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Welcome To Mia's Homepage

Senior Picture Class of 1999


Someone To Listen

In a world so large
People seem to fall into a pattern
of getting by on thier own
Afraid to reach out to another
human being
You were there for me
though when I needed a listening ear
As I was there for you
Always know that no matter
how far apart we are
I'm just a phone call away
To reminisce about the past
Discuss the present
Or dream of the future
Anything at all, I'm here

Mia Xuan Ho August 17,1999

Oh, The Memories

The way things were,
where did the memories go?
One day you were there,
and the next you've seemed
to drift away.
How I miss the way things were.
If only you could see
how things have changed...
the pain you've caused...
the heartache and confusion...
and the endless days of worry.
Oh, how I wish things
could be the way they were.
The way you made me laugh...
the places we'd travel to...
Oh, the memories.
I lay here wondering
where the memories have gone
and why these mixed feelings
have settled in.
Why can't things be
the way they were?
-Mia Xuan Ho July 12,1999

A Midsummer's Storm

Pit Pat! Pit Pat!
Pit Pat! Pit Pat!
Drip Drop! Drip Drop!
Drip Drop! Drip Drop!
The wind howls outside the window
The candle flickers on the hearth
There I sit curled up by the fire
A storms approaching, gradually and hasty
Lost in the tune of rain drops
hitting the patriarchal tin roof
I look to the window to see
the trees whispering to one another
The moon glimpses through the
curtains of the blackened sky
The house is barren
Shadows linger in
the shallow hallways
My mind wanders
As I drift into a trance of solitude
Resting peacefully on the love seat
I fall into a buried sleep...

-Mia Xuan Ho
September 20, 1999

A Friend Here and A Friend There

Friends here, Friends there
Who to count on
I've left that circle of comfort
I've made new friends but
can not forget the old
When it comes down to
vigorous times
Where will I lean?
Do I lean forwards or backwards?
Will my new friends be
as understanding as my usual
supporters will?
My best friends could invariably
make me laugh
Even at my saddest moments
They'd make the hurt
and pain dwindle away
When I needed a listening ear,
they were there
Where will I go? What will I do?
A friend here and A friend there
-Mia Xuan Ho
October 5, 1999

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