100 Things To Put On Signs

You know those annoying signs that teenyboppers hold up? Well here are the 100 funniest things to put on them.....

1. 'Joey, your child support payment is late'

2. 'I love you Justin!!' then have pictures of Justin from 98*.

3. 'I Love you Nick!!!'

4. 'I Love BSB!!'

5. Put a picture of NSync on the top then under it write 'Are NKOTB Wannabes!!'

6.Chris, you left your wig in the back seat!

7.Justin, I just keyed da benz!


9. Look at me! I'm wearing less clothes than Britney!

10. Joey is like sex on a stick! (Thanx to Janeen1214 for # 6-10!)

11.(have you and 3 friends hold it up) "Hey Justin, wee can speek ebonyx too!" (Thanx to JrTs13a13y for #11!!)

12. Hey Lance, I killed Toby!!

13. Hey Lancie, Your mascara is running!!!

14. Hey Joey! Superman is Dead!

15. Dunt wurry i cant reed ore rite ether Joey!

16. The crack supply is GONE JC!!!

17. You are getting very very very sleepy!

18. OMG!! Justin da BENZ is being towed!!! (Thanx to Blond664 for # 12-18!!)

19. Lance, where are you from!? (Thanx to Sporty5643 for #19!!)

20. "lance lance drop your pants"

21. "yes yes yes here we go nsync has got to go" (Thanx to Butaflikim for 20 & 21!!)

22. put a mirror on a peice of tag board and write: JUSTIN.. JUST EXACTLY WHAT COLOR ARE YOU?!?!?!?!

23. lance.. GO HOME to mississippi you gay luvin hippi!!! (Thanx to Nicksgurl14 for 22 & 23!!)

24. yes yes yes here we go nsync are a bunch of hoes (Thanx to DOGUS15118 for 24!!)

25. lance put u're erection in MY direction!!!! (Thanx to NsyncBabyGirl69 for 25!!)

I'm having difficulties of thinking right now so there aren't 100. But I'll think of some. If you have any e-mail me!!

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Email: tigger3561@aol.com