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Super C - by Shady


This game that is known as Super C is chock full of memories for me. Growing up, me and my brother always had competitions with various NES games to see who could beat them first. I remember playing such classics as the Super Mario Brothers series, Golgo 13, and of course, this game, Super C. Well, Super C is probably the one I remember best because it was an addictive game. I never did beat the game back then, but my brother did. I remember coming home from school that day and he was telling me all about it. I lost that bet, like I usually did, but it was a fun competition. In fact, I still hadn't won the game until just recently while using an emulator this time. Yes, this is one tough cookie of a game.

Graphics (8.4/10)

For a regular Nintendo game, Super C has regular graphics. It is not really colorful, but there are a few exceptions. For example, in area three, you get to battle in a jungle which is detailed beautifully. Most of the later levels are beautiful, too. As for the characters, they are a whole different story. The characters in the game don't have much detail, and one key feature is missing from them - they don't have a face. Seriously. It is kind of weird to run around using someone without a face. Oh well, whaddya expect from the legend known as the Nintendo Entertainment System?

Another thing that has helped the graphics score is the bosses. They are huge. Very huge and detailed, that is. You will encounter a boss at the end of each stage, and each of them have their own neat characteristics and detail. Overall, if you can look past the minor problems like the face, the graphics aren't too bad.

Sound (9.7/10)

I absolutely love the sound in Super C. The music is something very memorable for me, and the sound effects are a blast, too. I love the music in the jungle, the best area in the game. In fact, all of the music is great and it usually fits the levels excellently. The sound effects really stand out, with the great shooting noises. I love using the spreader gun, with the "WHOOSH WHOOSH" sounds. Every sound effect fits whatever it is affecting. I love it.

Gameplay (9.5/10)

There is a lot of stuff to do in Super C, despite it being an old Nintendo cartridge. There are something around ten different levels (areas) to go through, with each of them having their own theme and enemies. Some of the levels are much bigger than others, and some of them have more than one boss (if I remember right). It adds to the challenge factor and to an extent, the replay value.

As you go through each level killing your enemies, you will sometimes notice weird little UFO type things flying above you. Shoot one of them and a power up will drop down to you. Usually the power ups are weapons, but sometimes they will be something else to help you. I remember two different power ups. One of them would clear the screen of any enemies at that time, and the other would increase the speed of how fast your gun shoots its bullets or flames or whatever your gun uses as ammo.

Now, as for the weapons, there are a decent amount to use. When you first start out, you get a little wimpy gun that is a pain in the bum to use. It shoots pretty slow and can cause you die quite a bit if you don't know what your doing. Also, once you die (when you get touched by an enemy), you will resort back to that wimpy gun no matter what weapon you were using when you got hit. For other weapons, there was a rapid machine gun, a spreading machine gun, some kind of a flamethrower, and a lazer gun. My favorite to use was always the spreader because it could shoot in three different directions in front of you to give you an advantage. I really like the weapons overall.

As a change of pace from just side scrolling, one of the levels uses an overhead type of view. That level is pretty fun, because it gives you something different to try. What is disappointing, though, is that that camera is used in the second level. It would have been nice to put that in a middle level instead, but what can ya do?

Overall, the gameplay is very good and will make the game replayable, atleast for a while. All I am going to say now is have fun because this game is a blast!

Controls (9.0/10)

Super C has what a side scrolling shooter should have, good controls. The directional keys will move your character around of course. One of the primary buttons, I forget if it is A or B, will cause your character to jump. The other primary button will make your character shoot whatever gun he has at that time. The controls are really quite simple if you think about it.

Replay Value (HIGH)

The two player mode alone is enough to make the replay value last a while longer than it should. Two player mode is a blast, and one player mode is also super fun to play. Plus, if you add in all of the great weapons and variety of areas, that adds even more to the replay value. Fantastic.

Fun Factor (HIGH)

I don't know about you, but I have had loads of fun with Super C. Whether it was the competitions against my brother, playing two player mode, or just going through my favorite level (the jungle), it was all fun. I really do think you will have quite a bit of fun with the game, too.

Challenge (HIGH)

One thing that made me want to replay this game over and over again was the fact that I could never beat it. Yes, the challenge factor is pretty high. I finally beat the game not too long ago (December of 2000), but I used an emulator to win this time. Don't worry, when I get the NES console back, I will play the real version once again. I really wish I had that manual.

Is it worth a buy?

Most definitely. Buy this game immediately. I am sure you can find it somewhere cheap for less than five bucks, maybe at a garage sale or a used video game store like Funcoland. Whatever means you come by it, you will soon realize it is a great game.

The Good:

- Very groovy music
- Super fun gameplay
- Easy to learn
- Addicting
- Loads of fun
- Two player mode

The Bad:

- Characters don't have faces
- May be too hard for some gamers

And the Ugly:

- Most of the bosses are *very* ugly

Overall (9.6/10)

Super C is one of my favorite games of all time. I recommend buying this or downloading the ROM as soon as you can, or even rent it if possible. I hardly ever give out 10's, but this game surely deserves one. Congratulations, Konami.