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Who exactly is the Webmaster?

I am a fifteen year old guy hailing from Lvonia Michigan.
I was born on March 2, 1986 which makes me a pecies. What a weird sign. everything that I do is forseen through my horoscope. (anyway...??)

As some of you may have figured out already I still live with my parents (LOL!) and I attend a high school not to far from where I live. I have a 23 year old brother Graduated from U-M. I dont have any pets though I wish I had a dog.

I dont work (LOL) but I hope to be a doctor some day.

Some of my hobbies are: collecting trading cards, Video games, Making websites, sleeping, watching THE SIMPSONS, going out the the movies, tennis, and basketball. Most people like to talk on the phone where as I LOVE to send and receive e-mail. I find it more fun and cheaper than Long distance calling.

I cant put pics of myself up because I am having scanner gliches at the moment.

Thats all for now. Come back later for updates on this page.

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