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Awards :-)

Alright, you've been waiting a long time for this. I've finally created three awards: They go this way:

The Coolest Zelda Site

The Second Coolest Zelda Site

And last but not least, the 3rd Coolest Zelda Site

They may not be the best awards, but what's perfect? You can nominate a site you think is appropriate or eligilible for this award, maybe even your own site. You may even get an award if I just happen to cross your site's path! I will not put the awards here because their are "thieves" in this world who will copy and paste the image onto their site's claiming that they have won it. I will e-mail the winners, and they may post it onto their site. I will list the winners of each award on this page-P.S. the 1st place award may be awarded more than once.

You think you've got the right stuff? Using freedback, explain parts of your site, include the URL, and here are some things to get the award:

1. Your site must at least have five pictures on the whole thing.

2. Music is not needed.

3. Information that is true about any Zelda Game.

4. Does not have to be the neatest.

I am fair with my ruling. Please, not too many curse words or I'll just simply have to exclude your site from the award. Just one thing: The awards aren't the best, I know. In time, I'll improve, though! I promise.

Alright, get set, GO! Explain to me why you're site is the best, and include a URL, your name(or nickname) age, and name of your site.

please include your:nickname,(or real name) your age, the name of your site, and your Site's URL. GOOD LUCK!

Why Should I go you an award?

Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.:

why I should win the award... Stunning, fast, FREE!    
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