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Amerysk Words and Phrases

From 'Snaekk and Skryf Amerysk' by Paal Filssunu


Yes Ja
No Ney
Please Wes swa gød
Thank you Thanke
Thank you very much Fylan thanke
That's all right Ull is regt
You're welcome Wes swa gød
Good morning Gødmorgen
Good afternoon Gødmiddaeg
Good day Gøddaeg
Good evening Gødaefen/Gødkwuld
Good night Gødnygt
Hello! Haelsa!
How are you? Hu aert thu?
How goes it? Hu gaath hit/ Hu gaa hit/ Hu gaa't?
May I introduce.... Maeg ik thy skuwan...
myself myself
Mr. myn Frey _____________
Mrs. myn Freyja _____________
Miss myn Freyja ______________
I'm pleased to meet you Ik behulde thyg glaedlyk
Excuse me/ I beg your pardon unskøld
Farewell/ Cheerio faerwell
Until we meet again oth withersyn
where? hwaer?
where is....? hwaer is...?
where are...? hwaer aer...?
how? hu?
how is...? hu is...?
how are....? hu aer...?
how much...? hu mykel...?
how many....? hu maenig...?
when? hwaen?
what? hwaet?
why? hwaetfør/ hwy?
who? hwa?
which? hwelk?
it is hit is
is it? is hit? is't?
it isn't hit is nyt/ 'tis nyt
here it is hjaer hit is
here they are hjaer hje aer
there it is thaer hit is
there they are thaer hje aer
there is/ are thaer is/ aer
is there? is thaer?
are there? aer thaer?
What do you call this in Amerykan? Hwaet haette this up Amerysk?
Can I have....? Kunn ik haebban...?
Can we have...? Kunn wy haebban...?
Can you show me...? Kunn thu my skuwan...?
I cannot Ik kunne nyt
Can I help you? Kunn ik thyg haelpan?
Can you direct me to...? Kunn thu myg thaem wege skuwan...?
Can you tell me...? Kunn thu my saegan...?
Do you speak... Sprekest thu...
Amerykan Amerysk
German Thysk
English Angelsk
Dutch Netherlaensk
Swedish Swensk
Norwegian Norsk
Danish Daensk
Icelandic Yslaensk
Faroese Faersk
French Fraensk
Spanish Spaensk
Italian Italjaensk
Russian Russk
Do you understand? Forstandest thu?
I do not understand. Ik forstande nyt
Wait just a moment! Øganblik
I would like... Ik will gaern haebban...
We would like... Wy will gaern haebban...
What would you like? Hwaet will thu gaern haebban?
Give me... Gyf my..
Give it to me Gyf hit my/ Gyf't my
Bring me... Bring my
Bring it to me Bring hit my/ Bring't my
Show me... Skuw my
Show it to me Skuw hit my/ Skuw't my

1 aen
2 twae
3 thry
4 fjør
5 fyf
6 syx
7 sjøfen
8 aegta
9 nygen
10 tyn
11 aenlefen
12 twaelf
13 thrytyn
14 fjørtyn
15 fyftyn
16 syxtyn
17 sjøfentyn
18 aegtatyn
19 nygentyn
20 twaentig
21 aenandtwaentig
22 twaeandtwaentig
23 thryandtwaentig
24 fjørandtwaentig
25 fyfandtwaentig
26 syxandtwaentig
27 sjøfenandtwaentig
28 aegtaandtwaentig
29 nygenandtwaentig
30 thrytig
40 fjørtig
50 fyftig
60 syxtig
70 sjøfentig
80 aegtatig
90 nygentig
100 aen hundreth
101 aen hundreth aen
102 aen hundreth twae
110 aen hundreth tyn
119 aen hundreth nygentyn
120 aen hundreth twaentig
121 aen hundreth aenandtwaentig
130 aen hundreth thrytig
140 aen hundreth fjørtig
200 twae hundreth
300 thry hundreth
400 fjør hundreth
1000 aen thusenth
1001 aen thusenth aen
1010 aen thusenth tyn
1019 aen thusenth nygentyn
1020 aen thusenth twaentig
1021 aen thusenth aenandtwaentig
1100 aen thusenth aen hundreth
1121 aen thusenth aen hundreth aenandtwaentig
1985 aen thusenth nygen hundreth fyfandaegtatig
10,000 tyn thusenth
100,000 aen hundreth thusenth
1,000,000 (1 million) aen maenigu

1st aerst
2nd øther
3rd thridda
4th fjørtha
5th fyfta
6th syxta
7th sjøfentha
8th aegtha
9th nygentha
10th tyntha
11th aenlefta
12th twaelfta
13th thrytyntha
14th fjørtyntha
15th fyftyntha
16th syxtyntha
17th sjøfentyntha
18th aegtatyntha
19th nygentyntha
20th twaentigtha
21st aenandtwaentigtha
22nd twaeandtwaentigtha
23rd thryandtwaentigtha
24th fjørandtwaentigtha
25th fyfandtwaentigtha
26th syxandtwaentigtha
27th sjøfenandtwaentigtha
28th aegtaandtwaentigtha
29th nygenandtwaentigtha
30th thrytigtha
40th fjørtigtha
50th fyftigtha
60th syxtigtha
70th sjøfentigtha
80th aegtatigtha
90th nygentigtha
100th aen hundretha
101th aen hundreth aerst
102nd aen hundreth øther
110th aen hundreth tyntha
119th aen hundreth nygentyntha
120th aen hundreth twaentigtha
121th aen hundreth aenandtwaentigtha
130th aen hundreth thrytigtha
140th aen hundreth fjørtigtha
200th twae hundretha
300th thry hundretha
400th fjør hundretha
1000th aen thusentha
1001st aen thusenth aerst
1010th aen thusenth tyntha
1019th aen thusenth nygentyntha
1020th aen thusenth twaentigtha
1021st aen thusenth aenandtwaentigtha
1100th aenlefenhundretha
1121st aen thusenth aenandtwaentigtha
1985th aen thusenth nygen hundreth fyfandaegtatigtha
10,000th tyn thusentha
100,000th hundreth thusentha
1,000,000 (1 million) aen maeniguth

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