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Valentine Day

A Valentine For Everyone

Love, like a delicate rosebud,
Or the daintiest orchid grown,
Must be carefully tended and nurtured,
Be it successfully grown.

Love is the breath of all that is good;
Of all that is noble and fine,
And it reaches the soul as an angel's touch...
One's own special valentine.

Love must be fed to it's deepest roots,
Or its blossoms will wither and fade;
Love needs sunshine for warmth and growth,
But it also requires shade.

Love is the greaterst thing in the world,
The only treasure to last;
It is hope and trust for the future;
Assurance and faith from the past.

Author: Esther Cushman Randall

Give love to all the world, and like a homing bird,
Love will return and fill your heart with song.

May every day be a Valentine Day for you. God bless you always.

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