I Hear America Singing

Breaking, crashing -
The coast’s waves smashing,
Onto that frivolous harbor, there.

Strength and steam,
The American dream,
Working five days for a fare.

The farmer and his flock,
The prisoner and his rock;
The city child who vagabonds.

The Jew and his bank,
The Muslim and his tank,
A tot’ler who tags and yawns.

The Japs in our stocks,
The ‘Rish in our docks,
The Irani who drives us around in his car.

The laund’ring of money,
Embezzler - that one - thee!
And the Asians mock how careless we are.

Oh, America!, the country that was so grand-
Why have you fallen and not taken one last stand?
You exist no longer, other people now own you.
But yet you wonder why you stopped while others grew.