GAME GENIE--Below are some codes for this game that you can use. But, you must have the Game Genie to actually use these codes, okay?
XSKUILTA-To wear a purple ring
ESKUILTA-To wear Blue Ring
OSKUILTA-To wear a Red ring
SGAOXK-reveals caves other entrances, including hidden cave's entrances.
SGTOSK- Will show you caves hidden under bushes.
OAKOEK-gives you a brand, spanking new map!
TIKAAI--goes to the next screen, which means no more scrolling. Hallaluah!
YEA0AA- Changes all of your files to the second quest(I believe in this game, if you type your name as 'Zelda' you will get a second quest).
AVVLAUSZ-No Damage to you.
YYKPOYZZ- Make a character that starts the game off with 8 hearts.
NYKPOYZX- Start off with a character that has 16 HEART CONTAINERS!!!
SZVXASVK- Keep your money, even when you buy items!
AEVEVALG- buy things without enough money