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Friends and Family

All the special people in my life

Gwen and I - Bar Harbor, ME - 1999

This trip is one of my fondest memories of the two of us. We walked around the beach, laughing and talking about future plans. Then there was the two ladies that we met that were there celebrating thier 50th birthdays together. It just made me think about how cool it would be if that were Gwen and I when we get that old. Oh, and complaining about working at Wal-mart, even though we did meet some really great people there.

A True Friend
Wavy blonde hair and soft blue eyes
A grin from ear to ear

Giggles here and giggles there
A collective noise you would hear from her
We never were that close growing up
In fact I really never cared for her
I have been given the opportunity to find a grand friendship in an extraordinary young woman
The past two years have become a time of vast transformation for the two of us
Discovering who we were and who we wanted to be
It never was a temperate road
Friends and boyfriends transposed
Time to time we would lose our way
Never were we alone though
We had one another
No matter when we needed someone to talk to, we would go to each other
Even if we were busy or had plans
We made the time
Sometimes we'd get together for girls' nights
We'd bake a chocolate cake and frost it with chocolate frosting
Then we would sit on the couch and indulge in the cake
While watching sappy love movies
We would talk about guys and life's trials
Crying for what seemed like hours
Whenever I was down and depressed
She would embrace me in a warm hug
I'd lean on her while she leaned on me
She always encourages me to do whatever my heart desires
As I animate her to follow her hopes and dreams
We are miles apart now
I'm on the East coast and she's on the West coast
I think of her everyday at one point or another
As each day passes our friendship grows stronger and stronger
Coming to college made me realize who my friends in fact were
She will always have a special place in my heart
No matter where life takes us
I'll never forget you, Gwen.
I love you, and Thank you for being there for me forevermore
October 1999

Graduation 1999

Paul Baker and I

I'm really glad that we got to march together, so that twenty years down the road, I can look back and remember that the person I marched with was someone who really meant a lot to me.
We've made some great memories.
I'll never forget the first trip that we took when I went to Fort Kent with you and met your family.
The horse and carriage ride with your dad.
You've always been a good friend of mine and I hope that no matter where our roads take us we'll always keep in touch.
If for some reason we don't, you'll always be in my thought's and in my heart, along with all the memories.

Mrs. Doreen Emerson and I
Where do I even begin? You have become one of those special people in my life that I know I can turn to whenever I need someone to lean on.
With your help I made it through some tough times and in the end found myself. I don't know if I could have done it with out you.
Because of your help, I am able to stand on my own today and proudly say that I like "me".
Whenever I feel troubled or lost I just think back to one of those phrases or lines you give me and all I can do is smile. Thinking of you reminds me that in time I'll make it through my troubles and when I look back at them they won't seem all that hard.
I want to thank you for all of your continued love and support through the years.
I love you!!!

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