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I Had An Awesome Day!!!

I started my second work study job today...
It was looking to be a
frustrating afternoon
because I needed
to dig my car out
from a frozen over icy snow bank.
With my feet
since I couldn't find anyone
that had a shovel.
People kept driving by
staring when this hot guy drives by,
backs up and gets out of his car
to ask me if I wanted some help.
So he started by helping me
to kick the snow
out from the front of my car
and the tires.
Then he told me to back up
about two feet
and floor it to come out
and that didn't work
so we kept trying that
kicking snow away
and then he tells me
to back up and he was going to push my car,
while I pushed the gas to get it out.
So he did that a couple of times
and then my car finally came out.
So I backed up
and he came up to my window.
I thanked him
and told him
that I really appreciated it,
he stuck his hand out
introduced himself and asked my name,
I told him and
he told me that I probably shouldn't park
there when I got back and
told me to have a nice day.
How sweet was that?
I don't even know the
guys last name
just that he goes to school here.
Then after that I went to
my new work study job,
today I worked at a local homeless shelter
tutoring grade school kids.
I worked with this five year old,
reading books to him and drawing.
It was so much fun.
I feel really good right now,
its like a natural high.
On Tuesday I start
in my actual placement,
a shelter for battered women,
I'll be working with thier children,
by tutoring them
and helping them with some
of the issues they are dealing with.
I'm so excited.
I think I now know
one of the reasons
I'm majoring in what I am
for days like these,
knowing that you made
A difference in someone's life.

Love Always,

Feb. 3, 2000