Funny Quotes

Theses are all real quotes so if you don't like them talk to the guys.My comments are in yellow.

"For the girl who has everything.....I bring you fudge....cookies and stuff" Jc. Thats good JC make fun of half of your fans.

"Theme park nothing, you were poofoo!!" Jc.

"You forgot my sexy good looks" Jc. HAHAHA!! You've been talking to Justin again haven't you?

"Joey comes over and eats all our food anyway! SCRUB!" Jc. See this just proves our point.

"And I know they're all raggin' on my haircut, but..." Justin. Duh!! Your hair suckz spaggettie boy.

"Fame is really funny. We were on the Regis & Kathy Lee show and some girl in the audience yelled out 'Justin! Sit on my lap!' Excuse me?! I don't know you!" Justin. Thats good make fun of your fans and you'll be down the toliet in 1 day.

"She's dead now." Justin. Who?!?!

"CRUNK!!!" Justin. Umm.....ok.

"I hope he doesn't puke on me, that would be real bad." Justin. Ya it usually is.

"Boom! Whoa! My hair is scaring me!" Justin. See he makes fun of himself!

"Wuzzup with that?" I'll give you 1 guess.

"I play to basketball. That's what I do man! I'm not old enough to go clubbin'!" Justin. Ok yet you, JC, and Chris met Joey at a CLUB and you 4 you dance in CLUBS.

"I might just play in the NBA before I die." Wonder who would say that.

"I was skydiving and I hit a bird." Lance. Poor bird!!

"We've got our character voices down. Our dream is to be South Park characters" Lance. Oh really?

"I wanna score tonight!" Chris. Umm if you do get laid then its only cause your famous.

"I'm in love with an alien." Chris. You are an alien.

"If my girlfriend were taller than me, I'd have to wear heels!" Chris. Oh god :::Hit self in head:::

"And I suppose you don't smell, either." Chris. No thats you stan-ky dreads!!

"I guess I'm really that funny.Huh?" Joey. Ya funny lookin.

"JC's just cheesy" Joey. And your not?

More to come!!

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