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WCW Thunder
Wednesday February 23, 2000

Clips of this past Monday’s Nitro where the Harris Boys went on a terror and destroyed very mid-carder in the land. The clips continue as the Hulk Hogan/Lex Luger confrontation and match are shown.

Backstage we see Kevin Nash in a wheelchair being escorted by two nurses. Some guy comes up to Nash and asks "Nash" how he feels. Kevin looks at him and asks him what he called him. One of the nurses states he has a slight case of amnesia. Nash comes to and realizes he is Commissioner. He orders the ladies to take him to his office

The pyro goes off at the entrance way and we’re taken to 3 Count in the ring lip synching their song. After their song, Fit Finlay makes his way to the ring.

Hard Core Rules
Evan Karagais Vs. Fit Finaly
Finlay knocks Karagais out of the ring right away and follows him out. Fit fights off 3 Count and then puts a sleeper on Evan. Shane Helms comes up with a chair to the back of Fit, but it doesn’t phase the "Belfast Bruiser". Around the ring Fit Finlay takes Evan Karagais. Inside the ring Evan begs off but trips over his own feet. Fit backs him into a corner but the other 3 Count members jump Finlay in the ring. Karagais attempts a garbage can slam from the top but Finlay blocks it with his foot. Finlay gains control and knocks out all members with a trash can. Finlay picks up Karagais and connects with a tombstone pile driver followed by a pin.
Winner: Fit Finlay

In the commissioner’s office, Nash questions the nurses. He states that the Joer has escaped from the Mental Asylum, so they better call Batman, or Bruce Wayne because he knows where Batman is always. Following that, Mean Gene is in the Chosen One’s locker room. The Harris Brothers are sitting on a couch with the nWo ladies while Jarrett cuts an interview. States the Chosen One Reign is in the near future. Jarrett goes on to say that Lex Luger is going to soften up Sid later tonight in their match. Sid Vs. Lex Luger

Through the Kid Cam we see Buff Bagwell hitting on Dafney in a stair well. She asks him how big his arms are.. before he can answer she screams in his ear and then runs up the flight of stairs and out of sight.

Ric Flair makes his way out to the ringside to a mixed reaction. When he reaches the ring the mixed reaction turns into a chorus of boos. Flair puts down Reno Nevada. He then picks a guy of the crowd and hits on his girl friend. Flair has in his hand the yellow and red weight lifting belt of Hogan’s. He states that him and Luger demolished Hogan. Goes on to say he came down to the ring, took Hogan’s belt and whipped his "California Ass". Ric Flair states that Luger will take down the seven foot Sid. Just then Vampiro comes down to the ring. States he has a lot of respect for Flair, but that Flair is stuck with this freak (Vampiro) tonight. Flair questions him about his choice to wrestle the 14 time world champion. Vampiro, while heading up the ramp states he isn’t going to wrestle Flair, he’ll kick his ass.

Backstage Mean Gene reintroduces La Parka to the WCW viewers. La Parka goes off into a rant and states he’ll hit anyone with the chair. After he leaves, Gene blurts out "Not this crap again."

In some dark place backstage, Flair questions Dafney about talking to Bagwell. She states that it was nothing, and that she only has a thing for blondes. Following that, in the commissioner’s office Kevin Nash asks the nurse where Batman was. Nash says he’ll cal Alfred. Calls up somebody on his cell phone and then states they know his number an to call him back. We’re then shown RALPHUS! Sitting on a bench in the backstage as he gets up he questions himself "Who the hell was that?"

Berlyn Vs. La Parka
Pre-match: Berlyn states he is from Germany and although only being in Reno for a day, he hates it. La Parka comes out with the usual chair. La Parka pretty much dominates this quick match, finishes it off with a cork screw from the top.
Winner: La Parka

Kidman and Torrie are chatting backstage. Bagwell confronts Kidman stating he was spying on him with the Kid Cam. Kidman explains that his camera was stolen Monday night. Kidman asks Buff to look out for anybody that might have the camera. Bagwell agrees and then leaves.

Backstage Gene asks Tank Abbott what he’s up to and what he plans to do in the future. Says he’ll be taking out the losers in WCW. Shane(Curly Bill, Vincent) interrupts and states he ants another shot at Abbott Abbott agrees and then leaves. Shane states his real name is Mike Jones.

Buff Bagwell Vs. David Flair w/ Dafney
Flair goes after Bagwell but gets caught up looking at Dafney at ringside. Buff revives and takes over on David. Maestro comes down with Symphony and gets into a confrontation with Dafney. Dafney fends Maestro off until the match is over. Bagwell ended with an inverted DDT into a pin. Maestro jumps Bagwell after the match but Bagwell clears the ring of Maestro.
Winner: Buff Bagwell

For Buff being such a ladies man.. and being the "Stuff" he sure isn’t too popular with the WCW ladies...

A video package of all the matches at Super Brawl is shown. You know, seeing Hogan’s arm in a cast is a start. Now let’s see his entire body in a cast and him locked in a hospital room.

Backstage we’re shown Vampiro practicing kicks on a wall.

Tank Abbott Vs. Mike Jones
Jones knocks Abbott to the outside and then comes off the apron with a double ax handle. Both men back in. Abbott with a modified bear hog on Jones. Backed into the corner Jones sucker punches Abbott. Abbott shakes it off and comes back with the knock out punch. Abbott laves the ring before the referee calls for the KO decision. (Shouldn’t Abbott be counted out? He is leaving the ring before the match ends.)
Winner: Tank Abbott

Ric Flair is shown heading towards the entrance way, backstage.

In the Commissioner’s Office Ralphus is shown making his way into the office. Nash addresses him as Bruce. Nash supposedly believes he’s Commissioner Gordon of Gotham City (The fantasy city that Batman is based out of.

Vampiro Vs. Ric Flair
Usual tie up. Flair backs Vampiro into a corner and with a clean release. Vampiro off the ropes, shoulder block, another Vampiro counters it into a roll up leg submission hold. Flair fights it off and reaches the ropes. Vampiro with multiple clotheslines on Flair. Vampiro with a back body drop that makes Flair roll out of the floor to take a walk. Flair on the apron and is suplexed back in by Vampiro. Vampiro backs Flair into the corner and then connects with a slap. Flair snaps and flips around Vampiro into the corner, a couple of chops for him. Vampiro out of the corner and hits a spin heel kick. Vampiro goes up top but misses a leg drop from the top. Flair working Vampiro in the corner with chops and then kicks. Bring him back to the middle of the ring and sends him down to the mat again with a chop. Flair goes for the figure four but Vampiro tries for a small package. Luger and Liz make their way down to ringside. Vampiro in control with a enziguri. Vampiro attempts to climb the ropes but Luger hits him with the ball bat. Flair recovers and slaps on the Figure Four for the submission victory.
Winner: Ric Flair

Dustin Rhodes is shown walking around backstage.

Backstage we’re shown Vampiro resting. Fit Finlay comes from behind and begins to pound away on him. Mike Tenay informs us that the referee has reversed hi decision on the last match and that Vampiro wins. I guess via Disqualification. Following that we’re shown Kidman and Torrie talking to Booker. Booker questions Kidman about whether he is focused. Kidman says Booker shouldn’t worry and just better have his back.

Dustin Rhodes comes out to the ring and states that this is his time and that he has done every for this business. For no repayment whatsoever. Thanks to this business, he has came from a broken home, been abused and having to have gold suits in his closest. Tells the fans they all can f*ck off. Dustin states he is not finished with Funk, and that he remembers many of times that Funk put his father (Dusty Rhodes) in the hospital. States that Funk is lucky to not be here because if he was, he’d kill him. Goes on to say that he’s heard boo’s for 12 years so they don’t phase him one bit. Finishes by saying when he gets his hands on Funk he’s going to light the biggest cigar and put it out on Funk’s old ass. Funk is shown on the entrance video screen and states that when he said Dustin was better than his father, he was wrong, because they are both useless. Dustin snaps and begins to pummel a WCW crew member at ringside before leaving.

Referee Mickey Jay confronts Terry Taylor and asks him to lift the ban off Mike Johnson. Taylor agrees.

The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea w/ Paisely Vs. Crowbar
The Artist slaps Crowbar, Crowbar begins to slap himself and then begins to fall on his back multiple times. Artist jumps to it and begin to pummel Crowbar. Crowbar flips over the ropes but holds on. He scissors flips Artist on over the ropes and to the floor. Artist back in, Crowbar grabs the lead pipe and tries to use it but the referee blocks him from Artist. Artist steps in and knocks down Crowbar. Artist goes on to the second rope and tries a DDT but Crowbar catches him and executes a suplex into a pinning bridge for two. Back and forth action between the two. Both men end up on the top rope, Crowbar executes a bulldog from the top. Dafney runs down to the ring and slides in. She’s wearing a purple short haired wig so The Artist becomes attracted to her. Paisley comes in and slaps Crowbar. She then goes after Dafney. Ripping off her wig and then knocking her down. Dafney gets back up and goes for a behind take down. The Artist hits a side kick and then pins Crowbar.
Winner: TAFKA Prince Iaukea w/ Paisely

The Wall Vs. Disco Inferno w/o the Mamalukes
Disco Inferno came down to the ring not knowing the Mamalukes were behind him. He got on the microphone and stated that since the Paisans were not here, he and the Wall had the night off. He began to leave but The Wall stopped him. A match started. Wall pretty much dominated this quick match and ended with the usual worthless choke slam.
Winner: The Wall

Backstage Gene has Luger and Liz with him. Luger states that he is going to take out Sid, and that he feels very confident with the dirtiest player in the game, Ric Flair on his side.

Kidman w/ Torrie and Booker Vs. Harris Brothers
Does WCW think show casing Booker as a jobber basically is going to make us believe he is a strong willed man who will fight back from adversary? I don’t think he will. It’s just ruining his character and appeal each time he comes out like that. Kidman and one of the Harris boys start off. Ron Harris tries to take down Kidman but Kidman counters anything thrown at him. Kidman eventually is sent out to the floor where Don Harris jumps Kidman. He slams him off the announcer’s table and then rolls him back in. The Harris brothers dominating Kidman as Booker is unable to get the tag. The Harris Brothers screw up however which enables Booker to get the hot tag. Booker opens up on both Brothers. Booker continues to knock one brother down, go for a pin attempt but the other brother makes the save. Kidman is out on the floor re-cooperating as Torrie comforts him. Booker gets caught up in the action and gets H-Bombed.
Winner: Harris Brothers

Sid is shown backstage making an ass out of himself, throwing his arms up into the air as he mumbles out Sid! Sid! SIIID!

Promo for WCW Saturday Night. Television champion Jim Duggan will defend against Steven Regal. If Regal cannot win he will retire. I’m guessing WCW will have Regal win by DQ or something but will state that since he said if he can’t "WIN" not "Win the title", that his promise is still true.

Main Event
Heavyweight Title Match
The Total Package w/ Elizabeth Vs. Sid Vicious (Champion)

Basic start as Sid sends Luger to the outside. Luger discusses strategy with Liz but is met by Sid. Sid rolls him back in. Luger takes the advantage as Sid climbs back in and begins to punch/kick Sid. Luger locks on a one hand test of strength. Sid breaks free with an atomic drop. Sid calls for the choke slam. But goes for the power bomb. Ric Flair runs down and jumps Sid. Sid drops Luger and goes after Flair. Flair punches away at Sid but to no effect. Clothesline for Flair, Clothesline for Luger, another for Flair. Sid goes for the choke slam on Luger and connects. Sid sets up Flair for a choke slam but is stopped by a bat to the back. Referee calls for the bell. Luger and Flair pound away on the fallen champion. Flair knocks out the referee Charles Robinson.
Winner: Sid by DQ

Jeff Jarrett and the Harris Brothers state they want some action so they head out to the arena. A bunch of security guars and referee’s lead by Mickey Jay hold them back. Mickey Jay states that the executive committee doesn’t want Jarrett near ringside at all tonight. Jarrett says he has a message for them. He nails Mickey with the guitar. The shows fades out as the fallen Micky Jay is surrounded by security guards and fellow referees.

Current Title Holders