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WCW Monday Nitro
March 26, 2001

Vince Mcmahon is shown with the Raw is War interview area in the background. He says imagine that, here I am on WCW television. He says it was only a matter of time before he bought the competition. He says that on it's final night on TNT, everyone will find out what the fate of WCW is, and that it is in his hands.

Nitro opening sequence

Fireworks go off and Schiavonne and Hudson talk about Vince and how tonight is the Night of Champions.

Ric Flairs music hits, and he makes his way to the ring. He asks if he heard Vince say that he holds WCW in the palms in his hands. Flair says that he doesn't think so as he just got done naming all the past champions. Someone told Flair to not go out on the show tonight, but says he doesn't care cause he was the 14 time champion for the greatest organization in all of wrestling. He says that they have been equal to any wrestling organization in the world. He says that in 1981, Vince's dad was on the board of directors and voted for Flair to be the world champion. Flair talks about the boys going out there night in and night out. He says that they aren't going anywhere, and that Vince can't hold them in his palms. He says Vince was never in the dressing room, bleeding, sweating or ever with the boys. He says that WCW is the greatest and Vince can't control their competition. Flair says that his greatest opponent was Sting and he challenges Sting to a match tonight. He says that this is Sting's last chance to be the man.

Title Unification Match
Scott Steiner Vs. Booker T
They lock up and booker puts on a headlock. Booker punches away at Steiner. Booker hits the Harlem Side Kick and gets a two count. Steiner knees Booker in the corner. Steiner gets caught with and elbow and then a clothesline for a two count. Booker hits a running clothesline in the corner on Steiner and then puches him. Steiner powerbombs Booker but only gets a two count. Steiner throws Booker to the outside, and Midajah slaps him. Steiner tries to hit Booker with a lead pipe, but Booker ducks. Steiner hits a Steinerline and then and elbow drops and then does some pushups. Steiner chops at Booker in the corner. Steiner hits the belly to belly suplex for a two count. Steiner applies a surboard type move. Steiner knees Booker in the back. Booker fights back but gets caught as he was going for a back drop. Booker hits a dropkick. Booker punches at Steiner and then hits the Axe Kick. Booker drops Steiner on his face and then spins around. Booker hits the Harlem Side Kick and then calls for the Book end. Booker goes for Book End, but Steiner reverses into northern lights suplex for a two count. Steiner goes for a powerbomb, but out of nowhere Booker hits the Book End for the win. Booker celebrates by showing both titles to the crowd.
Winner and New World Champ: Booker T via pin

Vince is on the phone with his attorney. He is talking about how WCW picked Nitro to be in the panhandle tonight.

They show clips of Booker celebrating.

3-way qualifying match for Cruiserweight Titles Shot
Jung Dragon Vs. Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio Vs. 3 Count
Kaz hits a head scissors take over on Moore. Kidman hits a Frankensteiner on Kaz for a two count. Karagious gets thrown to the mat by Yang. Mysterio hits a springboard dropkick on Yang. Rey jumps outside on Yang. Kaz jumps outside onto Rey. Moore jumps on to the Jung Dragons, and Kidman jumps on Karagious and Kaz. Rey hits a spinning head scissors on Yang. yang slams Rey onto the top turnbuckle. Yang hits the Yangtime, but Kidman breaks up the pin. Moore stops Kidman from hitting the Kid crusher and hits his move, but Kaz breaks up the pin. Jung Dragons double team Moore, but Evan breaks up the pin. Karagious hits a neckbreaker on Kaz and then hits the 450 but Kidman broke up the pin. Rey goes for bronco buster on Moore, but Moore catches him with a boot. Rey hits a leg drop on Moore as he was leaning on the second rope for the win.
Winners: Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman via pin

Vince is on the phone again, but says he will call back as Trish Stratus comes in with wine. Vince says the real way to celebrate is this baby, and then gets on top of Trish.

Clips of Chavo Vs. Shane from Greed are shown.

Cruiserweight Title Match
Chavo Guerrero Jr. Vs. Shane Helms
Chavo goes behind Shane and punches him in the back of the head. Helms fights back and rams Chavo's face on his knee, and then a neckbreaker for a two count. Chavo kicks Helms in the face and then clotheslines him over the top rope. Chavo hits a belly to back suplex. Chavo tries to hit a superplex, but Helms drops him down and hits a sunset flip for a two count. Chavo catches Shane with a clothesline and then gets a two count. Chavo with a hard chop. Chavo tries to suplex hlems in the ring, but Helms fight back, and ends up hitting a cross body for a two count. Chavo hits a big suplex for a two count. Lots of reversals, but Chavo finally apples a northern lights suplex for a two count. Chavo goes for sunset flip but Helms sits down and gets a two count. Helms hits the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a two count. Shane misses the Sugar Smack, and Chavo tries to hits a suplex, but Shane reverses and hits the Sugar Smack. Helms goes for Vertabreaker, but Chavo reverses. They trade some holds, and Helms hits the Vertabreaker for the win.
Winner and still Champ: Shane Helms via pin

Booker T says that right now this may be the end of a chapter, but there are many more Chapter in the book. He also says that if anyone wants to test him, they better step to him like a man. He then says don't hate the player, hate the game.

World Tag Team Title
Team Canada Vs. Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire
Storm is on the mic, and says tonight they become champs. He then has the Canadian National Anthem played.

Vince is with Trish, and Cole comes in and wants to get the reaction from Vince about WCW fans not getting their brand of wrestling and WCW wrestlers not wrestling. Vince kicks him out, and Trish says he loves it when he is forceful like that.

Palumbo and O'Haire make their way to the ring and finally this match starts. O'Haire and Storm start out. Storm applies a headlock. O'Haire starts to punch at Storm and then tags in Palumbo. Palumbo now punches at Storm. Palumbo catches Storm and hits a fall away slam. Awesome distracts Palumbo, and Storm hits a side kick. Awesome is in and gets a two count. Palumbo punches away at Awesome. Awesome hits an elbow to the face of Palumbo. Storm is back in and is chopping away at Palumbo. Palumbo slingshots Storm into the top turnbuckle. Storm hits a seated dropkick on Palumbo. O'haire in and is clearing house. O'Haire slams Awesome down and gets a two count. Awesome catches O'Haire with a clothesline, and Storm hits a side kick on Palumbo. O'Haire pulls Storm to the outside. Awesome goes for an Awesomebomb, but Palumbo reverses and hits a side kick. O'Haire hits the Seanton Bomb for the win.
Winners and still Champs: Palumbo and O'Haire

-Commercial-(I clicked over to Raw and Vince said that Jarrett is gone)

They show clips of Bam Bam and Stasiak from Nitro last week.

Tattoo Match
Shawn Stasiak w/Stacy Kiebler Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
Stasiak is on the mic, Shut up, Listen and Learn, but the Bam Bam comes out. He has his case with him. Stasiak jumps Bigelow, but Bigelow counter and hits a clothesline. Bigelow misses a splash in the corner, and then Stasiak hits a clothesline. Stasiak misses a cross body from the top rope. Bigelow hits a slam, and then goes to the top rope and hits the flying headbutt. Stacy distracts the ref so Stasiak doesn't get pinned. Bigelow has Stasiak and is about to hit the Greetings from Asbury Park, but Stacy pulls Stasiak down, and then Stasiak hits the neckbreaker for the win.
Winner: Stasiak via pin

Vince is talking to Steven Regal. Regal is asking if he is sure if he really wants to buy WCW. Vince says thanks, but he is on the case.

-Commercial-(Vince was making fun of Totally Buff, Luger Express has run out, and Buff has been Stuffed)

DDP is being interviewed and says that it has been a long strange trip. He says that he would like to thanks all the wrestling fans for letting him become DDP. He says that if you want it bad enough and work hard enough, then anything is possible. He says that his dream isn't over and it is time to take it to another level.

They show pictures of past champions, Sting, VAder, Giant, Nash, Ron SImmons, Dusty Rhodes, Terry Funk, Great Muta, Sid, DDP, Booker T, Scott Steiner, and many others.

Vince is on the phone and says that it is just about time to address WCW.

Cruiserweight Tag Title
Elix Skipper and Kid Romeo Vs. Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio
Skipper attacks Kidman as the match starts. Kidman hits a head scissors takeover. Kidman holds Skipper and Mysterio hits a dropkick, and Kidman gets a two count. Skipper hits a belly to belly suplex. Skipper drops Romeo on Kidman. Romeo gets caught with a boot by Kidman. Romeo looks like he's going for a piledriver, but instead just flips Kidman right over. Skipper back in and gets caught with a cross body and gets a two count. Skipper hits a heel kick and tags in Romeo. Romeo goes for a cross body, but Kidman hits a dropkick into Romeo's stomach. Rey is in and hits the springboard thesz press. Rey hits a tornado ddt on Romeo, but Skipper breaks up the pin. Rey hurricarana's Romeo over the top rope. Rey hits a forearm on Skipper. Kidman does the slide into Skipper and then Rey hits the Bronco Buster. Romeo comes in and catches both Kidman and Rey. Romeo hits a double underhook and goes for a pin, but Rey break it up. Rey hits a powerbomb on Romeo and then a headbutt but only gets a two count. Skipper, puts Rey on his shoulders and drops him and gets a two count. Rey hurricarana's Romeo to the outside. Kidman goes for the Play of the Day, but Kidman reverses into the Kid Crusher for the win.
Winners and New Champs: Kidman and Mysterio via pin

Sting is back, and says that he wouldn't miss this night for anything and tonight they are going to end their feud once and for all. Sting says that nothing is for sure, and that it is showtime folks.

-Commercial-(Vince rips on Dustin Rhodes)

Vince is shown walking in the back.

Ric Flair Vs. Sting
Ric Flair comes to the ring, and then they go to commercial.

We're back and Sting makes his way to the ring. They exchange calls to the crowd. Sting throws Flair to the ground. Flair shoves the ref who shoves him right back. Sting hits a shoulderblock and Flair falls to the ground. Sting gets poked in the eyes by Flair. Flair then chops at Sting. Sting Reverses and start to kick away at Flair. Sting hits a drop kick, and Flair rolls to the outside. They lock up and Flair hits a shoulderblock and takes down Sting. Flair begs for Sting to back away, and then struts. Sting hits a press slam. Sting is in the corner punching at Flair, and then Flair does his fall face first. Flair hits a low blow as Sting was holding on to him. Flair kicks at Sting. Flair chops away and then snap mares Sting over and hits his knee drop. Flair chops Sting down. Flair pokes Sting in the eyes and then goes to the top, but Sting catches him and presses him ot the mat. Sting misses a dropkick as Flair holds on to the ropes. Flair applies the figure four in the middle of the ring. Flair is using the ropes and gets a two count. Flair gets another two count. Sting pulls Flair to the middle of the ring and reverses the figure four. Flair tries to chop at Sting but there is no effect and Sting beats on Flair in the corner. Flair does his flip in the corner. Sting hits a suplerplex on Flair and then puts on the Scorpion Death Lock for the win. After the match, Sting hugs Flair. They both shakes hands and embrace again.
Winner: Sting via sumbmission

Vince Mcmahon is shown walking to the ring for a second time cause the cue was messed up. Vince says that for the first time ever this broadast is being seen on both TNN and TNT. Vince says that there is only way for this to happen and that is because he has acquired WCW. He says that Time Warner can't sell this property to anybody else. He says that Time Warner is begging him to buy WCW, and he will buy it. He says that he will sign the contract to buy WCW when Ted Turner delivers the contract to Vince at Wrestlemania. Vince says that he did this all by himself. He says that it was his effort and his money. He says that he beat a billionaire by becomng one himself. He says that he is going to reserve a seat for Ted Turner, cause he wants Ted to see what he does to his own son Shane. Vince says that you have to squeeze the life out of your competition just like he is going to do to Shane this Sunday. He says that in his corner will be Stephanie, Trish, and that Linda will be wheeled down to ringside. Vince asks what should he do with WCW. He makes fun of Hogan. Vince says that he who laughs last, lasts best, and even though he isn't laughing he has a big smile. He says maybe he can turn WCW into a huge media conglomerate like the WWF. Then he questions who should be a part of the new WCW. Hulk Hogan, looks like the fans want him. Lex Luger, looks like the fans don't want him. Buff Bagwell, looks like the fans want him. Booker T, looks like the fans want him. Scott Steiner, I think the fans want him. Sting, the fans go psycho. Goldberg, the fans really go nuts. He says he could have gloated or flown down to Florida. He says that WCW's last broadcast is in a beer haul. Vince fires them all. He says that WCW is going on the shelf and that it is buried. He says that when you attempt to compete with him, you get buried. Vince starts to flip out and says that the fans will treat him with respect. Shane's music hits, but he is in Florida on Nitro. The feeds are messed up. Shane says that Vince's ego has gotten the best of him. Shane says that Vince wanted to finalize the deal at Wrestlemania, but Shane already bought WCW. Vince has a shocked look on his face. Shane says that WCW will kick his ass again just like what is going to happen to him this sunday at Wrestlemania. Vince still shocked in the ring.

They hype the main event of Raw, and then Wrestlemania.

Current Title Holders