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Friends will come...
And friends will go
Forever more though you will stay
Time has changed things for us
We find ourselves in two different places
Living our lives the way we want to
Even though I may not show it everyday,
I do care about you
I think of you often
And wonder what you might be doing
I don't call or write as often as I should,
it doesn't mean your not in my thoughts, though
We've been through so much together
You were there for me
during some of my darkest days
Just as I was there for you,
when you needed me most
There was a time when
we were joined at the hip...
Where I would go you would go
And where you would go I would go
Remember the day we met
I will never forget that day
for as long as we shall live
You in that plaid skirt
and the light teal sweater in front of Mr. Bragan's room
Then there was me with the MC Hammer earrings
Those were the fun times
Times may have changed...
Just as we may have changed...
Trying to find ourselves in this crazy world we live in
No matter where life's road may take us
I don't ever want to lose you
or your friendship
Friends are the gem stone's of life
That makes you a Emerald in mine
Always remember that even if I don't speak the words,
you are always in my heart and thoughts...

I love you, Tana
-Mia Xuan Ho-
December 6, 1999

Tana Manchester, Beth Knutson, and I
October 15, 1999

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