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A Winter's Storm

Whirling in small circles
The snow ever so gentle
Floats from the heavens
The brisk cold air
Settles in upon you
A snowflake brushes by your cheek
Tickling as it falls to the ground
Millions of footsteps going this way
And that way
A few lonely ones cry from afar
Lost in whiteness
The air gets icy and cold
Smoke rises from the chimneys
The air smells of fresh baked cookies
A light glows from a cabin window
Where shadows pass
Soon the storm will pass
and life will continue on

-Mia Xuan Ho
February 26, 2000


Holidays come and go…
Christmas though is the one holiday
That seems to engulf a person
The very best in them comes forth
The spirit surrounds you
The jingling of bells outside Department stores
People hustling and bustling all around
Quiet laughter here and there
Snickers can be heard from little ones all over
Food drives here and there
It is the one time of the year Others think of people
less fortunate then them
Happiness is seen all over
as the season progresses
Snow peacefully falls from the sky
As Christmas eve settles in…

-Mia Xuan Ho December 1999

The Chair

Sitting Chair....... Here I sit looking out the window... Lost in the warmth of the sun... Thinking of how life's turned about... Remembering that two weeks ago I sit here... puzzled and confused at the things you did... Now I sit here in nothing but happiness and contentment... It's as though I've been given a second chance... You've come back to me... I have nothing to do now but wonder... if you know how proud of you I am... You're my gift from god to treasure for all of eternity... Not to be taken for granted but to be pampered and loved... As you shall do for me... -Mia Xuan Ho- 1999


So simply said
We all long to be loved
Sacrificing our own well-being
To be held by another
To feel the warmth and joy
The things we will do for love
The deceit, lies and manipulating
Just to get that one last hug or kiss
Why do we give so much of ourselves?
Because love is like a drug
Leaving us constantly craving more

-Mia Xuan Ho
February 26, 2000

The Rose

The light glistens off the smooth petals
It appears as though
there were a million sparkles
Just thrown upon them
Strutting a Scarlet Red color
So many feelings and emotions
wrapped in just one
In full bloom they give
the most fragrant scent of all
Filling a room with love and happiness
With just one
you can light up someone’s day
What else could this be?
But the symbol of love

The rose

-Mia Xuan Ho-
February 26, 2000

The Sun

The sun
So warm and bright
It makes my skin tingle
Shining across the lake
Reflecting an essence upon the trees
In a distance cars zoom by
Not realizing the beauty
I gather a sense of peace and tranquility
Sitting here gazing upon the beauty
My inner glow shining forth
Just as the sun radiates itself Everyday to all
that is listening

-mia xuan ho-
February 26, 2000

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