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WCW Greed
Sunday, March 18, 2001
Live from the Coliseum in Jacksonville, Florida
Announcers: Tony Schiavone and Scott Hudson

Kwee Wee vs Jason Jett
This match was an extra added bonus match. It starts off with Kwee Wee attacking Jett from behind. Jett gets the upper hand on the outside. Jett with a standing sidekick. Jett goes to the top and flies out of the ring on Kwee Wee. Jett with a second rope legdrop for a two count. Jett with a pendulum surfboard swing on Kwee Wee. Kwee Wee hits Jett with a flying forearm. Kwee Wee tosses Jett out of the ring bu his hair. Kwee Wee tries to follow up with a suicide dive but misses. Kwee Wee tries to throw Jett back in the ring, Jett bounces off the ropes and catches Kwee Wee with a ddt. Back in the ring Jett hits the afterburner followed up by a standing moonsault for a two count. Kwee Wee tosses Jett to the outside. Kwee Wee follows out and chokes Jett with the camera cables. Kwee Wee hard irish whips Jett into the chairs and safety rail. Back in the ring Kwee Wee hits a Lou Thez press for a two count. Kwee Wee repeatedly slams Jett's head to the mat. Short arm clothesline by Kwee Wee. Suplex by Kwee Wee for a two count. Kwee Wee reverses a powerbomb from the top into a huricanrana on Jett. Kwee Wee with a face jam on Jett for a two count. Jett low blows Kwee Wee. Jett with a handspring into a back elbow on Kwee Wee. Kwee Wee escapes the crash landing. Kwee Wee with a northern lights suplex on Jett for a two count. Both men collide and Kwee Wee falls out of the ring. Jett gets up then tells the crowd to be quiet. Jett lays down and plays possum. Kwee Wee finally gets up and notices Jett still out. Kwee Wee goes up top and misses an elbow. Jett hits his finisher, the crash landing, for the pin.
Winner: Jason Jett

Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions Tournament Finals
Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs. "Prime Time" Elix Skipper and Kid Romeo
Match starts off with Kidman and Romeo. Kidman with a headscissors takeover on Romeo. Skipper tagged in and drops Romeo on Kidman for a two count. Kidman with a headscissors takeover on Skipper followed up by a dropkick. Rey with a springboard guiloteen legdrop on Skipper for a two count. Rey with a headscissors on Skipper. Rey sends Skipper to the outside with another headscissors. Match moves up on the rampway. Kidman armdrags Skipper off the ramp onto Romeo. Kidman and Rey dive off the stage onto Skipper and Romeo. Back in the ring Rey and Kidman double rock bottom Skipper for a two count. Skipper knocks Kidman out of the ring with a knee to the back. Romeo with a short arm clothesline on Kidman followed up by a choke. Romeo chops Kidman in the corner. Kidman clothesline Romeo. Romeo reverses a shortpowerbomb into a bulldog on Kidman. Romeo with a front suplex on Kidman for a two count. Skipper chokes Kidman on the ropes. Skipper with forearm shots to the head of Kidman. Kidman with a top rope sit-down powerbomb on Skipper. Hot tag to Rey who hits Romeo with a high cross body. Kidman with a belly to back suplex on Romeo. Romeo goes up top and dives to the outside on Rey. Kidman comes off the top to the outside with the shooting star press on Romeo. Kidman with a reverse suplex on Romeo for a two count. Romeo hits Rey with a guiloteen legdrop for a two count. Kidman bulldogs Romeo. Rey powerbombs Romeo and Kidman comes off the top on Romeo for a two count. Rey does the bronco buster on Skipper. Romeo catches Rey in a moonsault and hits the last kiss for the pin. Winners and Brand New WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team
Champions: Elix Skipper and Kid Romeo

"The Beast From The East" Bam Bam Bigelow vs. "The Mecca Of Manhood" Shawn Stasiak with Stacy
Stacy gets on the mic and says the next time she comes out she wants a bigger ovation. Stacy introduces Stasiak. Stasiak gets on the mic and says he truly is the star of the Shawn and Stacy show. Stasiak throws some pictures of himself to the crowd. Bigelow comes out and rips one of Stasiak's pictures up. Match starts off with stick and move punches by Stasiak. Bigelow with a hard right hand then sends Stasiak out of the ring. Running clothesline by Bigelow. Bigelow dropkicks Stasiak out of the ring. Stasiak pushes Bigelow into the ring steps. Stasiak goes up top and hits a cross body. Low blow by Stasiak. Stasiak chokes Bigelow on the ropes. Bigelow goes up top and hits the diving headbutt for a two count. Stacy distracts the ref and Bigelow. Stasiak sprays something in Bigelow's face. Stasiak hits Bigelow with a hangman's neckbreaker for the pin. After the match Stacy and Stasiak liplock.
Winner: Shawn Stasiak

Cat is shown in the back talking to Miss Jones.

Romeo and Skipper are shown in the back celebrating.

Hugh Morrus and Konnan vs. Lance Storm and Mike Awesome
Match starts off with Morrus rushing the ring by himself. Konnan finally comes out. Awesome with a clothesline on Morrus. Storm chops Morrus in the corner. Morrus powerslams Storm for a two count. Awesome with a big boot and legdrop and Morrus for a two count. Awesome with a running clothesline on Morrus. Konnan with the rolling clothesline on Awesome. Awesome with a splash on Konnan for a two count. Storm and Awesome double team Konnan in their corner. Storm with a back elbow on Konnan for a two count. Storm slams Konnan by the head into the ring steps. Awesome with a top rope forearm blow on Konnan for a two count. Storm dropkicks Konnan for a two count. Awesome with a piledriver on Konnan for a two count. Morrus tagged in and hits Awesome with two running clotheslines. Storm superkicks Morrus. Awesome goes up top and hits Morrus with a frogsplash for a two count. Morrus with a release german suplex on Awesome. Morrus goes up top but gets caught by Awesome in the running awesome bomb for the pin.
Winners: Lance Storm and Mike Awesome

For The Cruiserweight Title
"Sugar" Shane Helms vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Match starts off with a headlock by Chavo. Both men trade mat moves then stand off. Chavo with a running clothesline. Helms with a gutwrench suplex. Chavo with a t-bone suplex for a two count. Chavo puts a modified STF on Helms. Chavo pulls back on Helms' knee. Chavo with a belly to back suplex for a two count. Chavo with a ddt for a two count. Chavo with a standing dropkick. Chavo with a pumphandle slam for a two count. Helms drops Chavo face first on the ring apron. Chavo comes off the top to the outside on Helms. Helms with a swinging neckbreaker on Chavo. Helms sugar smack kicks Chavo off the ring apron to the floor. Chavo with an inverted powerbomb for a two count. Nightmare on Helms street but Chavo's foot is on the ropes. Helms sends Chavo out to the floor. Helms goes up top and flies to the outside on Chavo with a crossbody. Back in the ring Helms hits another crossbody for a two count. Helms with a scoop slam. Helms goes up top but Chavo trips him. Helms hits the vertabreaker on Chavo for the pin.
Winner and New Cruiserweight Champion: Shane Helms

For The Tag Team Titles
"Totally Buffed": Lex Luger and Buff Bagwell vs. Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo
Buff and Luger work the mic before the match. Match starts with all four men going at it. Luger hits Buff by accident. Palumbo knocks Luger and Buff both out with kicks. O'Haire does the seanton bomb on Luger then nails it on Buff. O'Haire and Palumbo make a double pin for the win. Total squash. Less than 5 minutes. Buff and Luger finally leave, limping to the back.
Winners: Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo

"The Cat" Ernest Miller with Miss Jones vs. Chris Kanyon
Match starts off on the ramp with Kanyon going after Miss Jones. Cat drags Kanyon down to to the ring and slams his hand on the ring steps. Cat throws Kanyon in the ring. Cat slams Kanyon's face to the mat. Cat powerbombs Kanyon. Cat throws Kanyon over the top to the ouside. Cat arm whips Kanyon into the safety rail. Kanyon hangs Cat on the ropes. Kanyon with a top rope clothesline. Kanyon with a outside-in elbow drop. Cat with a belly to back suplex. Kanyon with a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Kanyon goes up top and gets his feet kicked out from under him by Cat. Cat follows up and hits a superplex for a two count. Cat starts dancing and drops the James Brown elbow followed by the uppercut. Cat with a kick to the head for a two count. Kanyon rolls up Cat and uses the ropes. The ref saw it and said no pin. Kanyon tries a boston crab but Cat makes it to the ropes. Cat hits the feliner but Kanyon gets his foot on the rope. Kanyon throws Cat to the outside. Back in the ring Kanyon hits Cat with his cast for a two count. Miss Jones distracts the ref. Kanyon knocks out the ref. Miss Jones enters the ring. Cat holds Kanyon. Miss Jones kicks Cat by accident. Miss Jones tells Kanyon to bring it on. Jones kicks Kanyon a few times. Cat gets back up and kicks Kanyon with the feliner for the pin. After the match Kanyon gives Cat the flatliner. Kanyon goes to attack Jones until Smooth runs out with a chair. Kanyon runs away.
Winner: The Cat

Buff and Luger are shown backstage discussing their loss. Buff fires the camcorder guy because he is taping the wrong stuff.

For The U.S. Title
Booker T. vs. Rick Steiner
Match starts off with Rick cheap shotting Booker. Rick throws Booker into the crowd. Back in the ring Rick hits a steinerline for a two count. Rick with a double underhook powerbomb for a two count. Booker with a belly to back suplex. Rick ducks a kick and hits a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Flying forearm by Booker. Booker hits Rick with the ghetto blaster. Spinaroonie. Booker knocks out the ref with the harlem sidekick. Rick suplexes Booker. Shane Douglas comes out of the crowd and hits Rick in the back of the head with the cast. Booker hits Rick with the bookend for the pin.
Winner and New U.S. Champion: Booker T

Animal is shown checking on Buff layed out in Scott Steiner's dressing room. Luger comes in and asks Animal what is wrong with Buff.

"The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett and "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. Dustin Rhodes and "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes
Before the match referee Charles Robinson sent Animal to the back. Flair and Robinson get into a shoving match. Match starts off with Dustin and JJ. Dustin racks JJ around the ring post by pulling on his legs. Flair and Dusty tagged in. Dusty knocks down Flair with a shoulder block. Dusty shakes his ass at Flair. Dusty gives Flair the bionic elbow. Dustin tagged in and suplexes Flair. Dustin puts JJ on the turnbuckles. Dustin goes for the dustbuster but Flair intercepts with a low blow of his own. JJ puts Dustin a sleeper. JJ starts working on Dustin's knee. Dustin with a backslide on Flair. JJ puts the figure four on Dustin. Dustin gets out of the figure four and gives JJ a belly to back suplex. Dusty does a double juke n jive on JJ and Flair. Dusty drops an elbow on Flair, JJ makes the save. Dusty double clotheslines JJ and Flair. JJ low blows Dusty. Flair and JJ bump into each other. Dustin rolls up Flair for the pin. After the match Dustin holds JJ in the corner. Dusty pulls down his pants to his underwear and sticks his ass in JJ's face.
Winners: Dustin and Dusty Rhodes

Michael Buffer comes out and announces the next match.

For The World Title
Pinfalls Count Anywhere
Diamond Dallas Page vs. Scott Steiner with Midajah
Match starts off with DDP spitting in Steiner's face. DDP goes up top and hits Steiner with a clothesline for a one count. DDP drags Steiner around the ringside area. Back in the ring Steiner clubs DDP in the chest. DDP snaps Steiner's head across the top rope. Steiner and DDP fight into the crowd. DDP breaks a crutch over Steiner's back. DDP puts Steiner through a table for a two count. DDP hits Steiner with a trash can for a two count. Back in the ring Steiner racks DDP with the middle rope. Steiner with a t-bone suplex for a two count. Steiner puts DDP in a bear hug. Steiner with an overhead release belly to belly suplex. Steiner chops DDP in the corner. DDP walks into a big boot. Steiner hits a belly to belly suplex for a two count. DDP with a ddt. DDP with a clothesline. DDP slams Steiner's head into the turnbuckle twn times. Steiner with a back elbow for a two count. Steiner counters the diamond cutter with a mule kick. Diamond cutter on Steiner. Rick Steiner comes from under the ring and pulls the referee out. DDP attacks Rick and pulls the referee back in. Jawbreaker by Steiner. Steiner hits DDP with the belt for a two count. DDP is bloodied. Steiner puts DDP in a boston crab. DDP makes it to the ropes. Steiner puts DDP in the steiner recliner. DDP makes it to the ropes. Rick hits DDP in the head multiple times. Steiner hits DDP across the back with a lead pipe. Steiner puts DDP in the steiner recliner again. DDP passes out and can not get his hand raised by the third count. Steiner drapes a University of Michigan flag over DDP.
Winner: Scott Steiner

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