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Skies of Arcadia - by Beazer

This is my review of Skies of Arcadia, one of the best games on the DC up there with PSO and Shenmue and many others. This is my first review so I hope you like it. Now let's get to it.

Graphics: When you first pop in this game and see the ship sailing through the skies you will be amazed as I was. The graphics in this game are beautiful and very deatiled, from the smallest flower to the biggest buildings and enemies everything is 100% detailed and hardly anything was left out. This game really pushes the power of the DC to the limit. Score: 10/10

Sound: This game has the best music I've heard on the DC yet, i'm not exagereerating believe me, it's perfectaly orchestrated and fits the mood of the area your in. The voiceovers are cool but are very repetitive so they can get annoying very fast, expecially Aika's, but luckily it only happens at important points in the game. Score: 9/10

Gameplay: One word to describe the gameplay of this game: amazing. It's varied and always fresh. First off there's the Discoverys these are things hidden around the world map and you have to find them when you get them all you get something very special. You have to find these by finding places where your compass goes insane and then press A. Then there's the crew member. Once you get your own ship you can go around finding people to join your crew so you can get merchants and builders at your base and to increase some stats of your ship. Finding them all doesn't get you anything but it's a fun sidequest. Then theres the base you can build when you get your ship, it costs a lot but it's worth it to have a place to come to when you need a rest and to stock up on supplies. Then there's Cupil, Fina's weapon, it's a little blob that can be fed things called "Chams" to increase it's stats. They are very hard to find and you can only buy them all by having an online capabilites on your DC because one is on a downloadable island. When you find one your VMU will start beeping like crazy, when the beeping gets louder and faster you know your close so start pressing A and running around that location. All in all the gameplay is amazing as I said before.

Overall: If your trying to decide on a game for your DC and you want a RPG get this game, it's 55 hours long and will cause you to lose all your friends, and doesn't everyone want that. It's got a low price so go and pick it up cheap if you can. Score 10/10