rosie likes Joey though. I got kicked in the back though* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: leno has been great to us too. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: A big dream was to sit on the couch at the tonight show. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Musical guests don't usually do that, but he invited us to.

neray2 asks: Who came up with the idea for the video? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It was really everybody. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I said I wanted a video that got everyone's emotions stirring. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: This one, i wanted a story. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I didn't want it to be about a boy and a girl. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We took it with a mother and child. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: That got it going, and Chris said, "Let's have it be in the 20s" Yahoo_NSync_Lance: They can go off to war. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Everyone threw ideas into that. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: And the director pulled it off. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I'm upset about this on MTV though. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: They never show the end of it, and that's the biggest climax part. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: At the climax, you think he's dead, and the sergeant comes to the door to the mother's house, and she starts crying. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: but it turns out it's actually him. So everyone's crying until the very end! *Basiclly cause MTV doesn't show the end moms across America are calling us murders. Though it true in my case. Muhahaha*

ELANORE17 asks: Lance I love you and N guys are amazing.....what's your faveoutie fan incounter? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: They come up to the limo, or a van of girls will come up next to us on the road and the door opens. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It worries us they'll get hurt! Yahoo_NSync_Lance: There's been several. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: A girl jumping into a baggage belt to get past security to see us. *Hasen't JC told this story before?* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: To hiding under tables at hotels to see us.

SpMedGirl18 asks: could you ever see yourself as a talk show host? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We were just talking about that. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I see all of us doing a talk show. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Not in the next 2 years, because we're so busy. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: But I think it'd be cool to have a show like Rosie has. Nothing like jerry springer. *Jerry Jerry Jerry* *Wait wasn't Joey on that show last week?* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: A cool show just meeting nice cool people. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I see a TV series before that though. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: You remember CHiPs? (Who?? What??) Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We met Larry Wilcox at TV Guide. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: He was talking about doing a series, and he's writing a pilot for a series on us.

jtrbug_1 asks: WHAT TYPE OF MOVIES DO YOU WANT TO DO ? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Adventure movies. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: The first one we'll do this summer will be a comedy. Kind of like an adventurous comedy. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Probably nothing about NSYNC. Just us in college. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: There's an offer for us to do a very adventurous movie. *I'm not in it. They said I wasn't funny enough. I'm funny cause I'm from Mississippi* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: That will be really cool. Lots of cool stuff coming up.

danserik asks: What was it like to work with Janet Jackson? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: She is so incredible! Yahoo_NSync_Lance: One of the nicest persons in the world. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Very down to earth andhumble. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Everyone wanted autographs. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We'd go hang out with her. *And she gave us free lap dances* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I wish we were still on tour with her because she's going to all these great places.

babidies18 asks: Why are you so cute? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Ha! Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I don't think I'm cute! Ha! Yahoo_NSync_Lance: My parents did a good job, I guess. *Dammit! Why did I just contradict my parents? I'm gonna get beat..*

chrisy42 asks: Is it true you have your own biography out? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Yes, we just wrote an autobiography. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: We had some help, and released it a couple of weeks ago. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I think it's just called NSYNC. *Joey thought of the title. We are so proud thats his first idea this month* Yahoo_NSync_Lance: It just hit the bestseller list. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Embarassing Moments is my favorite part. ChatYahoo_Lisa: Have you read it? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Yep!

jaclyn_7 asks: Do you intend to go to college someday? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I am in college right now. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: I graduate from a Univ. of Nebraska program, and I'm still taking some more courses with them. *I'm a buisness man. YaY I'm gonna pee my pants!!*

sun_devil_12 asks: If you had one wish....what would it be? Yahoo_NSync_Lance: For NSYNC to stay successful for many more years, for us to be long-lasting. Yahoo_NSync_Lance: Thanks everyone for chatting. It's been lots of fun. See you soon. Stay NSYNC! *Thank god this is over* ChatYahoo_Lisa: Thanks! ChatYahoo_Lisa: Hope you will join us for the next 'N SYNC Chat! ChatYahoo_Lisa: Transcripts will be posted in a couple of days! ChatYahoo_Lisa: Thanks! ChatYahoo_Lisa: Bye!!!

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