Ask Justin...Thats Me!!

This is a column originated from my humor newsletter. Whic you can still jopin by e-mailing me w/ the subject Surscribe!!
Justin, what's up with the hair??

Whatz you me by whats up wit da hair?? My hair be perfect. How many times do Iah have to tell youz peoplez GMHSALMTOY be about me!!

What is your favorite thing about the music business?

All da bitches ya get every night!! Cause mah name be Justin and I like big booty!

Justin, will there ever be a day where you're not conceited?????

::::Turns to Joey and asks him what concited means. Joey doesn't knoe (Big surprise) So he asks Chris. Chris finally tells him after looking it up in JC's poket dictionary:::: I not be concited!!

Justin, do u have a favorite memba of the group? U seem 2 really like Chris, but HOPEFULLY it doesn't go farther than that! LoL. But then otha times, when ur alone in pics with JC, u seem to like him the best. So....?

I not be supposed ta give ya da lowdown but I hate JC!! He be tryin ta take all da bitches and solos!! Chris be coo daw.

So how many girls have you hooked up with during your tours ? Does it make you mad that Joey seems to get all the hoochies ( meaning sluts)?

Dat be whacked!! I get all da bitches!! Joey has da pay dem!! I ahm da one and only pimp in dis group!!

Justin,aright,whats the youngest age you would go for?!?!?!

18 I swear on da ebonics bible!! Yous better not no cop or anyding like dat!!

Justin, you've waited this long to lose your virginity..either you're a really sweet guy, or you really like your hands...pick one.

Dis question be whacked!! Whats dat JC? What answer or you'll get da whip out?? Ok Ok :::Sobbs::: I confess Iah really do like mah hands and some of dat baby oil!!

justin what was up with those glasses on the billboard awards

I be tryin tah bring back da eighties! Rock on mah sista!!

Justin why do you find it so hard to believe that you are white? And where did you learn how to speak such Perfect Ebonics!?!

I be white but I be black at mah heart!! I got my ebonics from da ebonics Dictionary!!

So I heard throught the grapevine that you have a bitch in every city. Is it true or are you just lying cuz you don't have game like Joey?

I got all da bitches!! Joey just gets da leftovers!! Ah...Iah.. ::::::Breaks down crying:::::: I admit it Joeys more of da pimp den Iah ahm!

Justin,why the hell are you so close to your mom?!?! I mean i know you love her and all,but bro.....your 18 going on to 19 get over the mom and son moments!

Don't make fun oh mah mom!! She'll have da sluts from Innosense beat ya up!!

Are you into doing like 3somes and 4somes with the other members of Nsync and a couple girls?

Iah refuse tah answer this question! What be dat JC?? I have ta answer!! Waaaaa I want mah mamma!! JC: "Yes he does in fact he had one last night with Joey and uhhh me.

how come all of a sudden,you&the rest of the group seem to be dressing worse,you espicialy? what brought this on? Joey used to be the worst dresser,now it's you,What happend?

Don't be dissin da style!! me and Joey took da fashion department inta our hand!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA

So Justin you and Chris seem pretty close do you ever fantasize about him?

Whats dat supposed tah mean?? Dats just rude but Chris does have dat nice hair....

what really happened at the hotel back in august in memphis with u and britney?

Uhhh datz be nothin!! Iah swear! Da choco strawberries ment notin!!

So what is up with you 'adjusting' yourself ALL the time?? I promise you Justin, Britney didn't bit it off yet! Keyword: YET!

Yo datz not coo. Da skanz don't bit and if dey did I smack dem bitches up.

So Justin i know you all spend a lot of time together.......I was just wondering do you ever have fantasies of getting it on with one of your roomies on tour? You must of thought of it sometime during your lonely tour nights. You know all snuggled close to each other in your bunks?

Well der was dat one whack dream dat included Chris, britney, strawberries, rope, handcuffs, and chains....

This is purely fictionious and if you belive its real then you have issues.

I wantz more humor foo!!!
