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Welcome, to the Legend of Zelda Guide. It's not yet complete; but will be very soon. As of now, I've completed six of the nine levels! They'll probably be up tomorrow, if I decide to be "nice" again and give you guys a little update. Who knows? I may even add the rest of the guide tonight in my spare time! Just keep your eyes never know when something new may appear on this site!

1st Dungeon

2nd Dungeon

3rd Dungeon

4th Dungeon

5th Dungeon

6th Dungeon

7th Dungeon

8th Dungeon

9th Dungeon

GAME GENIE--Below are some codes for this game that you can use. But, you must have the Game Genie to actually use these codes, okay?

XSKUILTA-To wear a purple ring

ESKUILTA-To wear Blue Ring

OSKUILTA-To wear a Red ring

SGAOXK-reveals caves other entrances, including hidden cave's entrances.

SGTOSK- Will show you caves hidden under bushes.

OAKOEK-gives you a brand, spanking new map!

TIKAAI--goes to the next screen, which means no more scrolling. Hallaluah!

YEA0AA- Changes all of your files to the second quest(I believe in this game, if you type your name as 'Zelda' you will get a second quest).


AVVLAUSZ-No Damage to you.

YYKPOYZZ- Make a character that starts the game off with 8 hearts.

NYKPOYZX- Start off with a character that has 16 HEART CONTAINERS!!!

SZVXASVK- Keep your money, even when you buy items!

AEVEVALG- buy things without enough money


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