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Connected Souls

Have you ever felt so connected to someone?
You lay there at night thinking of only them
Their smile, the way they hold you near them
An embrace you never want to let go of
When you’re in their arms
you feel so safe and secure
Nothing could stand in your way
Nobody could possibly harm you now
The way they look at you
It’s as though time stops
Nothing matters at that moment
but the two of you
Two hearts beating to music all of their own
Your bodies speaking a language
only the two of you possibly could understand
Hundreds of memories
now flood your thoughts
Oh, the walks you’d take under the setting sun
The way you could sit for hours
holding one another and talk
Sitting out late on a warm summer’s night
watching a lightning storm…
Riding along through the woods on a horse and buggy
late in the afternoon on a summer’s day
The memories go on and on in your head
As you remember their smile
and how it warms you from the inside
to the surface of your skin
Somehow, no matter how much time has passed…
The two of you always seem to pick up right where you left off
They kiss you ever so gentle
Your lips pressing against theirs
As though they were molded to fit together
like two pieces of a puzzle
Your chests are pulled near
as your bodies connect to become one
Slowly your eyes begin to shut as you drift away
You can envision their face…
Its as though they are laying there next to you
You can feel their breath
floating across your skin
The touch of their hand on your face
as they push your hair aside
Your body tingles all over as you fall deeper and deeper
The love you feel is unique and special
The very mention of their name
causes you to smile ear to ear
You wonder what you would do without them in your life
Then wake up and realize
that now isn’t the right time
in your lives for the two of you to be together
You’re both young and living in two different places
Living your own lives
You want so much to tell them
that you love them
Something tells you not to, though
For now, you remember the good times
and wait until the time is right
for both of you
If fate is on your side
it will all work out in its own time
Since connected souls
do have a bond of their own
that nobody ever will understand

-Mia Xuan Ho
January 29, 2000

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