July 31rst Pontiac, Michigan Silverdome NSync Concert

The day had finnaly come. My NSync concert. Me and my friend leave my house about 5. The traffic is fine until we hit the off ramp to the Silverdome. After about 45 minutes of being stuck in traffic were there. About an hour later the first act comes on. INOJ is here name fashion ain't her game. She has an ugly blue jump suit type thing on. She did a remake of my song so I guess shes ok plus her one music video is ok. Micheal Africk suckz!! I didn't find out he was there until I was already sitting down. Sucky!! And the worst part is for about a week after this concert Tik Tak (The funniest Dj in Detroit) kept playing my song. 3rd Storee is great. I was all hyped to see them. Sugar Hill Gang!! Rappers Delight is like my new favorite song!! Then when I think it can't get any better (well atleast until NSync comes on) Jordan Knight comes out. I lost my voice during his performance. I got it back before NSync though. Now we have to wait the longest 30 minutes of our lives. During the 30 minutes we met Lonnie (Security Bunny!!!), Killer (This is the name me and my friend so affectionatly gave him. He's the guy that was tossing JC around on All Acess), and 3rd Storee. My friend felt bad for them because we were like the only ones who recognized them. And finnaly the moment I've been waiting for...NSync!! They did the helicopter thing, The Flashback thing, They brought a lil girl up during GMHSALMTOY, They had girls on the stage during FTGWHE, and they did almost every song on the cd. Half way through the concert I almost passed out (Cause of the heat. Think of it like this no Air conditioning, about 52,000 people jumping up and down in 100 degree weather. Get my point). So I had to go up to the main floor. When I got my energy back I managed to get near the stage. The kept saying Detroit and we were in Pontiac. Well being the lil smart ass I am I yelled 'Were in Pontiac not Detroit' Justin shot me one of his looks!! Hilrious!! Lets see we were the biggest crowd with like 52,000 or 53,000 people. Oh ya if you ever go to a concert at the Silverdome don't expect very good acoustics. No one could really understand what they were saying unless you were near the stage. Thats all I remember but if I think of anything else I'll post it.

I Want To Go Home!!
My BSB Concert

Email: tigger3561@aol.com